Trump's Election Victory is major win for the Anti-Globalist Movement World Wide
But his recent statements about mRNA injections are concerning
If you work or are a parent be aware that state legislation is being passed to "force vaccinate" your children and those that work. The main focus of this essay centers on talk of a coming Plandemc 2.0 and Trumps ongoing support for mRNA injections. The "forced vaccination" agenda is coming back. The right to refuse any vaccine, especially a mRNA injection, is a basic human right that we must fight to preserve. The second focus is the growth of the Anti-Globalist movement and the Globalists attempts to label us as Pro-Russia, Xenophobes and Racists which, of course is nonsense. The essays are for those that want an indepth analysis of current events. If you were to print it out it would be 61 pages. Don't do that.
This is my first essay after Trump's landslide win on November 5th, 2024. And it was certainly a breath of fresh air to the growing Anti-globalist movement, throughout the planet. That is because Trump has promised to reverse a number globalist policies:
* Stopping mass migration into the United States
* Stopping the implementation of a Central Bank Digital Currency
* Stopping the censorship of free speech by our government and the Big Tech platforms (Facebook, Twitter/X, YouTube etc.).
* Stopping EV emission mandates and other aspects of the "Net Zero" Green Agenda
Trumps victory is even more stunning when we consider all that was stacked against him: multiple lawfare suits, two assassination attempts, Globalist Corporate Media constantly vilifying him. And let us not forget: had Trump lost the Globalist Democrats would have prosecuted him and sent him to prison. Yep it almost seemed like he was protected by some form of divine intervention: something I don't really believe in.
How soon we forget that the polls predicted a very close election between Trump and Kamala Harris. In my previous two essays, prior to the election, I covered the many ways the Democrats were trying to fix the election here and here. Hopefully we will see drastic reform of the voting system before the next election. Of course one obvious reform would be to require paper ballots only. No more Dominion voting machines.
And in the most recent essay, posted a day before the election, I vowed to foment a 2nd American Revolution in order to stop the Democrats from proceeding with their globalists policies. The way I saw it, a Harris victory, would result in the adoption of a Central Bank Digital Currency, an acceleration of Net Zero policies and another 20 million Illegal Aliens invading our country. This I believed would destroy the US economy, bankrupt the American People and gut what remained of our inalienable rights as enumerated in the Bill of Rights. Thankfully Trump's victory makes a Peaceful 2nd American Revolution unnecessary for the time being.
"We shouldn't have been fooled in 2020 and we won't tolerate being fooled in 2024. Hopefully Trump wins by a landslide and this does not become an issue. But if Harris wins, amidst these massive attempts to pack the ballot boxes with illegal votes, 50 percent of the American people will not accept certification of a Harris win. And a, hopefully peaceful, 2nd American Revolution will rightfully ensue. Because this time around we are not going to accept a 2nd consecutive stolen presidential election."
Bruce W. Cain
Fortunately Trump won both the Electoral and Popular vote along with majorities in both the House and Senate. He gained significant support among blacks, Hispanics and the youth vote. In short he was rewarded with a mandate from the American People to stop the insane policies of the Globalist Democrat Party which also included things like sex change operations for Illegal Aliens and young adults, forced vaccinations, allowing trans boys to compete in girls sports and life changing availability of puberty blocking drugs for underage children without parental consent. And let us not forget that Biden forced over 100 million Americans to get the mRNA injection or loose their jobs, while censoring and prosecuting doctors who questioned the Plandemic agenda. Looking back the entire 4 year Biden administration was like a trip into the Twilight Zone.
So yes I was elated that Trump won. But as I will explain Trump made some very bad decisions during his first presidency: specifically his mishandling of the Plandemic. And as I have also said, a number of times, the Anti-globalist movement is neither agile or organized yet to neutralize the main NGO's pushing forward with the globalist agenda: the UN, the WHO and the WEF. At the same time the 2024 election favored Trump as internet journalism (Substack, Twitter/X, Rumble, BitChute etc.) eclipsed Globalist Corporate Media (MSNBC, CNN, FOX) for the first time in history. This explains the globalists censorship that has expanded since 2016 through a fascist alliance between governments and the Big Tech platforms throughout the planet: the US, Canada, France, England etc. They have been trying to silence the growing Anti-globalist movement that is growing throughout the planet under the guise of censoring "misinformation." Of course what they are really censoring is the growing resistance to globalist policies: Mass Immigration, Forced Vaccination, the Green Agenda etc. Misinformation is really just the censorship of Anti-globalist Free Speech.
I also believe the Big Tech platforms are using AI to push forward the globalist agenda. In recent months Google often answers queries with AI summaries that comport with the globalist agenda. I also believe AI is being used to purge Anti-globalist articles and videos from YouTube and Google searches. A properly programmed AI can do the work of thousands of internet censors. And I think I recently saw an example of this when a 3 year old video of mine was removed from YouTube. In the video I was encouraging my City Council to not mandate forced mRNA injections on employees and students. Again it was a 3 year old video that got less than a thousand views. My suspicion is that it was not removed by human censors but rather through Anti-globalist AI algorithms. And I suspect the real reason it was removed is because a second Plandemic Psychologic Operation is about to be launched and they want to "cleanse" the internet of any Anti-globalist resistance.
I want Trump to be remembered with the same reverence I have for our first president: George Washington. So in the coming 4 years it is up to internet journalists and Anti-Globalist activists to hold Trump's feet to the fire: to insure he continues to fight against the larger Globalist Agenda. I hope that Trump and the activist community support more of the planks in the Put People First Agenda (PPFA). The PPFA is posted at the end of this essay. And I hope that our cadre of internet journalists hold Trump’s feet to the fire, should he endorse “forced vaccinations” in his second term in office. In this essay I will discuss two areas where Trump may already be folding: on Plandemic policies and on his recent support for cryptocurrencies.
Trump on Vaccines and the next Plandemic
Trumps appointment of Dr. Nesheiwat to Surgeon General
On November 22, 2024 Trump appointed Dr. Nesheiwat to Surgeon General.
“Dr. Nesheiwat is a fierce advocate and strong communicator for preventive medicine and public health,” Trump said in a statement. “She is committed to ensuring that Americans have access to affordable, quality healthcare, and believes in empowering individuals to take charge of their health to live longer, healthier lives.” Nesheiwat, who specialized in emergency and family medicine, has supported vaccines that Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Trump’s nominee for HHS secretary, has cast doubts about. But she at times seemed to criticize the CDC’s guidance about Covid vaccines, saying earlier this year that for many Americans, especially young people, the vaccine’s risks would outweigh the benefits — while acknowledging that risk is small for the majority of patients. Nesheiwat has been critical of government mandates through the pandemic.
Trump chooses Fox News contributor Dr. Janette Nesheiwat for surgeon general (11/22/2024)
She is also a medical director for a network of urgent care centers in New York and New Jersey.
I sifted through dozens of articles on her appointment but only found this "gem" in a statement Trump made on Truth Social.
"During the COVID-19 pandemic, she worked on the front lines in New York City treating thousands of Americans and helped patients in the aftermath of President Donald Trump's Historic Operation Warp Speed that saved hundreds of millions of lives."
Statement from Donald Trump (11/22/2024)
I find it troubling that Trump would still be saying such bullshit. Trump's Operation Warp Speed was focused on developing the mRNA vaccine. And while Globalist Corporate Media has "memory holed" the deaths and injuries, from the mRNA injection, there is no longer any doubt that is what happened. To say that the mRNA injection, saved hundreds of millions of lives, is a bald-faced lie.
He has made dozens of similar remarks about Operation Warp Speed since he implemented it in early 2020. What is troubling, to me, is that he still stands by the statement. No, Operation Warp Speed, which was tasked with developing a mRNA injection (not a real vaccine), actually resulted in millions of deaths and injuries. And more than likely the death toll from the mRNA injection will only rise moving forward.
He made a similar remark in August 2021, just before Biden forced over 100 million workers to get the jab or loose their jobs.
Former President Donald Trump said that if not for his COVID-19 vaccine effort, Operation Warp Speed, 100 million people might have died from the bug, saying he’s “very proud” of his efforts to get Americans jabbed. “I think if we didn’t come up during the Trump administration with the vaccine, you could have 100 million people dead, just like you had in 1917,” Trump said in an interview on Fox News that aired Saturday night. “You take the Spanish Flu, 100 million people, up to 100 million people, died. I think we’d be in that territory.” More than 616,000 United States residents have died from COVID-19, according to a Johns Hopkins University tracker. The country’s population is 332,601,658, according to the Census Bureau.
Donald Trump: 100M people might have died without Operation Warp Speed (08/08/2021)
Then a few weeks later a large crowd of supporters booed Trump when he told the crowd to get the Covid-19 injection. This is but another indicator that Americans are increasingly choosing independent internet journalists over Globalist Corporate Media. The globalists are pushing for mRNA vaccines while censoring articles that question the efficacy of what I consider a bio-weapon.
Former President Donald Trump was booed while telling a crowd in Alabama to get the Covid-19 vaccine. Alabama is currently struggling with a surge in coronavirus cases. Trump said, "You got your freedoms, but I happen to take the vaccine."
Trump Booed For Telling Alabama Crowd To Get Covid Vaccine (08/22/2021)
Fast forward to today and we find that Trump is surrounding Himself with Operation Warp Speed Accomplices. I encourage my readers to watch the following video by Gregg Reese.
Trump Surrounding Himself with Operation Warp Speed Accomplices (12/08/2024)
This is also worth a read.
Now, that Trump is back in office, he is not only adding a ton of Big Pharma collaborators to his cabinet and staff, but he’s also surrounding himself with some of the same Operation Warp Speed criminals as before. On top of that, a former Trump administration Health and Human Services senior advisor has provided an affidavit stating that those shots were “biological and technological weapons of mass destruction”. Former Trump Administration Health and Human Services (HHS) Senior Advisor, and epidemiologist, Dr. Paul Alexander, provided an affidavit stating that mRNA nanoparticle injections are biological and technological weapons. Dr. Alexander, a Trump loyalist, provided the affidavit in a new case in the State of Florida.
Trump Surrounding Himself with Operation Warp Speed Accomplices As Former Trump Admin HHS Senior Advisor Provides Affidavit: “mRNA Nanoparticle Injections Are, In Fact, Biological & Technological Weapons Of Mass Destruction” (Video) (12/08/2024)
So what is going on here? Is Trump just too self absorbed to admit that Operation Warp Speed was a mistake? Or could it be the appointment of these "Operation Warp Speed accomplices an indication they are getting ready for the next Psychological Operation: Plandemic 2.0? Time will tell.
The mRNA injection resulted in 17 million deaths worldwide
And let us not forget -- despite censorship by Globalist Corporate Media (MSNBC, CNN, FOX etc.) -- that the mRNA injection resulted in 17 million deaths worldwide and tens of millions of injuries. It will be years before we really understand the extent of the injuries and deaths from the mRNA "forced vaccination" Psychological Operation. Biden and other globalist leaders have blood on their hands for violating the inalienable rights of billions, forcing them to take the mRNA injection. In a just world Fauci, and many other perpetrators of this Plandemic Hoax, should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Instead Biden is considering granting clemency to these criminals along with his son Hunter.
A major investigation by Canadian researchers into excess mortality during the COVID-19 pandemic found that patterns of excess death globally could not be explained by a pandemic respiratory virus, The Defender reported last week. Instead, the authors concluded the major causes of death globally stemmed from the public health establishment’s response, including lockdowns, harmful medical interventions and the COVID-19 vaccines. The study by researchers from the nonprofit Correlation Research in the Public Interest analyzed excess mortality in 125 countries — about 35% of the global population — during the COVID-19 pandemic, beginning with the March 11, 2020, World Health Organization (WHO) pandemic declaration and ending on May 5, 2023, when the WHO declared the pandemic over. The investigation concluded that “nothing special would have occurred in terms of mortality had a pandemic not been declared and had the declaration not been acted upon.”
Five takeaways from largest pandemic excess mortality study to date
1. Vaccines caused approximately 17 million deaths and vaccine toxicity increased with age and number of doses.
2. Pandemic interventions led to about 30.9 million deaths globally and vaccines didn’t prevent any deaths.
3. Many deaths were linked to respiratory viruses that could have been treated, but treatment was withheld
4. There was essentially no excess mortality before the WHO declared a pandemic.
5. An ‘elegant’ methodology for analyzing all-cause and excess mortality.
Vaccines Caused 17 Million Deaths During Pandemic Plus 4 More Takeaways From Largest Excess Mortality Study to Date (07/23/2024)
It is also important to acknowledge President Trump's complicity in the Plandemic. I am one of a very few that questioned the entire plandemic strategy in early 2020. I was against the global lockdown that began in March 2020. I was against the masks, the forced isolation, the use of Remdesivir, the prohibitions on alternative treatment (e.g. Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin) and the development of the mRNA injection through Trump's "Operation Warp Speed." We will never know if Trump would have forced Americans to take the mRNA injection as Biden did in September 2021, because he was no longer in office. But it is now quite obvious that the Trillions of dollars, spent by Trump and Biden on the Plandemic, resulted a 20% reduction in the value of our money due to inflation. I always have to laugh when Biden said he would not increase taxes on any individual making less than $400,000 per year. This 20% devaluation of our incomes, investments and the dollar is the most regressive tax imaginable. And it most effects low income workers and retirees on fixed incomes.
Trump and Biden: The National Debt (06/24/2024)
Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic
The Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic Report came out around December 2, 2024 and was generally a scathing criticism about the handling of the Plandemic.
The Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic completed its two-year long investigation and concluded that vaccine mandates were “not supported by science” and did “more harm than good.” The report noted that millions of Americans were saved from losing their jobs in 2022 Supreme Court ruling against vaccine mandates after the Biden administration attempted to force the vaccine via the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). The investigation had a number of other findings that support critics of government policy, including that mask mandates were wholly ineffective, despite the ongoing demonization against those who refused to wear masks at the time.
COVID Select Subcommittee Says Vaccine Mandates ‘Not Supported by Science,’ Mask Rules Useless (12/04/2024)
Today, the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic concluded its two-year investigation into the COVID-19 pandemic and released a final report titled “After Action Review of the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Lessons Learned and a Path Forward.” The final report will serve as a road map for Congress, the Executive Branch, and the private sector to prepare for and respond to future pandemics. Since February 2023, the Select Subcommittee has sent more than 100 investigative letters, conducted more than 30 transcribed interviews and depositions, held 25 hearings and meetings, and reviewed more than one million pages of documents. Members and staff have exposed high-level corruption in America’s public health system, confirmed the most likely origin of the pandemic, held COVID-19 bad actors publicly accountable, fostered bipartisan consensus on consequential pandemic-era issues, and more. This 520-page final report details all findings of the Select Subcommittee’s investigation. “This work will help the United States, and the world, predict the next pandemic, prepare for the next pandemic, protect ourselves from the next pandemic, and hopefully prevent the next pandemic. Members of the 119th Congress should continue and build off this work, there is more information to find and honest actions to be taken,” wrote Chairman Wenstrup in a letter to Congress. “The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted a distrust in leadership. Trust is earned. Accountability, transparency, honesty, and integrity will regain this trust. A future pandemic requires a whole of America response managed by those without personal benefit or bias. We can always do better, and for the sake of future generations of Americans, we must. It can be done.”
FINAL REPORT: COVID Select Concludes 2-Year Investigation, Issues 500+ Page Final Report on Lessons Learned and the Path Forward (12/02/2024)
But right there on page 3, of the report we find this:
"Operation Warp Speed was a tremendous success and a model to build upon in the future. The vaccines, which are now probably better characterized as therapeutics, undoubtedly saved millions of lives by diminishing likelihood of severe disease and death."
COVID Select Subcommittee. Full Report
Again that is just unadultered bullshit. Literally 17 million died from the mRNA injection, world wide, and hundreds of millions were injured. It reminds me of an old quote:
"It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it."
Upton Sinclair
The fact is two thirds our federal representatives, in both the House and Senate, receive large contributions from Big Pharma and most probably have significant investment in Big Pharma as well. In 2020 they received nearly 14 million in contributions, nearly evenly divided between Democrats and Republicans. They are also still allowed to engage in insider trading which would be a major crime for anyone else. That obviously needs to stop. I would recommend doubling their salaries and then prohibiting any further contributions from corporate interests. Any further insider trading should be rewarded with prosecution and imprisonment. Perhaps, then, our representatives would start representing the interests of the American People, and not the interests of the corporate lobbyists.
WASHINGTON — Seventy-two senators and 302 members of the House of Representatives cashed a check from the pharmaceutical industry ahead of the 2020 election — representing more than two-thirds of Congress, according to a new STAT analysis of records for the full election cycle. Pfizer’s political action committee alone contributed to 228 lawmakers. Amgen’s PAC donated to 218, meaning that each company helped to fund the campaigns of nearly half the lawmakers on Capitol Hill. Overall, the sector donated $14 million. The breadth of the spending highlights the drug industry’s continued clout in Washington. Even after years of criticism from Congress and the White House over high prices, it remains routine for the elected officials who regulate the health care industry to accept six-figure sums. The findings, published in a new STAT examination of the drug industry’s political giving, also come on the heels of an extraordinary year for the pharmaceutical industry. In 2020, the federal government leaned heavily on drug makers to develop Covid-19 vaccines at lightning speed — helping to rehabilitate the industry’s reputation and political credibility in the process.
More than two-thirds of Congress cashed a pharma campaign check in 2020, new STAT analysis shows (06/09/2021)
Threats of a 2nd Plandemic in 2025, just a month away
Just about a week ago Big Pharma whore, Dr. Peter Hotez, said we were at the beginning of a new Plandemic. He even suggested a date where it will begin: January 21st, the day after Trump officially becomes president. This reminds me of Event201 which predicted a plandemic in October 2019. And then just weeks later the Covid Plandemic began. For years corporate media censored the Wuhan lab leak and any criticism of Biden's "forced vaccination" policy. Are we really going to fall for this again? As the saying goes: Fool me once and shame on you. Fool me twice and shame on me (for being such an idiot). The fact is Fauci was responsible for funding the Wuhan lab and more than likely the "virus" was really a bioweapon that was engineered in the lab. And of course there is no serious plan to shut all these bioweapons labs down.
Multiple viruses will be unleashed on America the day after Trump takes office says Peter Hortez (12/04/2024)
DR. PETER HOTEZ: "That is completely erroneous. There is no link between vaccines and autism." [Yes there is, LOL] "Here is the reason why we need to care about this stuff, Nicolle. We have some big-picture issues coming down the pike, starting on January 21st. Mr. Bloomberg mentioned H5N1. It’s all over wild birds in the western part of the United States. It’s getting into the poultry, and we’re seeing sporadic human cases. It’s in the cattle, in the milk. That’s just the beginning. We have another major coronavirus likely brewing in Asia. We’ve had SARS in 2002, SARS-2 (COVID-19) in 2019, and these viruses are jumping from bats to people thousands of times a year. There’s still more. We know that we have a big problem with mosquito-transmitted viruses all along the Gulf Coast, where I am here in Texas. We’re expecting dengue and possibly Zika virus to come back—maybe even yellow fever. And there’s more. Then we have this sharp rise in vaccine-preventable diseases, which are increasing in part due to the anti-vaccine activism that’s so prominent right now. We have a five-fold rise in pertussis cases (whooping cough) over the last year, 15 measles outbreaks, and polio detected in the wastewater in New York State. All that is going to come crashing down on January 21st on the Trump administration. We need a really, really good team to be able to handle this."
Dr. Peter Hotez, who was a zealous advocate of the COVID-19 vaccine, issued the warning while speaking on MSNBC this week. He said that President-elect Donald Trump will face an abundance of viral threats upon assuming office on January 21, 2025. It is curious that he gave the exact date that the viruses will be unleashed.
Pro-Vaccine Doctor Warns New Viruses Will Begin Great Plague the Day Trump Enters Office (12/08/2024)
Meanwhile I have noticed a rise in articles talking about the bird flu which seems to be the leading candidate for Plandemic 2.0. The following article chronicles some examples.
We haven’t published anything about bird flu since June. There hasn’t been much to say. Nevertheless, I still regularly comb through journals and news sites, ensuring we don’t miss anything potentially important. During one such search yesterday evening I found this article in the journal Science, its title asking simply: Why hasn’t the bird flu pandemic started? …and, you know what, that’s a good question. Why hasn’t the bird flu pandemic started? Not literally, of course. The bird flu “pandemic” won’t ever really start. If or when it is declared it will be a lie, just like Covid. The question is why haven’t they started the big roll out yet? That is obviously the plan after all. The establishment has been signposting “the next pandemic” since before Covid sidled off the world stage. “Pandemic preparedness” has been a buzz phrase at all the intergovernmental panels and UN summits for at least two years. All the indications were that bird flu was the anointed successor.
Bird Flu: The "Next Pandemic" Is Right On Schedule (12/08/2024)
The pending WHO’s Pandemic Treaty must be rejected by Trump and US legislators
The WHO’s Pandemic Treaty has been kicking around for years but is now close to a vote. I have been warning about this, threat to national sovereignty, for years. One of the best summaries, of the dangers of this agreement, comes from Dr. Meryl Nass and I highly encourage my readers to watch what she has to say about it. Trump was going to defund the WHO shortly before he lost to Biden in 2020. Will he follow through this time? Sadly I have my doubts.
Watch as the brave Dr. Meryl Nass, MD EXPOSES exactly how the World Health Organization could turn into a de facto world government by May of this year. This clip is from her speech at the International Covid Summit III. The proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations & the new Pandemic Treaty, both scheduled to be ratified in May of this year would give the WHO unprecedented powers over its member nations & remove any and all existing human rights restrictions - a de facto world government.
EMERGENCY BROADCAST - Worldwide Soft Coup Imminent! (01/09/2024)
Let’s be clear: this treaty isn’t just about pandemic preparedness. It’s a blueprint for centralized control, cloaked in the language of public health. Here’s what’s really at stake:
* Surrendering Sovereignty: The treaty proposes sweeping powers for the WHO, including the ability to dictate how countries respond to pandemics. National governments would be pressured to align with WHO directives, undermining their sovereignty and ability to make independent decisions.
* Surveillance State: Under the guise of the “One Health” approach, the treaty seeks to establish a global bio-surveillance apparatus. This would enable unprecedented data collection and sharing—effectively turning every citizen into a data point for unelected officials to analyze and exploit.
* Big Pharma’s Payday: This treaty funnels power and profits directly into the hands of pharmaceutical giants. Emergency approvals for investigational products, rushed vaccines, and gene-based drugs will become the norm. Safety? Efficacy? Accountability? Those concerns will be swept under the rug in the name of “following the science.”
* Crushing Free Speech: Provisions to combat “misinformation” are little more than a thinly veiled attack on free speech. Any narrative that challenges the WHO’s one-size-fits-all approach will be silenced, critics will be smeared, and alternative perspectives will be erased.
WHO’s Pandemic Treaty: A Blueprint for Global Control?
Let us not forget that Biden forced over 100 million workers to get the mRNA jab in September 2021. He also forced primary and secondary school children to get the shot as well. For workers the choice was "get the jab or loose your job." For grade school and college students the choice was "get the jab or you can't attend school." And as a result thousands died from the injection and untold numbers are still suffering from the side effects of the shot: including a rise in cancer and myocarditis. The fact is mRNA injections are not true vaccines and were never adequately tested. What ensued was the biggest global human lab experiment in human history which resulted in 17 million deaths worldwide. In addition to the deaths we also saw a significant rise in turbo cancers which may be the result of simian virus 40 (SV40) promoters contained in the injections. Again they are not true vaccines.
Story at a glance:
* Microbiologist Kevin McKernan — a former researcher and team leader for the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Human Genome Project — has discovered massive DNA contamination in the mRNA COVID-19 shots, including simian virus 40 (SV40) promoters.
* SV40 has been linked to cancer in humans, including mesotheliomas, lymphomas and cancers of the brain and bone. In 2002, the Lancet published evidence linking polio vaccines contaminated with SV40 to Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. According to the authors, the vaccine may be responsible for up to 50% of the 55,000 Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma cases diagnosed each year.
* The level of contamination varies depending on the platform used to measure it, but no matter which method is used, the level of DNA contamination is significantly higher than the regulatory limits in both Europe and the U.S. The highest level of DNA contamination found was 30%.
The finding of DNA means the mRNA COVID-19 shots may have the ability to alter the human genome.
* Even if genetic modification does not occur, the fact that you’re getting foreign DNA into your cells poses a risk in and of itself. Partial expression could occur or it might interfere with other transcription translations that are already in the cell. Cytoplasmic transfection can also allow for genetic manipulation, as the nucleus disassembles and exchanges cellular components with the cytosol during cell division.
In the video below, Dr. Steven E. Greer interviews microbiologist Kevin McKernan — a former researcher and team leader for the MIT Human Genome Project — and Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi about the DNA contamination McKernan’s team has found in the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA shots.
As it turns out, spike protein and the mRNA are not the only hazards of these injections. McKernan’s team has also discovered SV40 promoters that, for decades, have been suspected of causing cancer in humans, including mesotheliomas, lymphomas and cancers of the brain and bone.
SV40 Virus Linked to Multiple Cancers Found in mRNA Vaccines, Microbiologist Says (06/22/2023)
Microbiologist Kevin McKernan, a former researcher for the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Human Genome Project, said he discovered simian virus 40 (SV40), a virus found in monkey and humans, in mRNA COVID-19 vaccines. SV40 has been linked to cancer in humans, including mesotheliomas, lymphomas and cancers of the brain and bone.
Kevin McKernan is a friend of mine and his work is unimpeachable. His results have been replicated by others all over the world. He found that the COVID vaccines contain therapeutic levels of plasmid DNA. DNA lasts forever, and if it integrates into your genome, you will produce its product forever
"OK, you were right. We admit the vaccine is contaminated with SV40, but we found some experts who think it's not a problem." (10/19/2023)
How is it that Kevin McKernan, and not any world health authority, found the contamination in April 2023? And why are the FDA, CDC, and the mainstream media still silent about this?
Three primary takeaways from the first Plandemic
1) The forced vaccination agenda was orchestrated to take place simultaneously throughout the entire planet. This required global central planning on all fronts: distribution, censorship etc. And all of the Globalist NGO's worked in lock step to execute the forced vaccination: the UN, WHO and WEF.
2) Forcing literally billions of humans, to get the mRNA shot worldwide, is probably one of the most egregious violations of inalienable rights in human history.
3) The Globalist NGO's -- the UN, WHO and WEF -- wanted to use the Pandemic as an excuse to issue Digital ID's. Fortunately that failed.
So now we have the usual suspects -- such as Dr. Peter Hotez -- warning about a coming Plandemic 2.0. Is it really such a stretch to think that legislation to "force vaccinate" school children and caregivers is in preparation for the next Psychological Operation. Last time they got away with this. In order to stop this from happening again is going to require massive actions on the part of the people throughout the planet. This will probably require pressure at City Council and School Board Meetings. And if that is ineffective then it may require shutting down schools, businesses and government facilities. In any case it is a violation of our human rights to be forced to take ANY medicine, including yet another mRNA injection. It may even require a global Anti-globalist revolution.
States passing legislation to "force vaccinate" school children and caregivers
Hospitals getting ready to refuse service to the unvaccinated
Can children be vaccinated without parental consent or legal recourse? According to a decision made by the Vermont Supreme Court, the government is able to inject kids with experimental products — even if the father and mother do not give their permission. In the proceedings, the ruling focused on the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act and did not address privacy protections under state or federal law nor matters of bodily autonomy. What precedent does this set for the future of informed consent, school immunization programs and medical liability? Learn the details from “Defender In-Depth” guest John Klar, Esq. today, on CHD.TV!
Vermont Concludes Government Can Vaccinate Kids Without Consent (08/21/2024)
I live in Michigan and worked most of my career as a Health Care Analyst. From 1980-1985 I worked in Medical Research and Henry Ford Hospital. From 1985-1991 I was a Systems Analyst overseeing the Operating Room Management Information System (ORMIS) for HFH Main Campus as well as the Satellite. In that role I interfaced with everyone from Surgical Department Heads to the CEO of Ford Hospital (McNulty). ORMIS was responsible for literally generating hundreds of millions in revenue at that time. So you might say I have a rather unique perspective on the evolution of Healthcare in the United States. And during my tenure at HFH what I basically saw was doctors losing power to globalist administrators who were increasingly taking their orders from HHS and other federal agencies. I have also suspected an alliance between Henry Ford Hospital and the globalist Ford Foundations. They were both creations of Henry Ford and his sons. I remember the implementation of Diversity Training around 1987 which was a precursor to programs like DEI today: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. And of course this globalist DEI program is falling apart because 1) it is unpopular and 2) the Supreme Court ruled that it was discriminatory, which has led to multiple lawsuits against companies still pushing the "globalist crap." When the first Plandemic hit, HFH did some initial work on the efficacy of using Ivermectin but were pressured by the Federal Government to stop the research. The current CEO of Ford Hospital, Bob Riney, is basically a globalist "suck up." They were also the first hospital organization, in the nation, to institute a policy of "forced vaccination" for all of it's employees: from doctors to support staff.
All workers, volunteers, students, and contractors at Henry Ford Health System must be vaccinated against COVID-19, the hospital announced Tuesday. This requirement goes into effect Sept. 10, 2021. Henry Ford is the first hospital in Michigan to have a COVID vaccine requirement. "We acknowledge the magnitude of this decision and we did not make it lightly," said President and CEO Wright Lassiter III. "As a leader and trusted voice in our communities, our patients and members depend on us to create a safe, healthy environment. We owe that same promise to our team members. Safety and infection prevention are everyone’s responsibility." According to the health system, the COVID vaccine requirement is consistent with other vaccine policies. Workers must get a flu shot yearly and must be up-to-date on other vaccinations, including measles, mumps, rubella, and whooping cough. Those with valid medical or religious reasons can be exempt from vaccination. "We have consistently advocated for vaccination as the best path forward for all of us," said Bob Riney, President of Healthcare Operations and Chief Operating Officer. "But for vaccinations to truly make a deep and lasting impact on this pandemic, we need everyone in this fight. There is no greater compassion we can show each other than to be vigilant about safety and preventing the spread of this devastating disease."
Henry Ford Health System becomes first Michigan hospital to require COVID-19 vaccine for workers (06/29/2021)
So in 2021 COO Bob Riney said "But for vaccinations to truly make a deep and lasting impact on this pandemic, we need everyone in this fight." Of course what he meant was "I don't give a flying fuck about your inalienable rights. I don't care that this mRNA bioweapon has never been adequately tested. You're either getting the mRNA jab or you can find another job." And even that was bullshit because the same policy was forced upon every Health System throughout the United States and the world. So the real message was basically "get the damn shot or you and your family can go homeless, because we don't give a shit about you or your inalienable rights."
And let us not forget the Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer declared her support for President Biden’s workforce vaccine mandate by December 2021. I'm quite sure the reason she reversed her position was because Biden threatened to withhold federal funds to the state.
Embattled Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer declared her support for President Biden’s workforce vaccine mandate, flipping her previous stance on the issue. The Michigan Democrat said during a Wednesday Zoom roundtable with reporters that she believes the COVID-19 omicron variant is the harbinger of "tough" times and praised the president’s vaccine mandate for large companies. Whitmer said the Michigan state government was preparing to comply with Biden’s mandate, which the governor says is "about saving lives" and "getting more people vaccinated." Gov. Whitmer said earlier this month that the president’s vaccine mandate would be a "problem" for the Great Lake State’s workforce. "If we're successful on those fronts, it's going to be to everyone's benefit," Whitmer said. Whitmer’s stance on Biden’s mandate is a new one, however — the governor said earlier this month that the president’s vaccine mandate would be a "problem" for the Great Lake State’s workforce. "I know if that mandate happens, we’re going to lose state employees," the governor said. "That’s why I haven’t proposed a [state] mandate. We have a lot of the same concerns ... it’s going to be a problem for all of us."
Whitmer declares support for Biden vax mandate, flips stance that it would be a 'problem' for MI workforce (12/23/2021)
And let us not forget that both Whitmer and Cuomo were investigated to face charges over nursing home deaths. And beyond that were the insane arbitrary rules where it was OK to go to a strip club but not OK to attend church services, where you had to stand 6 feet apart, where masks were required to enter a store.
A prosecutor in Michigan suggested that Gov. Gretchen Whitmer could face criminal charges over her handling of deaths at nursing homes in the early days of the coronavirus pandemic as the state attorney general launched a probe into the fatalities. The news comes as Republicans in the Michigan legislature said they will hold hearings into a $155,000 confidential separation agreement made to former Health Department director Robert Gordon amid accusations that it may be a “hush payment.” Macomb County prosecutor Peter Lucido said he’s unable to get information about the deaths at nursing homes and long-term care facilities because of strict laws that shield patients’ health care information. “If we find there’s been willful neglect of office, if we find there’s been reckless endangerment of a person’s life by bringing them in, then we would move forward with charges against the Governor. Of course, we would. Nobody’s above the law in this state,” Lucido told ABC 7 WXYZ on Monday. The questions surrounding Whitmer over the nursing home deaths are similar to the scandal swirling around New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo that even before his mounting sexual harassment scandal had prompted calls for him to step down or be impeached.
Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer could face charges over nursing home deaths (03/09/2021)
Mother told future health service will be suspended unless her child is fully vaccinated
Fast forward to today. The other day (12/05/2024) I was talking to a mother who had just taken her child to HFH for a routine visit. The doctor told her that if her child's vaccinations were not up to date they may no longer be able to provide her health care services in the very near future. And you can bet this conversation is happening across all Health Care Institutions throughout the US and the world. They are getting ready to force everyone take the entire litany of mRNA injections. Otherwise no health care for you or your children. In 2021 they forced vaccinated the entire planet because of the Covid-19 bioweapon during the first Plandemic. In 2025 they are probably going to try to force vaccinate the entire planet because of a Bird Flu bioweapon that is probably being engineered for human to human transmission as I speak. We must not allow this global "forced vaccination" to happen again. At the same time we must demand that all "gain of function" bioweapons labs are closed globally.
Meanwhile Gov. Whitmer and the Democrats are trying to pass a number of "forced vaccination bills" before they loose their majorities in the Michigan House and Senate.
Michigan lawmakers could consider measures critics say are “forced vaccination” bills. Lansing Democrats introduced House Bills 6205, 6206, 6207, 6208, 6209 and 6210 amid the flurry of last-minute legislation they would like to pass during the lame-duck session and before they lose their trifecta control of the state government. State Rep. Phil Skaggs, D-East Grand Rapids, introduced the measures. House Bills 6205 and 6210 have been referred to the House Committee on Health Policy, 6206 and 6207 to the House Committee on Education, and 6208 and 6209 to the House Committee on Families, Children and Seniors. “The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services’ biggest goal is to increase vaccine uptake,” Michigan for Vaccine Choice said on a voter alert page. “What better way to increase vaccines than to impose on your right as a parent/guardian or even the owner of a daycare to an exemption? “House Bills 6205 through 6210 take away your right to an exemption, your child’s right to a free public education and your right to maintain the privacy of yours and your child’s private health information,” the group added. According to the group, House Bill 6208 requires people working in daycares and group homes to be vaccinated and does not include an exemption. House Bill 6206 removes religious and philosophical language from the school code, effectively removing religious protection, while House Bill 6205 would require an “explanation” of religious beliefs on a form, which the group says is unconstitutional. “Additionally, there’s so much in these bills, they’re so poorly written, and they’re being sent to three different committees,” the group said in a back-and-forth exchange on X. “It’s quite purposeful, don’t you think, so that people remain confused?”
Democrats mull vaccine mandates before losing House majority (12/02/2024)
Requires vaccinations for people working in daycares and group homes without exemptions
The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services' biggest goal is to increase vaccine uptake. What better way to increase vaccines than to impose on your right as a parent/guardian or even the owner of a daycare to an exemption? House Bills 6205 through 6210 take away your right to an exemption, your child's right to a free public education and your right to maintain the privacy of yours and your child's private health information.
Fight for Exemptions! OPPOSE HB 6205-6210
Proposed legislation would impose stricter requirements for parents seeking vaccine exemptions. (12/05/2024)
One Health
One Health is being pushed by Biden, the CDC and the World Health Organization
It is yet another policy for globalist central control of everything
In my recent research I keep running into the term "One Health" which is being implemented by the WHO, the Whitehouse, the CDC etc. The following article gives a good synopsis of what it is really about: the global control of everything: people, plants, animals and land ownership. One of the reasons the first Plandemic failed was because there was no central global authority to force compliance. I think the globalist plan is to implement either global digital ID's or a Central Bank Digital Currency. And this is why us Anti-globalist must fight against both. Because once you have a digital ID the government can force you into compliance. Should you resist you will probably be cut off from your money: your bank accounts, your investments etc. And we must be vigilant to any attempt from the Trump administration to implement any of the following: forced vaccination of the public, digital ID's or Digital currencies (CBDC's). And while it is true that Trump is in opposition to "forced vaccinations" and "digital currencies" I don't think we can assume he won't reverse his position on these issues. He was once against cryptocurrencies, a few years ago, calling them a scam against the dollar. Today he want the US to be the crypto capital of the world.
Donald Trump calls Bitcoin 'a scam against the dollar' (06/07/2021)
Nowhere is the entanglement between Trump's business interests and his public duties as stark as in the crypto industry, where he has deepened his personal involvement, while simultaneously promising to champion it while in the White House.
A $6.2m banana, a crypto empire and Trump's potential conflicts (12/07/2024)
Here is a good summary about what "One Health" is really about.
The term "One Health" was coined after the first SARS outbreak in the early 2000s to reflect the danger of new diseases emerging from human-animal contact. It refers to the idea of public health being not just about your health but also about animal and "planetary" health. It is framed in language designed to sound appealing and holistic. Embedded within it is the assumption that, because planetary health is at stake, there must be a global governing body with control over all plants, animals, and human beings to guard this "one health" and to "sustainably balance the health of people, animals, and ecosystems," with equity between prioritizing animals, the environment, and your personal health. The One Health concept has incredibly dangerous ramifications which should be apparent when you consider who is pushing it: the WHO, the World Bank, Bill Gates, the Rockefeller Foundation, the NIH, the CDC, USDA, FDA, and every other Covid culprit you can think of. It includes a sick twist on the adage "Let your food be your medicine" - plans for doctors to write grocery prescriptions - which sounds good until you consider that the prescriptions will be based not just on what is good for you, but on what the medical establishment determines would benefit the planet. Mull over what the elites are actively eliminating from the food supply, as well as the food-adjacent substances they are adding.
Consider the brainwashing of most doctors during Covid, and their refusal to recommend basic health supplements, sunshine, Vitamin D, or effective early treatment, instead leaving their patients at the mercy of remdesivir, ventilators, and mRNA shots. If you don't love the idea of cricket meal and vaccine lettuce prescriptions, this agenda should raise your eyebrows. It also raises the disturbing specter of healthcare being rationed or withheld on the grounds that your health needs are outweighed by environmental needs. When you consider the explicit Malthusian beliefs of the globalists, such an idea carries untold risk. The managers of society clearly believe that the planet's ecosystems would benefit from a reduction in the number of peasants, and this new health paradigm allows them to factor that dogma into the decision of whether you deserve life-saving care, the right to opt out of vaccination, the right to real, natural food, or life at all. In Canada, the number of peasants is already being reduced quite effectively. In Quebec alone, more than 6.1 percent of deaths in 2022 came from the government's euthanasia program, called Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID). Euthanasia is the sixth leading cause of death in Canada; it claims almost as many lives per year as Covid supposedly did in 2020. Canada has plans to expand the program to allow minors under the age of eighteen and mentally ill individuals to consent to physician-assisted death. Disabled and impoverished Canadians report being denied necessary medical care, but being offered suicide instead - including paralympian and veteran Christine Gauthier, who applied for a wheelchair lift but was instead offered death. Beyond medical care, It is hard to imagine any aspect of your life that would not come under the purview of the one health framework. If the health of animals, people, and the environment are all to be weighed equally, the agenda goes far beyond the doctor's office. Where you live, where you can travel, what you buy, how you can spend your money, and what you can eat would all fall under this totalitarian biosecurity system.
Think about this combined with central bank digital currencies, or CBDCs, a system already rolling out in other countries and planned for launch here in the United States. Under this system, all money is digital and centrally controlled. The federal government can program your money so you can only spend it on approved items. Your grocery prescription of insect powder and mRNA-laced vegetables may become mandatory unless you have already established an alternate food supply with the option to pay in an independent currency.
The Globalist One Health Agenda: Threats To Sovereignty & Health Freedom (07/06/2024)
The concept of "One Health," -- encompassing humans, animals, plants -- actually goes back to the early 1900's. But now it has morphed into yet another strategy to centrally control everything on the planet. Obviously it must be opposed. I will just provide links, to additional article on "One Health" should you want a deeper understanding of what it is and who is pushing it.
Ongoing negotiations over the WHO’s Pandemic Treaty aim to centralize global pandemic responses under the WHO, enhance the power of Big Pharma, and reduce individual freedoms. he treaty has stalled on controversial issues such as bio-surveillance and equitable vaccine distribution, and the WHO is under pressure to finalize the treaty before a November deadline. The treaty promotes fast-tracking emergency medical products, raising concerns about potential safety and effectiveness. It aims to impose a one-size-fits-all approach during future pandemics, while silencing dissent and promoting a global pandemic cartel.
Are You Ready for the WHO/CDC One Health Solution? (10/17/2024)
The concept of One Health is the unity of multiple practices that work together locally, nationally, and globally to help achieve optimal health for people, animals, and the environment. When the people, animals, and environment are put together they make up the One Health Triad .[2] The One Health Triad shows how the health of people, animals, and the environment is linked to one another.[2] With One Health being a worldwide concept, it makes it easier to advance health care in the 21st century.[3] When this concept is used, and applied properly, it can help protect people, animals, and the environment in the present and future generations.[3]
One Health Model, Wiki
One Health is an approach calling for "the collaborative efforts of multiple disciplines working locally, nationally, and globally, to attain optimal health for people, animals and our environment", as defined by the One Health Initiative Task Force (OHITF).[2] It developed in response to evidence of the spreading of zoonotic diseases between species and increasing awareness of "the interdependence of human and animal health and ecological change".[3]: 205 [4] In this viewpoint, public health is no longer seen in purely human terms.[5][6] Due to a shared environment and highly conserved physiology, animals and humans not only suffer from the same zoonotic diseases but can also be treated by either structurally related or identical drugs. For this reason, special care must be taken to avoid unnecessary or over-treatment of zoonotic diseases, particularly in the context of drug resistance in infectious microbes.[7]
A number of organizations throughout the world support the objectives of "One Health" including the One Health Commission (OHC), One Health Initiative, One Health Platform, CDC One Health Office, and the Quadripartite Organizations. The Quadripartite Organizations are:
* The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO),
* The World Health Organization (WHO),
* The World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH, formerly OIE),
* The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)),[8] and others
One Health, Wiki
Gates-backed startup raises $26 million for climate vaccines (05/19/2024)
Company develops climate vaccines for livestock as drugmakers eye climate vaccines for humans
One Health: Climate Vaccines Are Coming For The Cattle, Then For Humans (05/22/2024)
Technocracy seeks to take over the entire planet. The late Rosa Koire saw Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy, as “the blueprint, the comprehensive plan of action for the 21st century to inventory and control all land, all water, all plants, all minerals, all animals, all construction, all means of production, all energy, all law enforcement, all health care, all food, all education, all information, and all human beings in the world.”
WHO Needs A Treaty? “One Health” Is Already Firmly Established In America (05/15/2024)
One Health is a Massive Globalist Grantmaking Scam
Eugyppius, Feb 26, 2024
Critics complain about the major role the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation plays in funding WHO, but who else can the agency turn to? The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation – which still stands strong despite its two co-founders splitting up after 27 years of marriage – said last month it was “not right” for the charity to take on such a big role in funding the World Health Organization (WHO). Over the years, the billionaire philanthropists have become the WHO’s second biggest donor, making the health agency heavily dependent on their support to keep functioning. Global health experts say that while this money is welcome, it gives the Gates an outsized influence and underscores the chronic funding problem WHO faces even as it contends with more and more health crises. “WHO has an annual budget less than the size of a single large teaching hospital in the United States and one-quarter of the budget of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),” said Lawrence Gostin, Director of the WHO Collaborating Center on National and Global Health Law.
How is the World Health Organization funded, and why does it rely so much on Bill Gates? (03/02/2023)
In 2022 the Biden Administration mentions "One Health" as part of a Health Worker Initiative.
"This pandemic has spotlighted the critical role and bravery of health and care workers. That’s why I’ve asked my Administration to develop a global health workforce plan, to accelerate our contributions to the Sustainable Development Agenda and investments in health and care workers."
President Joseph R. Biden, April 7, 2022
Achieving global health security requires a multi-sectoral approach that incorporates an understanding of the linkages among human, animal, and environmental health– a “One Health” approach. As part of the U.S. Government’s Global Health Security programs, USAID is investing up to $85 million over five years to create a “next generation” health workforce. In 2021, USAID worked with more than 110 universities in 17 countries across Africa and Southeast Asia to train more than 18,000 current and future health workers for more effective disease surveillance and control. CDC has partnered with five leading international organizations to develop the Global Laboratory Leadership Programme (GLLP). The GLLP is a comprehensive One Health-based training program for human and animal health laboratories. The GLLP is currently implemented in over 20 countries in the Americas, Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. In addition, the CDC Field Epidemiology Training Program (FETP) is recognized worldwide as an effective means to strengthen countries’ capacity to prevent, detect, and respond to public health threats through enhanced surveillance, epidemiology, and outbreak response functions. CDC works with partner countries to establish FETPs and to train epidemiologists across all levels of a country’s health system. To date, FETP has been implemented in more than 80 countries around the globe with more than 20,000 graduates with many FETP graduates becoming leaders and managers in Ministries of Health or national public health institutes. These activities accelerate progress of the United States Global Health Security Strategy, and will continue to help our partners build country-level capacities in line with their World Health Organization Joint External Evaluations, National Action Plans for Health Security, and other tools the strengthen compliance with the International Health Regulations (IHR 2005).
FACT SHEET: The Biden-Harris Administration Global Health Worker Initiative (05/11/2022)
And just when you think the globalists have given up on the Plandemic we find that a European Vaccination Card will be piloted in five countries. Just like a digital ID, or digital currency this could easily be used to push "forced vaccinations." Either make sure you vaccinations are up to date or you could loose your job or have your bank account frozen.
Despite decades of awareness, zoonotic diseases – those transmitted from animals to humans – continue to pose a significant threat to global health.[1] In the face of the unprecedented COVID-19 crisis, our global lack of preparedness for such outbreaks became starkly apparent. However, it also sparked a surge of innovation, leading to the rapid deployment of multidisciplinary approaches and new technologies that helped us understand, treat, and protect against the virus, ultimately bringing the crisis under control.[2] These innovations included new medicinal products, such as vaccines, as well as advanced tools like those for modelling and forecasting. As Europe transitions from emergency measures to long-term COVID-19 management, there is a critical opportunity to strengthen resilience and increase preparedness for future health threats. The European Vaccination Beyond COVID-19 (EUVABECO) project seeks to leverage this momentum by initiating pilot projects to develop and test implementation plans for tools that support both routine and crisis vaccination practices.
European Vaccination Card will be piloted in five countries (07/22/2024)
‘A European Vaccination Card will enable informed vaccination, according to experts working on the EUVABECO project. Latvia, Greece, Belgium, Germany and Portugal will pilot the new tool from September.’
MPOX Outbreak Spreads | Is The US Ready For Pandemic 2.0 (08/17/2024)
As the Anti-Globalist Movement grows world wide the globalist bureaucrats are becoming tyrants
I have been covering the growing Anti-globalist movement for many years. They were responsible for protests, throughout Europe in August 2020, when they started protesting against the Plandemic lockdowns and forced vaccination agenda. By 2024 they were united against Mass Immigration -- just like in the US -- and were able to secure significant wins in the elections in England, France, Spain. They are also against many other globalist policies including digital IDs, digital currencies, Environmental "Net Zero" policies. It is a misnomer to say these are right wing xenophobes, racists etc. They are simply tired of their government ignoring their interests: a secure border just being one example. The globalist left (mostly democrats in the US) insists they are for democracy, which basically means that the people rule. If the people really ruled the borders would already be closed and many other globalist policies would be thrown on the trash heap of bad ideas. The majority is increasingly opposed to the entire globalist agenda.
And the globalists are using similar tactics in the US and throughout the EU. They accuse the right wing (e.g., Anti-Globalists) of being racist or colluding with Russia, Russia, Russia. They use lawfare in attempts to disqualify or imprison Anti-Globalist candidates, as they did to Trump. And more recently they have been trying to reverse elections won by Anti-globalist candidates: suggesting they won through election fraud.
I encourage you to read "Democracy Is Dead: A Coup Against Right Wing Movements Is Underway In Europe" as it provides a good summary of what has been happening throughout Europe to suppress the growing Anti-Globalist Movement. And then read about the Georgia Dream Party as that is not covered in "Democracy is Dead."
In the past, progressive elites were not generally threatened by the campaigns of the old center and center-right parties because those groups have long been managed by fake conservatives with no intention of disturbing the deviation of the Overton Window to the radical left. But of course, times have changed. Legitimate opposition to the far-left is rising in the form of political parties fighting for secure borders and anti-wokeness initiatives, and the progressives are furious. They've had a taste of near total power, and though they claim to be the patron saints of Democracy they are openly adopting authoritarian ideals in order to keep that power. In the US the far-left has been pursuing an all out propaganda war and has abused the legal system for years as a means to stop conservatives from returning to government. The lawfare tactics utilized against Donald Trump were unprecedented, but ultimately failed. In Europe, though, leftists are finding more success. In Germany the establishment is attempting to ban the increasingly successful AfD Party on the grounds that they represent a "return to fascism". Over 100 legislators backed the resolution, though it is unclear if a vote will be taken. The AfD is the second most popular party in Germany and has recently put a candidate forward for chancellor in the upcoming February elections. All other political parties in Germany are variations of the progressive spectrum. Leftists say that if the AfD gains any significant governmental power they will refuse to work with them, preferring to leave the German government in a state of limbo rather than accept the will of the voters. It should be noted that Germany's coalition government is already collapsing and the country is in crisis. In France, the increasing success of Marine Le Pen and her National Rally Party has been met with extreme derision by the progressive elites. The establishment under Emmanuel Macron engaged in political chicanery after the National Rally won the first round of the French elections. The centrists established a coalition with the radical leftists as a way to prevent the right wing from taking power. The move was technically legal, but considered by many to be an immoral effort to deny conservative French voters a voice. The elites are also attempting to use lawfare against Le Pen, conjuring charges of misuse of EU funds with the intent to ensure she can't run in the 2026 elections. As in Germany, it should be noted that the very coalition that was put in place to keep the right wing out of government has now collapsed under a no confidence vote of Prime Minister Barnier and France is currently in crisis. In Britain, there is no right wing party to represent public interests. The current progressive/globalist regime has violated the spirit of the Brexit vote and has opened the borders of the country wide to third-world immigration. The results have been disastrous. The government and the British media now spend most of their time trying to hide the spike in violent crime committed by migrants across Europe and the UK. Without representation the British public has taken to the streets to protest. In response, the leftists have clamped down on free speech, arresting people who criticize open immigration online. Democracy is fully dead in Britain. In Romania, the Constitutional Court has for the first time canceled the results of a presidential election because a "right wing" candidate unexpectedly won the first round. The government claims Calin Georgescu received an online boost on his campaign TikTok account from Russian sources and this represented a "distortion of the vote". The court has produced no concrete evidence to support this claim, nor have they explained how artificial Russian traffic on Georgescu's TikTok account translates to Romanian votes. The courts are now determining if they will bring criminal charges against Georgescu. After all, they can't run another election only for the candidate to win again and prove the Russian accusations are a hoax. Prosecutors are raiding his apparent campaign financiers looking for proof of election interference. Georgescu says he has never had any ties to Russia or any other foreign entity; he called the Constitutional Court in Romania a 'mafia court' participating in a coup against the Romanian people.
Democracy Is Dead: A Coup Against Right Wing Movements Is Underway In Europe (12/09/2024)
In Georgia they are threatening to reverse the win by the Anti-Globalist "Dream Party"
I’m covering recent events in Georgia and the rise of the Anti-Globalist “Dream Party” because it is not covered in the “Democracy is Dead” essay (above). I would encourage readers to first watch the video below. Basically the globalists are attempting to shut down the “Dream Party” through lawfare and possibly through a color revolution: similar to what happened in the Ukraine beginning in 2014.
“There has always been an authoritarian Europe, but in the last decade right-wing populist parties have surged and acquired a reputation for defending citizens against external forces like immigration, drugs, and the European Central Bank. Georgian Dream has aligned with this European ideology of the right. Its potential allies include Italy, Finland, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, and Czechia.”
FALSE FLAG ALERT! U.S. is starting a color revolution in Georgia (12/05/2024)
Could “Georgia Dream” (GD) have won a majority on Oct. 26 without electoral manipulation? Maybe. But GD was greedy to obtain a constitutional majority (113 of the 150 seats) and went all out to maximize votes by cheating on a grand scale. Georgians wish to be European; most of its citizens want to join the EU and NATO. But Europe is changing, and GD is changing with it. There has always been an authoritarian Europe, but in the last decade right-wing populist parties have surged and acquired a reputation for defending citizens against external forces like immigration, drugs, and the European Central Bank. Georgian Dream has aligned with this European ideology of the right. Its potential allies include Italy, Finland, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, and Czechia. Georgian Dream can claim to be European without being liberal or even democratic.
Mapping Georgian Dream’s Path to ‘Victory (11/04/2024)
State prosecutors in Georgia say they have launched an investigation into opposition allegations of “falsification” in recent parliamentary elections won by the governing Georgian Dream party. The prosecutor’s office said in a statement on Wednesday that it has also summoned President Salome Zourabichvili, who has repeatedly said the vote count was falsified. The European Union criticized “irregularities” in Saturday’s vote and called for an investigation. United States President Joe Biden said he was “deeply alarmed” by democratic “backsliding” in the country. The electoral commission announced that Georgian Dream won with 54 percent of the vote, amid protests from the pro-Western opposition that denounced the election as a “constitutional coup”. The prosecutor’s office said the investigation was being opened at the request of the electoral commission, which had previously said that the election was free and fair. Zourabichvili, who “is believed to possess evidence regarding possible falsification … has been summoned to the investigative agency for an interview” on Thursday, it added.
Georgia prosecutors investigating allegations of election fraud (10/30/2024)
State prosecutors say probe comes at request of electoral commission as they summon President Salome Zourabichvili who alleges Russian interference.
Thousands of demonstrators in the Georgian capital converged on parliament again on Tuesday, venting outrage against the governing party’s decision to suspend negotiations on joining the European Union. Like on five previous nights, riot police used water cannons and tear gas to push back the protesters, who threw fireworks at police officers and built barricades on the Georgian capital’s central boulevard. Nearly 300 protesters have been detained, and 26 people, including three police officers, have been hospitalized with injuries. “The more force they use, the angrier people become, because everyone they arrest has relatives, and everyone understands that this is injustice,” said Tamar Kordzaia, a member of Unity National Movement opposition group. Kordzaia voiced confidence that the protesters will achieve their goal of calling new elections and joining the EU, noting that police on Monday “looked very tired. I am sure we need to withstand a little longer.” The ruling Georgian Dream party retained control of parliament in the disputed Oct. 26 parliamentary election, which was widely seen as a referendum on Georgia’s EU aspirations. The opposition and the pro-Western president have accused the governing party of rigging the vote with neighboring Russia’s help and boycotted parliament sessions.
Demonstrators again converge on Georgia’s parliament after the country’s EU bid was suspended (12/03/2024)
United States Senate in May 2024 considered a bipartisan Georgia sanctions bill that would target the Georgian Dream lawmakers, their families, and others who "have material responsibility for undermining or injuring democracy, human rights, or security in Georgia".[173] Similar sanctions as well as suspension of visa-free travel for the country have been pushed by several EU countries.[174] Mamuka Mdinaradze, the parliamentary majority leader, has stated that threatening Georgian officials with sanctions over passing legislation is unacceptable and instead asked the US to take steps that will strengthen Georgia-US partnership, like the introduction of free economic relations, visa liberalization, and direct flights with Georgia.[175] The party has accused the United States of conducting a "policy of blackmail, intimidation".[176]
On 6 June the United States announced sanctions against Members of the Georgian Dream party, members of Parliament, law enforcement, private citizens, along their immediate family members, "responsible for or complicit in undermining democracy in Georgia, such as undermining the freedom of peaceful assembly and association, violently attacking peaceful protesters, intimidating civil society representatives, and deliberately spreading disinformation at the direction of the Georgian government"
Georgian Dream Party
U.S. President Joe Biden on Tuesday criticized the conduct of Georgia’s recent parliamentary election, which was marred by violence, and joined calls by European leaders for a transparent investigation into possible violations. Biden, who noted that international and domestic observers hadn’t described the elections as “free and fair,” called on the Georgian government to begin an “inclusive dialogue with all political forces in Georgia about restoring election integrity.” Biden also urged Georgian officials to repeal the country’s controversial law on “foreign agents,” which was introduced earlier this year and is widely believed to have been drawn from the Russian playbook for silencing government critics.
Biden ‘deeply alarmed’ by democratic backsliding in Georgia after election outcry (10/30/2024)
U.S. president calls on authorities in Tbilisi to investigate election violations and to repeal a Russian-style “foreign agent” law.
Also worth mentioning is that Soros's "Open Society Foundation," which pushes most planks of the globalist agenda, is being banned throughout Europe. The globalist left insist this isn't true because Soros himself has not yet been banned. My question is why we, in the United States, have not cut Soros's funding by our own government. After all he is being paid by our own government, through USAID, to bring caravans of Illegal Aliens into the United States among other things (financing BLM). It makes a mockery of US democracy (e.g. the people rule) as 62% of the American People want mass deportations, which is why Trump won. The sad reality is the Globalist Deep State has long been ignoring the will of the American People. And that needs to change.
George Soros Now BANNED From 6 Nations!!! (10/01/2019)
Concluding Remarks
Hopefully my concerns about Trump pushing a Plandemic 2.0 are misplaced. And we should all feel relieved that globalist Kamala Harris lost to Trump. From a global perspective the Anti-Globalist movement is growing both in the US and Europe, as well as in other parts of the world. And I'm quite sure that Trumps promise for mass deportations will embolden Anti-Globalists throughout the planet. I will end this essay by reposting my "Put People First Agenda" (PPFA) which is just a list of Anti-Globalist planks. Many of these planks are already being adopted by activists and I hope that continues. What I would really like to see is Trump's endorsement of PPFA. Perhaps that is just wishful thinking. Then again hoping costs me nothing.
One thing I encourage my readers to do is sign the PPFA petition below. It will send a direct message to your representatives and put them on notice that there is growing support among the American People.
The Put People First Agenda (PPFA)
In my version of the Garden of Eden one should always be encouraged to eat from the tree of knowledge but should never meddle with the tree of life as that is above the pay grade of ANY human: past, present or future. Think of the sorcerers apprentice and all the unanticipated problems his meddling created. Those of us that understand the complexity of the global ecosystem tend to abide by the precautionary principle. The globalists have the audacity to think they can meddle with the Tree of Life with no consequence. They they seem to abide by the "Let's just do shit and see what happens" principle. I can't seem to find an antonym for the Precautionary Principle.
Our globalist corporations have obviously ignored this warning as GMO farming began/expanded in the early 1990's. Using CRISPR and other cutting edge technologies they have meddled with the tree of life: terminator seeds, plants that produce insecticides (which we eat), spraying plants with Glyphosate etc. Already it is clear these technologies are causing harm to human health. Then we have fluoride in the water supply, endocrine disruptors, PFAS chemicals etc., in or food and water. None of this makes sense and represents a willful refusal to consider what our collective knowledge (e.g., the tree of knowledge) should be telling us about the harm these substances unleash on the human population. But is goes on unabated because global corporations can profit in the short run.
Then came the Plandemic and the mRNA vaccines the did not prevent infection/transmission but did cause considerable harm and death. Worse yet there is growing evidence that these mRNA injections may actually be modifying our DNA and the consequences are just beginning to be understood. Of course this has all been ignored by globalist corporate media. And over the past year I have read numerous papers about self assembly nanobots within the vaccines and much more. I've yet to write about this subject as, at first, I was a skeptic. But perhaps it is time to cover the subject because there is plenty of evidence/papers etc. which suggest the globalists want to use mRNA concoctions in conjunction with 5G EMF radiation to control our moods and literally allow the government to get inside our heads. And thanks to the author for detailing the programs that are already underway.
It is now obvious that the WEF, UN, WHO etc. want full control of humanity. They aren't even shy about their plans: a Great Reset where you will own nothing (and really won't be happy at all). And it is all spelled out in Agenda21, Agenda2030, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's). They have very complex plans to exert control of every human on planet Earth. Their goal is a fully controlled global population -- which will relegate every human to the status of a slave on a globalist plantation.
WE THE PEOPLE, of planet Earth, need to immediately unite behind our own complex agenda in order to stop this globalist coup. To that end I've put together what I call the "Put People First" agenda, which has developed over the past 5 years. I'm encouraging everyone to endorse this agenda and cite your support at City Council, School Board meetings as well as during protests. As Benjamin Franklin once said at the signing of the Declaration of Independence: "We must all hang together, or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately." Here is the PPF agenda as it currently exists:
* No Lockdowns EVER again
* No forced masking ANYWHERE
* No forced vaccinations under ANY circumstance whether that be from injection, food or chemtrails
* Absolutely no vaccine passports or digital currency
* Reinstate all of those that lost jobs for refusing to get the mRNA injection, including all of our Healthcare workers
* Universal non-coercive choice: Wearing a mask or getting a mRNA injection will be up to each individual and there will be ABSOLUTELY no penalty for not complying in or out of the workplace.
* No more censorship of ANYONE whether that be on social media, corporate media or at the workplace. No one should ever be censored or punished for exercising their First Amendment Right to Free Speech.
* Impeach Biden/Harris and reinstate Trump as our president.
* Stop the LGBTQ and CRT indoctrination in our schools and corporations
* Stop the Climate Agenda and make Energy Independence Priority Number One.
* Send every Illegal Alien, that Biden has brought in through Open Borders, back home.
* Stop the illegal mass imigration invasion worldwide
* Legalize the personal cultivation of Cannabis, Psilocybin.
* Legalize the right to take Ivermectin, Hydrochloriquine and other anti-viral herbs and drugs
* Legalize the right to choose when it comes to vaccines, abortion, drugs etc.
* Eliminate Genetically modified vaccines, plants, animals (fish, cattle etc.) and the use of Glyphosate.
* Eliminate the use of Geoengineering: Chemtrails, HAARP etc.* Eliminate the fluoridation of our water supply.
* Stop allowing Blackrock, and other financial institutions from buying up residential properties which will make it impossible for future families to own a home and build up equity.
* Demand your government defund and exit the UN, WHO and WEF
Obama: The Master of Projection
Everything Obama accused Trump of is actually what he did. We call that projection.
Yesterday Obama declared that if one side attempts to cement a permanent grip on power through suppressing votes, politicizing the military, or weaponizing the judiciary and criminal justice system to target opponents, "a line has been crossed." Well that line was crossed eight years ago when Democrats started waging nonstop lawfare and baseless defamation of President Trump. Then they stole the 2020 election with fake ballots and vote rigging. So now what, Barry?
Full Barack Obama speech month after Donald Trump 2024 Election win hopes for unity, bipartisanship (12/05/2024)
that's quite a writeup.
I have quibbles with various points, but this bit stuck out at me as being ripe for a joke.
"Biden also urged Georgian officials to repeal the country’s controversial law on “foreign agents,” which was introduced earlier this year and is widely believed to have been drawn from the Russian playbook for silencing government critics."
"Joke" headline: Top Foreign Agent Urges Georgian Government to Repeal Law Against Foreign Agents
No. No it isn't.