that's quite a writeup.

I have quibbles with various points, but this bit stuck out at me as being ripe for a joke.

"Biden also urged Georgian officials to repeal the country’s controversial law on “foreign agents,” which was introduced earlier this year and is widely believed to have been drawn from the Russian playbook for silencing government critics."

"Joke" headline: Top Foreign Agent Urges Georgian Government to Repeal Law Against Foreign Agents

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My question is if these EU countries can get rid of Soros, why can't we? Because Soros is the Top Foreign Agent most want gone.

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No. No it isn't.

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Time will tell. Better than Harris. I'd be interested to understand why you say that.


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Like all those supposed outsiders who get to wield any sort of power, and you can include Elon Musk in this, his function is to fool the unwitting into thinking he's an alternative while being no more than a limited hangout. Those that actually run the US, i.e. corporations have been selling this false division for decades and, frankly, I'm astonished anyone is still buying it.

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I actually share your concerns. I think I outlined that concerning a second Pandemic. Will Trump fall for it again? But I always take the position: trust but verify. I do think Trump will deport millions of Illegal Aliens, which I fully support. But will he deport all 20-30 million? That would probably require the use of Palantir databases, not just SS and SAVE databases. In fact they would all probably need to be linked. We are currently spending 150-300 Billion/year on Illegal Aliens. Will he cut off ALL the money? We'll see. As the saying goes "talk is cheap." Thanks for writing.

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So, your position, then, is to give up, wait for the whole thing to collapse after billions have suffered and died, and then hope that a remnant of humanity will have learned its lesson.

Thanks for your, uh, "helpful" input. 😒

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Yeah that's definitely what I said.

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That's the practical implication of what you said. You strike me as an absolute pessimist who won't let /anyone/ bring something different to the table because you distrust /everyone/. That mentality guarantees no positive change.

If you can't see the positive change that has begun under Trump 2.0, maybe it's because you don't /want/ to see it.

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I have a number of concerns with Trump: his continued support for mRNA injections, his sovereign wealth fund (where does the money come from?), his push for a 500 Billion investment in AI (again, where does the money come from) etc.

But he is deporting Illegal Immigrants, he is investigating spending through USAID and the Treasury, he is against censorship. At the least let him have a 4 month "honeymoon" before castigating him.

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No, that's all you can imagine is the practical implication of what I've said. I have neither suggested or implied defeatism or pessimism. I'm just aware of history, and recognise that the future of humanity will not be shaped for the needs of the majority by the dim and the unwise scrawling a mark next to the latest billionaire representative of the very people who have created the problems they hope their new champion is going to fix.

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I admire Bruce Cain's great political understanding.

Both Trump and Biden were wrong about pseudo-mRNA drugs. Even if Operation Warp was the trigger, I think the Biden Democrats are responsible for ignoring the abnormal number of deaths from vaccinations that occurred in early spring 2021.

Trump has lived his life solely in the world of money.

Looking at Trump & Biden's career, the have not been trained in scientific thinking.

To understand science, you need to accumulate detailed related knowledge, logically precise thinking, and a certain amount of time.

Because he&Biden did not have the ability or experience, they mistook Fauci for a good medical staff member and gave him a lot of attention.

They also believed what the DOD's BARDA and DARPA said.

Operation Warp-Speed ​​was purely political&economical propaganda,

and they did not have the ability to understand that it was medically impossible to achieve.

(They did not understand that it was crazy to make a vaccine in one year, when it takes about 10 years of clinical trials.)

I think their medical staff probably suggested that it was possible.

As politician, it is probably difficult to admit that what they said was wrong.

I think it is manly to admit their own mistakes when they were wrong, and I think it will increase their credibility afterwards.

The history of Galileo Galilei's shift from the geocentric to heliocentric model around 1600 is instructive.

The church at the time believed that this would undermine their authority, and "stuck to the geocentric model from a religious perspective that was completely separate from physics."

University professors at the time also believed that this would lead to a loss of authority (loss of jobs?), and "tried to use tricks to protect the geocentric model."

However, amateurs who liked physics and astronomy thought that Galileo's ideas were rational, and over the course of about a century, the heliocentric model gradually spread to the general public.

I believe that since (pseudo-)mRNA preparations themselves actually have adverse reactions to the human body,

the general public and doctors will become aware of the abnormalities in people and patients around them,(in fact, that is the trend now)

and from this fact, they will gradually become aware of the negative aspects of (pseudo-)mRNA preparations and, by extension, conventional vaccines.

However, it may take some period of time, just like in Galileo's time.

3 factions related to modern medicine and pharmacology.

If you keep this in mind, it is easier to understand the intentions of those who make statements by looking into their backgrounds.

(1) BioTech faction: Ignores the effects on the human body and focuses solely on genetic manipulation to achieve new results or to earn money. They are not familiar with the reactions of the human body, but they label it as safe.

They receive financial support from the pharmaceutical industry.

(2) Basic research faction: Researches the details of RNA, DNA, enzymes, epigenetics, immunity, etc. out of academic interest.

They are unlikely to receive financial support from the pharmaceutical industry.

It is necessary to dig deep for detailed research,

and many active researchers have a narrow perspective,

and perhaps because they belong to an organization and feel political pressure,

they lack the confidence to speak out about overall issues.

On the contrary, it is professors emeritus and retired professors who have pointed out the dangers of (pseudo-)mRNA preparations from early Cov19.

(3) Doctors: Medicine is a collection of empirical rules based on narrow areas of experience, testing, and clinical trials, or inductive rules based on experiments.

There is no mathematical law, so if you understand the logic, even a layman can understand it to a limited extent.

There are various papers on the accuracy of medical papers, but it seems that only about 50-70% of them are correct.

Even a former engineer who is a layman like me can read medical papers and determine whether the logic of the paper is wrong or correct.

(a) Doctors who don't think for themselves = unaware of the dangers of (pseudo-)mRNA

(b) Doctors who think for themselves =Many people are aware of the dangers of (pseudo-) mRNA

(c) Doctors who sacrifice patients for profit

(d) Doctors who do their best

As an individual doctor, one would be somewhere in the matrix a-d.

The fundamental flaws of vaccines etc. are explained in detail by Charles Robert Richet, Nobel Prize winner in 1913.

Sasha Latipova has a clear explanation.

This qualitative law will be easy for laypeople and physicians to understand as it signals special caution when it comes to biologics.

https://sashalatypova.substack.com/p/the-second-shot-or-what-do-vaccinators?publication_id=870364 https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/medicine/1913/richet/lecture/

This is a precise medical experiment that proves the old Japanese proverb, "Be careful not to get stung twice by a bee."

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