The LA Fires were the result of Globalist Policies and not Climate Change
Did Smart Meters, Geoengineering and DEWs also contribute to the historic fires
The LA Fires are said to be the most destructive fires in California's history, destroying over 12,000 homes and causing nearly 300 billion in damage. And as of this essay the fires are not contained and heavy winds are expected to increase in the next few days There is no doubt that 100 mile/hour Santa Ana winds, flying cinders and extreme drought conditions were a significant cause of the fires. But the primary cause was the lack of forest and water management. In addition I have concerns that geoengineering, DEWs, Smart Meters and other technologies may have also been employed. From the Camp Fires (2018) to the current LA Fires (2025) one troubling similarity is the intensity and uniformity of the fire damage. Beyond that the homes seem to be burning from the inside out and the surrounding vegetation is often unscathed. This suggests that additional technologies -- such as Smart Meters, Geoengineering, Chemtrailing etc. -- may also be implicated. It is also suspicious that both LA and Lahaina were slated to become Smart Cities before the respective fires occurred.
Since January 7, 2025, an ongoing series of 23 catastrophic wildfires have affected the Los Angeles metropolitan area and surrounding regions. The fires have been exacerbated by drought conditions, low humidity, and hurricane-force Santa Ana winds, which in some places have reached 100 miles per hour (160 km/h; 45 m/s). As of January 14, 2025, the wildfires have killed at least 25 people,[1][2] forced over 200,000 to evacuate, and destroyed or damaged more than 12,401 structures.[3] Most of the damage has been done by the two largest fires: the Palisades Fire in Pacific Palisades and the Eaton Fire in Altadena. They are likely the second and fourth most destructive fires in California's history, respectively.
According to JPMorgan estimates published on January 9, the insured losses from the fires were projected to exceed $20 billion, which would set a new record for wildfire-related insurance claims in U.S. history. This figure would substantially surpass the previous record of $12.5 billion in insured damages set by the 2018 Camp Fire, as documented by Aon. A total economic loss of $50 billion was predicted by JPMorgan, which AccuWeather predicted could rise to $57 billion. JPMorgan noted that these figures could rise further due to the fires' continued spread and lack of containment.[161][162] By January 12, damage cost predictions were estimated to be about $135 billion.[163] The following day, AccuWeather updated their damage predictions to $250–275 billion, with the high number attributed to high housing costs in affected areas such as Malibu and Santa Monica.[164] It was estimated that European reinsurance companies will also be impacted due to financial losses from wildfires, including Swiss Re, Hannover Re, and Société Commercial de Réassurance.
January 2025 Southern California wildfires, Wiki
An Anti-Globalist take on the historic LA Fires
Political Cartoonist Branco summarizes the real reasons for the historic LA Fires perfectly:
* Poor Forest Management
* No Water because we had to save the smelt (fish)
* Shipped equipment to the Ukraine
* Cut Fire Department 17.6 million and give it to the homeless
* Not enough Firefighters after firing hundreds who refused the jab
* The Green Agenda
* Focus on DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion)
Sadly this barely scratches the surface of the crimes visited upon the people of LA. And frankly I think Gov. Newsom and many other need to be criminally prosecuted and imprisoned for their treachery.
As an Anti-Globalist I have been warning about the insidious globalist agenda for the 36 years that I have been writing. These various globalist organizations (the UN, WEF, WHO etc.) have been pushing policies like suppression of free speech, mass migration, fake Anthropogenic Climate Change (e.g., "man mad climate change), Digital ID's, Digital Currency, Smart Cities (e.g., 15 minute cities -- and more recently global forced injection programs (e.g., the Plandemic) -- to bring about a One World Government where we all become nothing more than controllable slaves within a Global Plantation of centralized Smart Cities. And that is why I have been pushing the Put People First Agenda — for the last several years —in order to stop their agenda from coming to fruition. Please consider reading it and signing the petition so your representatives will know where you stand.
When I was born, 70 years ago, a family could afford a house, car college etc. with a single income. Today most young adults cannot afford a house, car, children etc. with two full time incomes. The Middle Class is nearly dead and the vast majority of Americans are falling behind.
Historically our global oligarchs have looked upon the unwashed masses as nothing more than either useless eaters -- those retirees and indigent that no longer contribute to society -- or useless idiots -- those workers that are clueless to their subjugation by the globalists. With each industrial revolution they have increased their power and influence. But something unprecedented is happening which has never happened in 300,000 years of human history: the 4th Industrial Revolution. With the melding of robots, AI and quantum computing it is estimated that 50% of all jobs will be eliminated in just the next 20 years. And as the value of human labor decreases so does the value of human life. So now many of these Globalist Eugenicist are publicly discussing mass reductions in human population.
When Biden ran for the presidency (2020) I tried to warn the American People that he was a globalist and that his "Build Back Better" slogan originated from Klaus Schwab's World Economic Forum (WEF). In June 2020 Schwab authored the book "The Great Reset" that predicted a future where common people would own nothing but would somehow be happy. Because of both Biden and Trumps spending, interest rates rose to 9% (2022) and inflation devalued our money by nearly 20 percent during the Biden Administration. Add to that the skyrocketing cost of insurance (home, car, health) - and the influx of 20 million Illegal Immigrants -- and it is clear to see the "Great Reset" is happening before our eyes and the American People are going broke.
One of the things I've been saying over the decades is that the greatest shortcoming of humanity is to underestimate the evil of our rulers. So now let me put the LA Fires into perspective.
The LA Fires have a lot in common with what has already happened with the Camp fires, the Paradise fires, Lahaina and more recently the hurricane in Western North Carolina. Similar catastrophes have also been happening throughout the planet over the past decade or so. I will try to append this essay with links to my analysis of these events. What they all have in common is some combination of bad forest management, bad water management, Geoengineering (Nexrad, HAARP, Chemtrailing) Directed Energy Weapons and weaponized Smart Meters etc., to devastate rural and suburban populations and push them into centralized "stack and pack" Smart Cities. Meanwhile Globalist Corporate Media (CNN, MSNBC, FOX, AP, Reuters, USA Today etc.) gaslights the people and censors any meaningful discussion about government mismanagement of the fires. Instead they blame it all on Anthropogenic Climate Change when the truth is, the real problem is Anthropogenic Criminal Negligence. Then when the fire has completed it’s devastation they never report on the fact that few are able to rebuild because of underinsurance or clauses in the policies that don’t really cover large fires or other “acts of god.” But they aren’t really “acts of god” but rather criminal negligence and gross mismanagement of resources.
In the case of the LA Fires the main tactic has been decades of bad forest management which has turned many of our forested regions into tinder boxes. I love Bronco's cartoons but "bad forest management" would have been a great addition to his list. If I had to choose a single cause to the LA Fires "bad forest management" would be at the top of the list, though I think other tactics and technologies may also have been employed. Another addition to the list might be “the use of chemtrailing to bring about artificial droughts.” California was in the midst of a severe drought as the LA Fires began and that could be a result of chemtrailing. And finally we have arson. At least a dozen of these fires were started by arsonists — not climate change.
Gianni Muschetto, staff chief of law enforcement at Cal Fire, said about 10-15% of wildfires in the last five years were the result of arson.
Wildfires have plagued California for years. How often is arson to blame? (09/13/2024)
Eight more people have been charged with various crimes committed during recent devastating wildfires in Los Angeles County, ranging from arson and looting to impersonating a firefighter. Los Angeles County District Attorney Nathan Hochman announced the new charges on Friday. “To anyone who believes they can use this disaster as a cover for criminal activity, let this be your warning: You will be caught, and you will be held accountable,” Hochman said in a news release. Among those charged is Luis Felipe Gudino, 28, accused of felony arson for allegedly igniting a couch behind a South Gate apartment building on Jan. 13. The fire spread to a utility pole, causing significant damage. Gudino, who is being held on $350,000 bail, faces up to seven years in prison if convicted. Another defendant, Richard Alexander Peterson, 36, is accused of setting fire to a Christmas tree outside a South Gate motel the same day. Peterson, a third-strike offender, faces 25 years to life in prison and is being held on $1.35 million bail. In a video shared by the Los Angeles County DA, burglars are seen looting a home inside the Palisades Fire evacuation zone in Los Angeles. January 2025. (LA County DA’s Office) Omar Lopez, 35, allegedly ignited two fires in Huntington Park on Jan. 14, including one involving a Christmas tree in an apartment courtyard. He has pleaded not guilty and could face nearly nine years in prison if convicted. Additional cases include Manuel Rodriguez, 35, accused of starting a dumpster fire behind a Brentwood library; Travis Glodt, 34, charged with multiple arsons in Hawthorne; and Leopoldo Reveles, 49, accused of setting trash fires near train tracks in Compton.
8 more suspects charged with arson, looting crimes in connection with L.A. fires (01/17/2024)
The decline in forest management and "controlled burns" since the founding of the United States
For thousands of years indigenous populations, throughout the planet have used controlled forest burns and other measures to protect their populations from uncontrollable forest fires and to release nutrients for plants and reduce competition for cultivated species among other purposes. That all stopped in the middle 1800's so today many unmaintained forests have predictably become tinder boxes. Add to that the chemtrailing of forests with flammable nanoparticle Barium, Aluminum etc. and you have a recipe for disaster as we are now seeing in LA. So today the globalists are using these policies and technologies to push people out of suburban and rural areas and into Smart Cities. Note that both LA, Lahaina and many other cities had plans to transition to Smart Cities before they were destroyed by catastrophic fires. Oh how convenient. I don't have time to go into this in depth but would encourage you to read through the following articles.
There are two basic causes of wildfires. One is natural, mainly through lightning, and the other is human activity.[47] Controlled burns have a long history in wildland management. Fire has been used by humans to clear land since the Neolithic period.[48] Fire history studies have documented regular wildland fires ignited by indigenous peoples in North America and Australia[49][50] prior to the establishment of colonial law and fire suppression. Native Americans frequently used fire to manage natural environments in a way that benefited humans and wildlife in forests and grasslands by starting low-intensity fires that released nutrients for plants, reduced competition for cultivated species, and consumed excess flammable material that otherwise would eventually fuel high-intensity, catastrophic fires.
Controlled burn, Wiki
Native American use of fire in ecosystems are part of the environmental cycles and maintenance of wildlife habitats that sustain the cultures and economies of the Indigenous peoples of the Americas. Indigenous peoples have used burning practices to manage, protect, and relate to their surrounds since time immemorial. According to sociologist Kari Norgaard: "Indigenous peoples have long set low-intensity fires to manage eco-cultural resources and reduce the buildup of fuels – flammable trees, grasses and brush – that cause larger, hotter and more dangerous fires, like the ones that have burned across the West in recent years. Before fire suppression, forests in the West experienced a mix of low- to high-severity fires for millennia. Large, high-severity fires played an important ecological role, yet their spread was limited by low-severity fires set by indigenous peoples"[1]
However, "Fire suppression was mandated by the very first session of the California Legislature in 1850," and with the institution of the Weeks Act in 1911, "cultural uses of fire" were essentially made "illegal and for the many decades following, less and less burning occurred while more and more vegetation grew. Over a century of policies of fire suppression have created the conditions for the catastrophic, high-intensity wildfires we are seeing today" according to the Karuk Tribe of Northern California's Climate Adaptation Plan.[2][3] Because many Indigenous groups viewed fire as a tool for ecosystem management, education, and a way of life, such suppression would lead to decreased food availability and breakdown of social and familial structures.[4][5][6] It has been argued by numerous scholars that such suppression should be seen as a form of "Colonial Ecological Violence," "which results in particular risks and harms experienced by Native peoples and communities."
History of wildfire suppression in the United States, Wiki
Prior to the European colonization of the Americas, indigenous peoples used fire to modify the landscape.[1] This influence over the fire regime was part of the environmental cycles and maintenance of wildlife habitats that sustained the cultures and economies of the Indigenous peoples of the Americas.[2] What was initially perceived by colonists as "untouched, pristine" wilderness in North America was the cumulative result of the indigenous use of fire, creating a mosaic of grasslands and forests across North America, sustained and managed by the peoples indigenous to the landscape. Radical disruption of indigenous burning practices occurred with European colonization and the forced relocation of those who had historically maintained the landscape.[8] Some colonists understood the traditional use and benefits of low-intensity broadcast burns ("Indian-type" fires), but others feared and suppressed them.[9][8] By the 1880s, the impacts of colonization had devastated indigenous populations, and fire exclusion had become more widespread. By the early 20th century, fire suppression had become the official US federal policy.[10] Understanding pre-colonization land management and the traditional knowledge held by the indigenous peoples who practice it provides an important basis for current re-engagement with the landscape and is critical for the correct interpretation of the ecological basis for vegetation distribution
Native American use of fire in ecosystems, Wiki
“Forest management is a lot like gardening. You have to keep the forest open and thin," said Mike Rogers, a former Angeles National Forest supervisor.
Decades of mismanagement led to choked forests — now it's time to clear them out, fire experts say
Meanwhile the Globalist Democrat party continues to resist "controlled burns," and other forms of forest management in order to save the smelt (a small fish) or to preserve the ecology of the forests. What they don't give a flying fuck about is preserving the homes and lives of Americans who live near forested areas. The entire Democrat Party remind me of the retards depicted in the movie Idiocracy. They are clueless idiots being used by the globalists to push forward a globalist agenda. The only real question is do they know they are being used or are they actually on board for the destruction of this republic.
We saw this play out with the "Fix our Forests" Act which passed the House on September 24th, 2024 and is now held up in the Senate where Schumer will most likely prevent passage. So here we have Representative Scott Peters summary of the bill.
Washington, D.C. — Today, the House of Representatives passed Representative Scott Peters’ (CA-50) and Chairman Bruce Westerman’s (AR-4) Fix Our Forests Act, comprehensive bipartisan legislation that will restore forest health, reduce catastrophic wildfires that contribute to pollution and climate change, and increase community resilience to fire threats. A century of fire suppression and decades of mismanagement – combined with rising temperatures – have created a perfect storm of federal forests left susceptible to wildfires, insects, disease, and drought. In California, the nine largest wildfires on record have occurred during the last decade, and in 2020, California wildfires contributed more to climate change than the state’s entire power sector. Catastrophic fire has become the single largest source of particulate pollution in the United States, posing a major threat to communities, watersheds, and ecosystems. The cost of further inaction has become untenable. There is scientific consensus on the solution: active and science-based forest management, interagency and state-federal-tribal collaboration, and continued R&D on next-generation technologies and solutions. The problem: Forest management projects, like clearing dead trees and dry vegetation that fuel fires, often require multiyear environmental reviews. While we wait for analysis, the forest burns down, adds pollution to the air, contributes to climate change, and threatens communities. “Wildfires have already burned over 7.3 million acres across the United States in 2024,” said Rep. Peters. “They release over 1.7 billion tons of CO2 every year, cost billions in property damage, and endanger millions through smoke exposure. These numbers cannot speak to the heavy weight borne by those who have lost their homes and loved ones. San Diego knows this pain all too well. Last year, we commemorated the 20th anniversary of the devastating Cedar Fire that killed 17 people, burned more than 3,200 homes and buildings, and caused $17 million of damage. We remember the terror and fear people felt when they had to evacuate. It is with the memory of those victims in mind that I introduced this legislation and fought for its passage in the House. I will continue to work on behalf of my constituents, all Americans, and the environment to change the status quo that treats megafires as the new status quo and not a problem we can tackle.” “America’s forests are on life support after decades of mismanagement,” said Chair Westerman. “The clock on these ticking time bombs is down to the final few seconds, and Congress must move swiftly to save our forests from imminent destruction. Today, the House took decisive action on the bipartisan Fix Our Forests Act, which will empower local land managers and agencies with tools to enact the most vital forest management projects. The time to fix our forests is now.” The Fix Our Forests Act is supported by: National Congress of American Indians, Bipartisan Policy Center, Grassroots Wildland Firefighters, Western Fire Chiefs Association, Citizens’ Climate Lobby, American Property Casualty Insurance Association, Association of California Water Agencies, National Rural Electric Cooperative Association, the National Association of Counties, MegaFire Action, the Chamber of Commerce, the Property and Environment Research Center (PERC), American Forests, the Evangelical Environmental Network, Berkshire Hathaway Energy, Sempra, Edison Electric Institute, Pacific Gas & Electric, the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership, the American Conservation Coalition Action, and the National Wild Turkey Federation.
Rep. Peters’ Historic Wildfire Prevention Bill Passes House of Representatives
September 24, 2024
H.R.8790 - Fix Our Forests Act
118th Congress (2023-2024)
But of course the corporate media railed against it supposedly because they want to save the environment and our ecosystems which is unadulterated bullshit.
Environment America recognizes the urgent need to protect communities from the growing threat of catastrophic wildfires, and we support efforts by the Biden administration and members of Congress to do so. But instead of promoting policies and forest management practices grounded in science, the Fix Our Forests Act bypasses critical environmental laws that protect our ecosystems and restricts scientific input and public engagement. The bill could have devastating consequences for the environment and endangered species, especially amid rapid extinction rates and a climate crisis that necessitates healthy, sound forests.
The “Fix Our Forests Act” won’t actually fix our forests
The bill could have devastating consequences for the environment and endangered species, especially amid rapid extinction rates and a climate crisis that necessitates healthy, sound forests.
The misleadingly named ‘Fix Our Forests Act’ would do anything but
by David Super, opinion contributor - 09/17/24
And of course we have Democrat Katie Porter Detailing Opposition To 'Fix Our Forests Act.' You have to wonder if her position will change in the wake of the LA Fires. Will she finally stop supporting globalist crap like DEI, ESG, Illegal Immigration and the Green Agenda — where we can’t have a gas stove, or an Internal Combustion engine, but it is just fine when 12,000 homes are instantly turned into Carbon pollution.
'Anything But A Fix For Our Forests': Democrat Katie Porter Details Opposition To 'Fix Our Forests Act' (09/29/2024)
The New Nero: Governor Newsom bares full responsibility for the LA Fires and should be prosecuted
In the "Art of War" Sun Tzu once said "An evil man will burn down his whole nation to the ground to rule over the ashes."
History offers us many examples of this: from unnecessary wars to various Psychological Operations to nudge the people in a certain direction. 911 (09/11/2001) and the Plandemic (March 2020) are certainly recent examples of Psychological Operations executed to move the globalist agenda forward. 911 led to mass surveillance and the Plandemic led to a globally orchestrated forced injection program and an attempt to impose digital ID's on the world's population. It is quite possible that Nero instigated the burning of Rome in order to build what he called the "New Rome." Today the globalists appear to be destroying all nations in order to build a New World Order. In this essay I will explore the very real possibility that Gov. Newsom intentionally allowed Los Angeles to burn in order to turn it into a globalist Smart City. And when you've finished reading this essay I'm quite confident you will agree that is exactly what he did. The evidence is overwhelming.
The varying historical accounts of the event come from three secondary sources—Cassius Dio, Suetonius, and Tacitus. The primary accounts, which possibly included histories written by Fabius Rusticus, Marcus Cluvius Rufus, and Pliny the Elder, do not survive. At least six separate stories circulate regarding Nero and the fire:
* Motivated by a desire to destroy the city, Nero secretly sent out men pretending to be drunk to set fire to the city. Nero watched from his palace on the Palatine Hill, singing and playing the lyre.[25]
* Nero openly sent out men to set fire to the city. Nero watched from the Tower of Maecenas on the Esquiline Hill while singing.[26]
* Nero sent out men to set fire to the city. There were unconfirmed rumors that Nero sang from a private stage during the fire.[27]
* Nero was motivated to destroy the city so he would be able to bypass the senate and rebuild Rome in his image.[2]
* Rumor had it that Nero had started the fire. Therefore, to blame someone else for it (and thus exonerate Nero from blame), the fire was said to have been caused by the already unpopular Christians.[28]
* The fire was an accident that occurred while Nero was in Antium.
Great Fire of Rome (64 AD), Wiki
The LA Fires were the result of Globalist Policies and not Climate Change
This Sunday morning (01/12/2025) I walked down the driveway to pick up the Globalist "Detroit Free Press" where there was an article from Globalist "USA Today" blaming the historic LA fires on Climate Change. I've been reading this screed since I was a kid and will soon end my subscription which is now costing me over $40/month. I actually worked for the Detroit News in 1976, the year I got married. It was located about a block from the Detroit Free Press on Lafayette in Detroit. Globalist Corporate Media is essentially dead and it is high time I stop supporting this globalist bullshit. If you Google "la fires due to climate change" you will find dozens of similar articles.
‘We’re in a New Era’: How Climate Change Is Supercharging Disasters (01/12/2025)
Extreme weather events — deadly heat waves, floods, fires and hurricanes — are the consequences of a warming planet, scientists say.
Misinformation Spreads Like Wildfire Online While LA Neighborhoods Burn (01/10/2025)
Misleading claims and falsehoods about water and firefighting resources distracted from the unprecedented conditions that left Los Angeles primed for the most destructive fire in its history.
Jen Psaki is spreading disinformation! MSNBC is fake news! Psaki comes to the conclusion that Donald Trump and Elon Musk are the ones to point the finger at regarding the CA fires. Not California’s leaders who cut fire fighting budgets while handing out billions of dollars to solve the Homeless Epidemic which has failed, DEI, Diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives, which has been a giant Disaster, and illegal immigrants, meanwhile Cutting funding to Critical State operations. Jen Psaki has no business Preaching anything after listening to her lie daily for 4 years! Jan 12, 2025
How's Bidenomics and Kamalanomics, working for you? Democrats = Propaganda, Failures, Liars, Deny, Deflect, Lie, and Blame Republicans.
Jen Psaki is spreading disinformation regarding LA Fires
Then Biden, the village idiot, also repeated the lie that the LA Fires were due to Climate Change. "Climate change is real," said Biden.
US President Joe Biden said wildfires ravaging Los Angeles showed climate change was "real," days before the return to the White House of Donald Trump, who has threatened to pull back on US efforts to combat global warming. "Climate change is real... There is global warming, it's real," Biden told a crisis meeting at the White House on the fires, adding that the world had to "adjust to it."
Biden Says LA Fires Show 'Climate Change Is Real'
Two of the best summaries, for the ongoing LA Fires, come from Shallenberger and Victor Davis Hanson
Shallenberger characterizes the problem as the Democrats "radical anti-human, anti-civilization ideology" whereas Hanson blames it on a "DEI, Green New Deal Disaster." And both of them enumerate what should have been done.
Public News founder Michael Shellenberger questions why the California National Guard wasn't mobilized earlier as wildfires ravaged the state on 'Hannity.
Michael Shellenberger: So many excuses have been made (01/10/2025)
In this edition of “Victor Davis Hanson: In His Own Words,” Hanson, author of “The End of Everything: How Wars Descend into Annihilation,” provides an analysis of California's wildfire management and policy failures under Gov. Gavin Newsom and Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass. Hanson discusses the mismanagement of resources, lack of effective forest management, and prioritization of diversity and inclusion over merit in firefighting efforts. He labels the situation as a “systems breakdown” and warns of the larger implications for California's future.
Victor Davis Hanson: California's Catastrophic Wildfires Are ‘A DEI, Green New Deal Disaster’ (01/09/2025)
How Newsom set the stage for the LA Fires and conversion of LA into a Smart City
* Why has Newsom employed the Chinese Deep Seek Labs to assess the fire preparedness of California's forests. Could it be that China used the data to cause the LA Fires?
Why didn't they use a US AI firm? Could it be the data was shared with globalist that are trying to turn LA into a Smart City. Just like Lahaina, where lasers were mapping out the city: possibly to determine which dwellings would be destroyed and which dwellings would be saved. This is new to me and comes from journalist George Webb. I have no formed opinion by do find it concerning.
You have probably never heard of Deep Seek or Deep Seek Labs, but they are conducting a live exercise right now that started just before the current Palisades and other fires near Los Angeles. Deep Seek and Deep Seek Labs are mysterious and opaque because they are based in China and don’t have to bother about the SEC looking into their financial statements. But a foreign actor like China conducting a “fire study” in the wealthier neighborhoods of Los Angeles should give us pause. Did you know that Liang Wenfeng of Deep Seek was now conducting a Live Exercise in Southern California for wildfire prevention? Do you remember California Governor Gavin Newsom having a press conference about Deep Seek Labs doing an AI fire prevention system in Los Angeles before the breakout of the disastrous fires raging now?
Palisades Fire - Deep Seek And Destroy? (01/11/2025)
Artificially Success For Artificial Intelligence
I am calling for a “Race To The Top” to share California wildfire FIRESAT data with California’s top AI giants (Grok, Open AI, Meta, and Washington’s Anthropic as well as everyone else), rather than a race to steal and exfiltrate everything out of Califonia to Chinese business partners at Deep Seek.
How To Stop Wildfire Warfare - AI Summit With Musk Leading The Charge (01/12/2025)
Race To The Top With California AI Firms, Not A Race To Exfiltrate AI Data To China And Deep Seek
Palisades Fire - Deep Seek And Destroy, Dragon Balls Of File (01/13/2025)
DeepSeek is a Chinese artificial intelligence (AI) firm and family of Large Language Models based in Hangzhou. It is founded and backed by the Chinese hedge fund, High-Flyer. It has released its models as open source. The latest version, DeepSeek-V3, is competitive with other LLMs released in 2024 such as that of Qwen and OpenAI.
DeepSeek Labs, Wiki
* Instead of building better forest/water management programs he let LA get wiped off the map so he could fund DEI programs, providing housing and legal council to Illegal Immigrants and supporting a Green Agenda that is making living in California even more costly. No one asked for any of this.
California Democrats have reached a $50 million agreement to shore up state and local legal defenses against the incoming Trump administration just a week ahead of the president-elect’s inauguration. Half the money would go to fending off any mass deportation plan the new president might enact early in his administration. The move — the first of its kind in the nation that positions California to lead a second term resistance against Donald Trump — comes as Republicans bash state Democratic leaders for focusing on a highly partisan issue even as the southern part of the state suffers from historically devastating fires. The deal includes $25 million Newsom had proposed for the state Department of Justice to fight the federal government in court shortly after Trump’s reelection in November — plus $25 million more proposed by state Senate leaders to defend immigrants against deportation, detention and wage theft. The $25 million proposed by the Senate would fund grants for legal nonprofits and immigration support centers.
Gavin Newsom and California Democrats reach $50M deal to Trump-proof the state (01/13/2025)
California spent $500M on DEI initiatives, including $50K on 'racial equity' fish dept trainings: Nonprofit (07/12/2022)
California's Conservation Department, for example, spent $9,000 on copies of Ibram X. Kendi’s 'How to Be an Antiracist' book
As you can read below the cost of the LA Fires, 135 Billion, is nearly half of the entire 2025 budget for California. Perhaps it is time to stop paying for DEI, Illegal Immigrants and the Green Agenda?
No deficits. A “modest” surplus of $363 million. Almost $17 billion more in revenue than planned. Gov. Gavin Newsom’s office laid out its vision today for how California should spend its considerable bounty, a total budget of $322 billion — projected to be the second largest state spending plan ever. It released the proposal — on the date required by law — at a moment of deep uncertainty with devastating fires continuing to burn in Los Angeles County and President-elect Donald Trump preparing to take office this month. Those developments could require significant changes to Newsom’s plan before he finalizes the state budget in late June. The economic impact of the ongoing Los Angeles-area fires alone is estimated to be at least $135 billion. That’s based on damage caused to homes, cars, businesses and lost economic activity, said Dan DePodwin, senior director of forecasting operations at AccuWeather. A spokesperson for the Governor’s Office of Emergency Services said it’s too soon to calculate the cost of the fires to the state.
California has more money than expected. Here’s how Gavin Newsom wants to spend it (01/13/2025)
* In June 2025 Newsom eliminated $101 million from seven “wildfire and forest resilience” programs,
California Governor Gavin Newsom reduced funding for wildfire prevention programs by more than $100 million in the state’s fiscal 2025 budget, according to a report by Newsweek. Signed into law in June, the budget eliminated $101 million from seven “wildfire and forest resilience” programs, which has raised questions about the state’s preparedness as devastating wildfires rage across California. Among the reductions was a $5 million cut to CAL FIRE’s budget for fuel reduction teams, leaving $129 million allocated to these efforts. The reduction impacts funds used by the state National Guard for “vegetation management work” intended to reduce threats of fires starting and spreading. Additional cuts included $28 million from various conservancies for wildfire resilience and $8 million from fire monitoring and research programs. In response to criticism, Newsom’s office dismissed claims of negligence, calling reports of funding cuts a “ridiculous lie.” A spokesperson for the governor said in a statement to Fox News, “The governor has doubled the size of our firefighting army, built the world’s largest aerial firefighting fleet and the state has increased the forest management ten-fold since he took office.” The report comes as Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass also faces backlash for cutting funding to the Los Angeles Fire Department by $17.6 million in the city’s latest budget. Critics have called for an investigation into her administration’s budget priorities, with some even demanding her resignation. The fires have forced over 150,000 California residents to evacuate, with tens of billions of dollars in damages already estimated. At least 11 people have been confirmed dead, and thousands of structures have been destroyed as the wildfires continue to spread.
Gavin Newsom slashed fire prevention budget by $100 million before deadly wildfires: report (01/11/2025)
Signed into law in June, the budget eliminated $101 million from seven “wildfire and forest resilience” programs.
33-Year Fire Fighter Captain’s Thoughts On LA Fire…It’s NOT What You Think! (01/09/2025)
* Newsom collaborating with developers to change zoning designations in Pacific Palisades to construct a Smart City
California Governor Gavin Newsom is reportedly collaborating with developers to change zoning designations in Pacific Palisades from R1, which allows single-family homes, to R3, enabling the construction of apartment complexes. The proposed changes, which focus on areas impacted by recent wildfires, have raised questions about the future of housing development in one of Los Angeles’ most exclusive neighborhoods. Critics argue that rezoning burn areas could pave the way for large-scale developments, potentially altering the region’s character and raising concerns about infrastructure and wildfire preparedness. Neither Newsom’s office nor the developers involved have publicly confirmed details of the alleged rezoning efforts. The move aligns with broader state initiatives to increase affordable housing amid California’s housing crisis. However, concerns about the implications for Pacific Palisades residents and the local environment remain unaddressed. Further developments are expected as stakeholders await official announcements or statements regarding the zoning proposals.
Newsom Allegedly Collaborating with Developers to Rezone Burn Areas for Apartments
* LA Fire Department Supplies Were Sent To Ukraine Over The Past Two Years
LA Fire Department Supplies Were Sent To Ukraine Over The Past Two Years (01/09/2025)
* Pacific Palisades 117-million-gallon water storage complex empty in the heart of the Palisades for nearly a year before the LA Fires and Gov. Newsom didn't seem to know about it
A large reservoir in Pacific Palisades that is part of the Los Angeles water supply system was out of commission when a ferocious wildfire destroyed thousands of homes and other structures nearby, the Los Angeles Times found. Officials said that the Santa Ynez Reservoir had been closed since about February for repairs to its cover, leaving a 117-million-gallon water storage complex empty in the heart of the Palisades for nearly a year. The revelation comes amid growing questions about why firefighters ran out of water while battling the blaze, which ignited Tuesday during catastrophically high winds. The Times reported early Wednesday that numerous fire hydrants in higher-elevation streets of the Palisades went dry, leaving crews struggling with low water pressure as they combated the flames. Gov. Gavin Newsom on Friday ordered an independent investigation of the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power over the loss of water pressure and the empty Santa Ynez Reservoir, calling it “deeply troubling.” “We need answers to how that happened,” Newsom said in a letter to leaders of DWP and L.A. County Public Works. DWP spokesperson Ellen Cheng said, “We appreciate the Governor’s letter and believe that an investigation will help identify any new needed capabilities for water systems to support fighting wildfires.”
State to probe why Pacific Palisades reservoir was offline, empty when firestorm exploded (01/10/2025)
* Preparations for a LA Smart City and LA Olympics were already being discussed in 2022 -- scheduled for completion by 2028
LA fires clear the way for SmartLA 2028 and 2028 LA Olympics
The coincidences continue to pile up, leading many to declare that the massive neglects, mistakes, and failures resulting in devastation from the LA wildfires was more than a natural disaster.
Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin Jan 09, 2025
Los Angeles Chief Information Officer Ted Ross increasingly spends his workdays focused on projects connected to his city’s hosting the 2028 Summer Olympics. While the global event is still six years away, it will require major improvements to the city’s digital and physical infrastructure, Ross said Thursday during StateScoop’s IT Modernization Summit. “Don’t misquote me on it, but I’m tired of talking about COVID, like many other people are,” Ross said during a virtual conversation with San Francisco CIO Linda Gerull. “I know it’s an issue, but as a city, we are preparing for the Summer Olympics and Paralympics. I think it’s extremely important that while that runway may seem like a while, we have some pretty intensive infrastructure and technology investments that need to be ready to go to be able to host the world.” Not long after the International Olympic Committee awarded Los Angeles the 2028 Games, Ross’ office published its SmartLA strategy, made up of 66 projects including a new light rail at Los Angeles International Airport, expanded 5G networks and a regional data exchange through which local governments and business groups can share data on topics like traffic patterns and environmental conditions. While Ross’ “SmartLA” strategy leans on the amorphous term “smart city,” Gerull, his counterpart up the California coastline, suggested it might be time to retire it. “I think ‘smart cities’ is a little bit restrictive,” she said. “I think all cities are smart. Some of the most difficult problems to solve are city problems.” Gerull said “digital cities” is a more appropriate term, with consumer mobile devices being ubiquitous and government services increasingly being delivered online. “Everything from infrastructure to digital services to how we interface with our constituents, and really how we deliver it is going through a transformation,” she said. “We are carrying around smartphones in our pockets and there’s so much more available to interact with our residents.” Gerull also said that “digital cities” need a focus on ensuring those new resources are extended to residents with the least opportunity.
Redefining ‘smart cities’ while preparing for the Olympics (08/25/2022)
As Los Angeles prepares for the 2028 Olympics, city CIO Ted Ross and San Francisco CIO Linda Gerull discussed what "smart city" means now.
In this video we see similarities between Lahaina and the LA Fires for setting up Smart Cities even before the fires occurred.
MAUI 2.0: They just admitted LA Fires are a carbon copy of Lahaina (01/14/2025)
* Insurance Companies cancelling home owner policies months before the LA Fires and rates are skyrocketing
Out-of-control wildfires burning across the Los Angeles area continued Friday morning, destroying at least 10,000 structures and causing estimated fire damage over $150 billion. Meteorologists have issued warnings for "critical red flag" conditions throughout the day, signaling that fire damage to homes and businesses will broaden into the weekend. Insurance companies are bracing for the worst-case scenario as analysts at JPMorgan said Thursday that insured losses could top $20 billion. JPM's Jimmy Bhullar said insured loss estimates could be revised even higher "if the fires are not controlled." Bhullar said losses would be "confined mostly" to homeowners insurers like Allstate, Travelers, and Chubb, but noted that commercial property insurers like American International Group and Kinsale Capital Group could also be exposed.
California-Based Insurer Crashes Amid Billions In L.A. Area Fire-Damage Losses (01/10/2025)
State Farm, one of the biggest insurers in California, canceled hundreds of homeowners' policies last summer in Pacific Palisades—the same area which is now being ravaged by a devastating wildfire. The move was justified by the company as an attempt to avoid "financial failure" as the frequency and severity of wildfires is growing in the Golden State, especially in at-risk zones. But as the multiple fires currently burning through Southern California threaten to cause devastating losses for residents, many will likely need to rely on their insurers to get back on their feet after the blazes are contained. "Our number one priority right now is the safety of our customers, agents and employees impacted by the fires and assisting our customers in the midst of this tragedy," a spokesperson for State Farm told Newsweek in response to a request for comment on Wednesday.
California Insurer Canceled Policies Months Before Los Angeles Wildfires (01/11/2025)
California FAIR tried to assure worried homeowners that it would be able to handle the claims that this week’s massive fires will produce. “The FAIR Plan, which is primarily a catastrophe insurer, is prepared for this and is actively serving customers who have made claims,” it said in a statement Wednesday. “The FAIR Plan has payment mechanisms in place, including reinsurance, to ensure all covered claims are paid.” No matter the financial condition of FAIR after these fires, homeowners will almost certainly foot the bill in the form of higher premiums. One way or another, it will probably become even more expensive to live in California.
California’s insurance is in crisis. The solution will cost homeowners a ton (01/09/2025)
* You can't blame the LA Fires on Climate Change as the Santa Ana Winds have been pretty consistent for the last 5,000 years
The tragic wildfires currently raging in Los Angeles have reignited the predictable chorus blaming climate change for natural disasters. As articles from outlets like Axios, Newsweek, and the BBC demonstrate, there’s a growing tendency to tie every fire, flood, or storm to climate change. However, a closer look at history, meteorology, and land management reveals that these claims are often oversimplified by low-information journalists, and fail to address more immediate, actionable causes. It’s essential to separate the headlines from the science to understand these wildfires in their proper context. The current fires, like many before them, are largely driven by well-documented weather phenomena, historical land-use patterns, and human decisions—not by a nebulous, all-encompassing narrative of “climate factors.” Wildfires: A Part of California’s History. California’s relationship with fire predates the Industrial Revolution and certainly modern climate discussions. Historical records and studies consistently demonstrate that large wildfires have been a natural part of the state’s ecosystem for millennia. According to the U.S. Geological Survey, the frequency of large wildfires in Southern California has remained relatively consistent over the last century, with human settlement and land management playing a much larger role than global temperature trends
Why California Wildfires are NOT Climate Driven: A Historical and Meteorological Perspective (01/08/2025)
The Santa Ana winds and the accompanying raging wildfires have been a part of the ecosystem of the Los Angeles Basin for over 5,000 years, dating back to the earliest habitation of the region by the Tongva and Tataviam peoples.[22] The Santa Ana winds have been recognized and reported in English-language records as a weather phenomenon in Southern California since at least the mid-nineteenth century.[1] During the Mexican–American War, Commodore Robert Stockton reported that a "strange, dust-laden windstorm" arrived in the night while his troops were marching south through California in January 1847.[5] Various episodes of hot, dry winds have been described over this history as dust storms, hurricane-force winds, and violent north-easters, damaging houses and destroying fruit orchards. Newspaper archives have many photographs of regional damage dating back to the beginnings of news reporting in Los Angeles. When the Los Angeles Basin was primarily an agricultural region, the winds were feared particularly by farmers for their potential to destroy crops.[1] The strongest Santa Ana winds yet recorded occurred in early December 2011. An atmospheric set-up occurred that allowed the towns of Pasadena and Altadena in the San Gabriel Valley to get whipped by sustained winds at 97 mph (156 km/h), and gusts up to 167 mph (269 km/h).[23][24] Mammoth Mountain experienced a near-record wind gust of 175 mph (282 km/h), on December 1, 2011.
Santa Ana winds, Wiki
Despite the facts Amy Goodwin, Democracy Now, continues to blame the LA Fires on Climate Change.
Raging wildfires continue to scorch communities across the Los Angeles area, killing at least five people, displacing about 100,000 more and destroying thousands of structures. With firefighters unable to contain much of the blaze, the toll is expected to rise. The wildfires that started Tuesday caught much of the city by surprise, quickly growing into one of the worst fire disasters in Los Angeles history. Mayor Karen Bass and the City Council have come under criticism for cutting the fire department’s budget by around 2% last year while the police department saw a funding increase. Nearly 400 incarcerated firefighters are among those who have been deployed to battle the fires. Journalist Sonali Kolhatkar, who evacuated her home to flee the destruction, says it has been “frustrating” to watch the corporate media’s coverage of the fires. “No one is talking about climate change in the media,” she says. We also speak with journalist John Vaillant, author of Fire Weather: On the Front Lines of a Burning World, who says the L.A. wildfires should be a wake-up call. “This blind — frankly, suicidal — loyalty to the status quo of keeping fossil fuels preeminent in our energy system is creating an increasingly difficult situation and unlivable situation,” says Vaillant.
L.A. Fires Should Be a Climate Wake-Up Call: 5 Dead, 130K+ Evacuated in Uncontained “Apocalypse” (01/09/2025)
* Newsom was party to the largest dam removal in U.S. history
While the dam removal did not directly effect fighting the LA Fires the reservoirs that were removed had been used to supply water to firefighting forces fending off wildfires near the dams.
It’s true that Newsom was party to the largest dam removal in U.S. history. As governor he had advocated for four dams to be removed from the Klamath River, and a project to remove the dams was completed in October 2024. The project, however, was not exclusively a California initiative but the result of an agreement between California, Oregon, the federal government, local Native American tribes, the dams’ owner, and other entities. The dam removal project sought to revitalize salmon and steelhead fish populations in the area by returning “free-flowing condition[s]” to the Klamath River, a change local native tribes had long advocated for. “The Klamath was once the third-largest salmon-producing river on the West Coast,” stated an August 2024 press release from Newsom’s office, “before the construction of concrete dams, beginning in 1918, blocked migratory salmon and steelhead from accessing nearly 400 miles of critical river habitat.”
However, claims that the four dams’ removal affected Southern California’s water supply are incorrect. While Los Angeles officials reported that water storage tanks in the Pacific Palisades neighborhood of Los Angeles County “went dry” early Wednesday morning, the removal of the dams along the Klamath River played no role in the shortage. The water stored in the dams, located more than 500 miles away from Los Angeles County, was primarily used to spin a turbine and generate electricity. The dams’ reservoirs were used to supply water to firefighting forces fending off wildfires, but only in that region, not in Southern California. Further, the removal project took a host of measures to “avoid a net diminution in firefighting resources or an increase in the fire ignition risk as a result of the loss of the Project reservoirs.”
No, Dam Removal Is Not Responsible for Los Angeles Water Shortages (01/10/2025)
Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” talks to Dr. Drew Pinsky about the catastrophic wildfires raging through Los Angeles and Gavin Newsom’s resurfaced boasting about the Klamath dam removal to protect certain fish species at the expense of California's water supply as LA's fire hydrants run out of water.
Resurfaced Clip of Gavin Newsom Boasting About Removing Water Supplies Goes Viral (01/09/2025)
* Gavin Newsom Cut $100M From Fire Prevention Budget Before California Fires
To be fair CAL FIRE budget had doubled from $2 billion in 2018-19 to $3.8 billion in 2024-25, whilst the department's personnel went from 5,829 to 10,741 over the same period.
The 2024-25 California state budget, which Governor Gavin Newsom signed into law in June 2024, slashed funding for wildfire and forest resilience by $101 million as part of a series of cutbacks according to an analysis by the state's Legislative Analyst's Office. However overall, the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE)'s wildfire protection budget has increased sharply from $1.1 billion in 2014 to $3 billion in 2023, much of which took place after Newsom became governor in 2019. Speaking to Newsweek, a spokesperson for Newsom said that under the governor's "leadership" the CAL FIRE budget had doubled from $2 billion in 2018-19 to $3.8 billion in 2024-25, whilst the department's personnel went from 5,829 to 10,741 over the same period.
Gavin Newsom Cut $100M From Fire Prevention Budget Before California Fires (01/10/2025)
* The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) shows two of the fires started at about the same time
Note when you watch this that was filmed over a period of 6 hours. But it seems clear that two of the bigger fires started at about the same time while a number of additional fires started within the next 6 hours.
NOAA Satellites Monitor California Wildfires
January 13, 2025
BREAKING: Wait Until You See What Satellite Images Caught While Newsom Was Dancing About LA 2.0 (01/14/2025)
Other factors and technologies that may have been employed to increase the severity of the fires
HOUSES GONE but TREES STILL STANDING?! Interview with Forensic Arborist Robert Brame (01/14/2025)
In my essays on the Hurricane in Western North Carolina; the fires in Lahaina, Camp, Paradise and the current LA fires other technologies may have been employed to intensify the events. In North Carolina Nexrad towers may have been used to steer and intensify the hurricane. Various forms of Geoengineering may have been employed including Chemtrails, HAARP, Nexrad, Gwen Towers and possibly exotic technologies that are not yet known to the public. Chemtrails can be used to intensify storms and the spraying of chemicals, such as nanoparticle Barium and Aluminum, can make the vegetation more flammable from multiple sprayings over a given area.
In the following video it appears that Nexrad towers pushed something over the mountains and right into the LA Fires.
Dane Wigington, of Geoengineering Watch, also noticed some weather anomalies leading up to the LA Fires. In the video a satellite captures reveal frequency transmission impacts on aerosol cloud canopies over the LA firestorm zone.
Cloud patterns directly over the LA fire zone on January 7th and 8th, the days the fires started and accelerated. Your thoughts? Alarming satellite captures reveal frequency transmission impacts on aerosol cloud canopies over the LA firestorm zone. "APOCALYPSE: Fire chief warns LA wildfire is worst case scenario" (Fox News). "Weather Whiplash Fueling LA's Wildfire Could Make It Costliest in History" (Science Alert). For over a decade and a half Geoengineering Watch has warned of the coming firestorms, worse is yet to come. Climate disruption operations must be fully exposed and halted, that effort will take all of us.
Winter Firepocalypse, 90 Second Alert (01/10/2025)
In the following videos, from 2017 and 2018, Dana Wigington describes how geoengineering has been used to intensify forest fires.
As the environment and climate systems collapse around us all, how extreme can the desperation of the climate engineers become? How far are the geoengineers willing to go in their attempt to mask the unfolding climate collapse from the masses? Are the climate engineers willing to incinerate huge swaths of Earth’s remaining forests in order to temporarily cool parts of the planet with continent covering expanses of smoke? Examine the dire data presented in this video report and decide for yourself. We, all of us, are rapidly running out of time. If the biosphere is not soon freed from the ongoing global climate engineering assault, there will very soon be nothing left to salvage of our once thriving planet.
Wildfires Serve Geoengineering Agenda (08/24/2018)
In the following video Michelle Melendez claims that blue sapphire DEW lasers were used in the devastation of Maui. She says the reason blue objects were not effect was because blue light would be reflected by blue objects. I have no formed opinion but do find that claim interesting.
The Great Maui Land Grab - Interview with Michelle Melendez (09/06/2024)
Great Maui Land Grab: What caused the Maui fire and is your home next? (2024)
Using Chemtrailing to create artificial droughts in order dry out vegetation and supercharge forest fires
Though many have been falsely led to believe that last winter's rain in California erased and eliminated the drought, this could not be further from the truth. Last summer was the hottest and driest on record in countless locations of the US West. The following quote is from the Los Angeles fire department chief: “Brush burning index is 296. This is the highest number I've ever seen in my career. The threshold for this rating is 165. Monday I said that to the Mayor, this is the highest rating I'd ever seen.” Geoengineering operations are not only completely cutting off precipitation from the US West and destroying the ozone layer globally, the desiccant particulates from the fallout create an incendiary dust that coats foliage and structures.
California Firestorms: Geoengineered Catastrophe (12/07/2017)
In the following video are numerous examples of lawsuits, throughout the globe, where governments have been sued for causing droughts by cloudseeding via chemtrails.
Then we have the curious involvement of Blackrock, State Street, and Vanguard implicated in pushing the people off their land in both North Carolina and Chile. The obvious goal, in both cases, was acquisition of land rich in Lithium, Quartz and other prized minerals.
As the research continues 3 names seem to be connected to both Smart Cities and Lithium Mining: Blackrock, Vanguard and State Street. As the saying goes “you can’t identify an enemy you can’t define.” Both in Chile and Western North Carolina it seems obvious that geoengineering was used to push people out and Lithium/Quartz etc. in. The problem is not Anthropogenic Climate Change which does not exist. The problem is these Oligarchs capitalizing profits for themselves while burdening the people with the social costs. A better world is possible if we can only wake up.
REVEALED! Chile fires CONNECTED to Lahaina Maui (02/20/2024)
I will post links to my other essays on various fires (Lahaina, Camp, Paradise etc.), at the end of this essay for those that want to see the many other anomalies that have occurred in other past fires.
Could Smart Meters be implicated in the burning entire neighborhoods to the ground?
Just hours before the LA Fires the number of surges/faults in the power lines skyrocketed. This is significant because these surges have been implicated in setting off Smart Meter fires. It is also possible to cause surges if some bad actor were able to remotely turn a large number of Smart Meters off and then on by hacking the meters. Why this is not being investigated is troubling.
A company that monitors electrical activity says faults along the Los Angeles power grid skyrocketed in the same areas where three of this week’s major wildfires are currently raging. Bob Marshall, the chief executive of Whisker Labs, told Fox News Digital that the company recorded sharp increases in faults in the hours prior to the Eaton, Palisades and Hurst Fires. Marshall said that his company has a network of around 14,000 sensors known as "ting" sensors across Los Angeles that can pinpoint and identify faults generated by electrical arcs. Through its network of sensors in homes, Whisker Labs is able to monitor the electric utility grid with "extraordinary precision and accuracy." Power lines hang on broken power poles in the middle of a street caused by the Palisades Fire on Jan. 8, 2025 in the Pacific Palisades community of Los Angeles, California. A company that monitors electrical activity says faults along the Los Angeles power grid soared in the same areas where three of this week’s major wildfires are occurring. "Faults are caused by tree limbs touching wires or wires blowing in the wind and touching. That creates a spark in a fault, and we detect all of those things," Marshall explained. Other causes include faulty electric equipment igniting, a sudden surge in demand or earthquake tremors. At the time the fires ignited, intense Santa Ana winds were blowing across Los Angeles.
The company’s data, which was shared with Fox News Digital, is startling. In the Palisades area, the largest of the fires currently raging, there were 63 faults in the two to three hours prior to the ignition of the fire, Marshall said. There were 18 faults registered in the hour it began on Tuesday. The blaze has so far torched 12,300 homes and buildings across the area. Across the county, the death toll has risen to 11 people, and authorities anticipate that number rising. "In the case of the Eaton Fire near Altadena, there's 317 grid faults that occurred in the hours preceding the ignition," Marshall said. "And then in the Hurst Fire, there's about 230 faults that occurred that we measured on the sensor network." He said on a typical day there are very few faults.
Power grid faults surged right before Los Angeles wildfires began: expert (01/11/2025)
In the following link you can watch a video where the expert on Smart Meters describes what happened in detail.
Power grid faults surged right before Los Angeles wildfires began: expert (01/11/2025)
New data may provide vital clues in determining what may have ignited — or helped to proliferate — the wildfires
Since the Camp Fires (2018) and even before Foresters, Residents and Activists have been noticing some common peculiarities with many of these fires. Why do the homes appear to be burning from the inside out? Why are the nearby trees and shrubs so unaffected by the fire? What is causing the house fires to burn so hot that most homes are uniformly turned into dust. Why are the surrounding forest areas unaffected as the nearby neighborhoods are turned to dust? As we will learn the culprit might possibly be the Smart Meters.
They started rolling out Smart Meters, internationally, around 2008. And I publicly advocated for the removal of all Smart Meters and 5G antennae for many years. Here are two videos where I discuss the dangers of both technologies. Back then I was warning that Smart Meters can eavesdrop on your activities and that they would be used to regulate how hot or cool you can keep your house. Since my warning it has actually happened in a number of cities.
Sheena Alexandra interviewed Bruce Cain (08/20/2019) about how we can Stop5G and Stop Smart Meters by uniting globally.
A Global Strategy to Stop 5G and Smart Meters (09/14/2019)
This is what needs to happen in every city around the world. Expose the insanity of 5G (Smart Meters, Smart Cities, Facial Recognition and a Global Surveillance State) before your government leaders. Go to your City Councils, Hand out literature, put up "Stop 5G/ Stop Smart Meter Lawn Signs. Spread the word about the dangers 5G poses to our Health, our Privacy and our Freedom. 5G and Smart Meters must be stopped along with the millimeter waves and the destruction of our Privacy and Freedom. We will not be guinea pigs in a global 5G radiation experiment. We will no longer allow the CIA-financed Big Tech Giants (Facebook, Google, Twitter etc.), the Telecoms or our Utilities to violate our 4th Amendment rights by tracking out movements and behavior like in some dystopian future that appears to be a combination of 1984 and Brave New World. We will no longer allow Rothschild's Crown Castle to move forward with either 5G or Smart Meters. It is time for every human on this planet to rise up and say "WE WILL NOT GUINEA PIGS IN THIS GLOBAL 5G LAB EXPERIMENT.
5G: An Existential threat to our Health, Privacy and Freedom
I refused to get a Smart Meter until I got a notice from my utility company DTE, in 2015, saying if I did not allow the meter to be installed they would cut off power to my home. This was blatant coercion. A year later I got an Opt-Out Meter for which I have to pay an additional $10/month. As the following articles make clear Smart Meters have caused fires. Furthermore the old Analog Meters did not have these Smart Meter features which make them prone to catching on fire. In other words we should be rid of Smart Meters and go back to the much safer Analog Meters.
In 2022, U.S. electric utilities had about 119 million advanced (smart) metering infrastructure (AMI) installations, equal to about 72% of total electric meters installations. Residential customers accounted for about 88% of total AMI installations, and about 73% of total residential electric meters were AMI meters.
How many smart meters are installed in the United States, and who has them?,electric%20meters%20were%20AMI%20meters.
Three smart meters have caught fire in Portland General Electric’s (PGE) service territory and the incidents have prompted a mass recall and refit of 70,000 installed residential meters. The fires were caused by electrical component failures within the meters, the Sensus 2S Gen3 RD, which were installed between 2010 and 2012 and are typically used in rented homes and commercial spaces as they can be switched on and off remotely. The utility hopes to have all 70,000 smart meters replaced with new models by October.
PGE replacing 70,000 smart meters after three catch fire (07/28/2014)
It can happen in a flash. Fiery videos posted to YouTube by several homeowners show fires they blame on smart meters. Jose Valdez does not have the video of the fire at his Firebaugh home in September 2015, but he thinks this is basically what happened. The fire spread across his driveway and back towards the bedrooms in his home. "It was pretty scary. I mean, I have two little girls, a 6-year-old and a 4-year-old at the time. They were all scared," said Valdez. Valdez and his family ran out and firefighters had already started pouring water on the house. A device resting on the side of about ten million home in central and northern California is at the center of several lawsuits that claim it may not be as innocuous as it looks. He noticed several PG&E employees got there almost as quickly, and he says one of them removed the smart meter while the firefighters worked. Firebaugh's fire chief saw it too. He says he is never seen that before, but he thinks he knows why they may have wanted the device. 'Investigation after the fire was put out revealed that in all probability the fire was caused by a problem in the electrical panel and the problem in the electrical panel, in my belief, was the Smart Meter that was installed in the panel by PG&E," said John Borboa.
Lawsuits claim faulty PG&E Smart Meters started house fires (11/17/2017)
Today the vast majority of American homes have been forced to accept a Smart Meter along with 5G antennas and the Covid mRNA injection. How can we be "the land of the free" when we no longer have any free choice? So if Smart Meters can start fires it should be of concern to all of us.
An even greater concern is whether some external actor -- FEMA, the NSA, China, a Terrorist Group -- could remotely cause significant surges, in multiple nearby Smart Meters, to cause them to go into "thermal runaway" resulting in abnormally hot house fires and the destruction of entire neighborhoods?
Let me try to explain why this potential threat, exploding Smart Meters, is important to consider.
There is absolutely no doubt that the old Analog Meters were less prone to causing fires than todays Smart Meters. Smart Meters are not grounded like Analog Meters and contain components that can overheat and cause fires. In the PGE lawsuits the Smart Meter fires were caused by surges in home electricity caused by crossing electrical wires exposed to high winds etc. Surges can also be caused by the "remote disconnect" feature of all Smart Meters. The "remote disconnect" can be used by the utility to cut off electricity to a customer who is behind in their payments etc.
How the Smart Meter ‘Remote Disconnect’ Can Cause Fires (08/25/2016)
In both cases the electrical surges cause the Smart Meters to undergo "thermal runaway" and, in turn, a house fire. Please continue reading because it gets a lot worse.
“Smart meters have lithium ion batteries. When these batteries catch fire they have what's called "thermal runaway" where they will go from 140 degrees Fahrenheit to 6000 degrees Fahrenheit in just a few seconds.”
Smart meters have lithium ion batteries. When these batteries catch fire they have what's called "thermal runaway" where they will go from 140 degrees Fahrenheit to 6000 degrees Fahrenheit in just a few seconds. This also explains why EV fires are nearly impossible to put out. The smart meter is connected to the copper wiring of the home which is designed to distribute electricity throughout the home due to copper's conductivity. Along with being conductive, the copper wires are also great conductor of heat via convection. So when these supposed forest fires hit neighborhoods but burn more homes than trees, the culprit in the unusual fire forensics looks to be the lithium ion batteries. It's no wonder these homes are burned to dust while trees are standing within feet of the houses. These homes are burning from the inside out, literally. The copper wires in the homes are insulated and carrying extreme heat to every corner of the home.. Welcome to Agenda 2030. And so how does everything -- including masonry, porcelain and ceramic material also turn to dust? Porcelain and ceramic can be dustified/melted into oblivion with temperatures above 3000 degrees. Once again Lithium burns at 6000 degrees Fahrenheit.
So the concern again is whether some "bad actor" could burn down entire neighborhoods by remotely causing surges in a large number of Smart Meters, ultimately burning down entire neighborhoods. I think it is an important question because it may already be happening. Call me crazy but didn't Israel recently cause thousands of cell phones to simultaneously explode the other month: killing and injuring thousands of members of Hezbollah?
Outgoing FBI Director Christopher Wray’s parting warning to Americans is that China remains one of the greatest threats to the U.S. national security, a warning he’s consistently issued over the past few years. “The greatest long-term threat facing our country, in my view, is represented by the People’s Republic of China, the Chinese government, which I consider to be the defining threat of our generation,” Wray said in an interview with 60 Minutes on Sunday. “China’s cyber program is by far and away the world's largest, bigger than that of every major nation combined,” he said. “It’s stolen more of America's personal and corporate data than that of every nation big or small combined.” But a bigger threat, he said, is the “Chinese government’s prepositioning on American civilian critical infrastructure to lie in wait on those networks to be in a position to wreak havoc and inflict real world harm at a time and place of their choosing.” Chinese government operatives have already inserted malware into critical American infrastructure, he said, including water treatment plants, transportation systems, “bargaining of our energy sector, the electric grid, natural gas pipelines and recently we've seen targeting of our telecommunications system,” he said.
Outgoing FBI director warns of China threats (01/14/2025)
FBI Director Christopher Wray is expected to warn that Chinese hackers are preparing to “wreak havoc and cause real-world harm” to the US. The warning marks Wray’s most direct public warning to date about the threat that Chinese hackers pose to critical infrastructure nationwide.
FBI director to warn Chinese hackers are preparing to ‘wreak havoc’ on US critical infrastructure (01/31/2024)
So is it possible that China's — or some other bad actor’s — prepositioning of malware, throughout our critical infrastructure be used to incinerate entire neighborhoods with the turning of a switch? And what other bad actors might already be doing it? How about those globalists that want to push populations out of rural and suburban neighborhoods in order to "pack and stack" them into Smart Cities?
I’m not the only person that is concerned about using malware, or some other mechanism (e.g. DEW’s), to set off multiple Smart Meters to catch fire.
Nick Hunn: “The concern I have is that every smart meter has an isolation switch so it can be remotely connected from the supply. … If somebody could hack into that or just by mistake turn off very large numbers of meters, that sudden shock of taking them off the grid, and even worse be able to turn back on at the same time, would cause significant damage. And to me that’s an unnecessary risk.”
Smart Meter Remote Disconnect: An ‘Unnecessary Risk’ for Significant Damage to the Grid (05/12/2026)
Here is a video of Hunn’s testimony that I encourage you to watch in its entirety. The video is also embedded in the article above.
UK Smart Meter Evidence Check - Hunn - May 2016
‘Smart’ Meters are expected to occasionally fail catastrophically while analog meters do not normally have that failure mode. This was the information presented by an industry representative at a recent conference sponsored by the Edison Electric Institute (EEI). Similar revelations have led this website to write articles such as:
* Utility Industry Aware of Safety and Accuracy Issues with Digital Meters for Years
* Analog Meters Withstand “Hot Sockets” Better Than Smart Meters; and
* Smart Meters Increase the Risk of Fires!
‘Catastrophic’ Failures Expected with ‘Smart’ Meters (11/03/2015)
At this point I will just reprint the recent observation, of a Facebook friend, concerning the LA Fires.
CALIFORNIA FIRES - What we know:
- All three fires started at exactly the same time
- Nothing blue is burning.
- Some trees not burning despite houses being reduced to ash.
- Metal rims of cars melting, when the are designed to withstand up to 2500 degrees, and "forest fires" do not get hotter than 2000 degrees.
- No water in dams to feed fire hydrants.
- Strange light anomalies spotted in the sky above L.A.
- Insurance companies cancel fire cover only a few months ago
- We see all the same hallmarks as the fires in Lahaina, Maui
- Like Lahaina, plans for LA to become a Smart City.
The State of the Anti-Globalist Movement
The Anti-Globalist movement is now sweeping throughout the planet as Canada's Trudeau steps down, Trump wins the 2024 election and the Anti-Globalist AfD Party is making significant gains in Germany.
The Globalists come together for the funeral of Jimmy Carter (01/09/2025)
Trump, Obama, Clinton, Bush Attend Jimmy Carter's Funeral (01/09/2025)
On January 9th five of the living US presidents were pictured together at the funeral of Jimmy Carter: Barack Obama, George W Bush, Bill Clinton, Joe Biden and Donald Trump. In addition there is Hunter Biden, Climate idiot Al Gore and Globalist Kamala Harris who recently lost the popular votes, the electoral vote and all 5 swing states. Oh how quickly forget that most polls predicted that Harris would win the 2024 Presidential election. It is hard not to like the affable peanut farmer Jimmy Carter but most forget that he was the first president to push the fake climate agenda and was also the first president to fund the Islamic Fundamentalist Taliban in order to extricate the Soviets from Afghanistan (c. 1979). Just these two stupid globalist policies, alone, have robbed the American Taxpayer of trillions of dollars over the succeeding decades. And all of the other presidents, with the possible exception of Trump, also pushed an array of globalist policies.
Don't Deify Jimmy Carter (12/30/2024)
Jimmy Carter may have done good works out of office, but in power he fomented a series of domestic and foreign policy disasters.
Jimmy Carter raised climate change concerns 35 years before the Paris Accords
The unease of these past presidents, having to sit next to Donald Trump were palpable with the exception of Obama who seemed to be laughing and joking with Trump. Could that be because Trump is about to decimate their globalist policies? Or could it be that Trump and Obama were laughing because the real joke is on the American People because Trump may continue pushing a globalist agenda? In my last essay I expressed my concerns over Trump's continued support for shutting down the economy, spending like a drunken sailor and talking up the efficacy of the mRNA injections that arguably caused 17 million deaths worldwide.
Trump's Election Victory is major win for the Anti-Globalist Movement World Wide
But his recent statements about mRNA injections are concerning
I do share Sasha Latypova's skepticism as to whether Trump will actually push a Anti-Globalist agenda given that so many -- picked to be in his administration -- can be characterized as globalists, technocrats and advocates for transhumanism. We will see how many Illegal Aliens he actually deports and how many other planks of the globalist agenda are rescinded. At the very least let us agree: Trump could not be worse than Harris or Biden. He missed a bullet during his campaign and we missed a bullet not having a 4th Globalist Obama administration. But still I have concerns. One of my greatest concerns is whether he may, once again, get talked into a Plandemic 2.0 which suspiciously seems to be on the horizon.
Trump Wants a North American Technate
Arnold Toynbee revisited - on the universal global state, the blueprint for the One World Government/ New World Order
Sasha Latypova Jan 09, 2025
Trump has never been one to admit mistakes. Unlike many who have already lost faith in Trump I am holding out hope. Let's give him a chance but unleash criticism the moment he pushes any further globalist policies. Meanwhile we have many other issues -- the drones, the poison fog, terrorist attacks in New Orleans and Las Vegas, Biden giving George Soros a medal of honor etc. -- that I haven't had time to write about. I thought the election of Trump would get us out of the Twilight Zone, of the Biden Administration, but it appears I may have been wrong.
Something Strange is Happening in America: The 2025 Awakening (01/11/2025)
My previous essays on Geoengineered Forest Fires and other Weather related events
I would highly encourage my readers to explore these earlier essays as they contain a wealth of information implicating government complicity in weather events, employing everything from bad forest management to the use of Chemtrails, DEWS, HAARP, Nexrad etc.
When the Tubbs fire occurred, in October 2017, I wrote an article speculating on the possibility that Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs) may have been involved. Of the 250 essays I have written this was one of a dozen that were banned by Facebook. Yes it is possible that DEWs played a part. But there are many other contributing factors.
* Environmentalists and state governments have severely cut back on forest management over the last 10 years.
* Chemtrails have been spraying the forests, and most of the nation, with fire accelerants such as aluminum and barium for years.
* The UN and their local agencies (ICLIE) are trying to push our human populations into centralized Smart Cities while looking to depopulate rural areas into unoccupied "wild lands."
* In many of the effect areas recent zoning ordinances make it impossible or much more expensive to rebuild their homes and many did not have fire insurance.
* HAARP technologies may have played a part by diverting rain from areas that have be designated for depopulation through forest fires. HAARP technologies can also be used to create and exacerbate earthquakes, hurricanes, floods etc.
* In the most recent Camp Fires (e.g., including Paradise) electricity company PG&G did not turn off the grid during the high winds. Because the Smart Meters were still working they could have been used by the DEWs to specifically target the homes.
It's all connected: CA Fires, Legal and Illegal Immigration, Smart Meters, 5G, Cannabis Monopolies, Censorship (11/16/2018)
The first 2 Great Globalist PsyOps of the 21st Century: 911 and the Plandemic (09/12/2021)
How the Universal adoption of the Ivermectin Protocol will end the Plandemic
Canadian Wildfires and the Globalist Great Reset
The Globalist Plan to push the population into 15 minute cities
The Maui Fires and the Globalist Agenda against humanity (08/23/2023)
The globalist premeditated slaughter of the people of Lahaina
Did the Globalists Murder the People of Maui in order to take their land (09/16/2023)
The Plan to turn Maui into a Globalist AI Smart City goes back many years
Chris White: Trump’s Energy Secretary Pick
Chris White’s appointment as energy secretary represents a calculated shift toward environmental degradation. Behind his polished image lies a network of corporatism and corruption, eroding ecological safeguards to benefit powerful fossil fuel interests.
White’s career is deeply tied to the fossil fuel industry, notably through his tenure at BlackHydra Energy, a multinational linked to global environmental destruction. His policies promote deregulation disguised as economic growth, enabling unchecked resource extraction and dismantling of green initiatives like methane emission standards. Token gestures like subsidizing “clean coal” distract from his broader agenda.
Though White postures as a technocrat, his disdain for climate science is clear. He champions speculative geoengineering projects that gamble with Earth’s climate systems while ignoring urgent carbon reduction efforts. His dismissal of scientific consensus fosters public doubt and stalls meaningful climate action.
White’s true power lies in bureaucratic sabotage. By embedding loyalists into regulatory agencies, he obstructs environmental reviews, benefiting corporate polluters. His attacks on renewable energy, framed as “energy independence,” polarize public discourse and delay the transition to sustainability.
Ultimately, White’s tenure accelerates environmental degradation for short-term profit, threatening the planet’s future. Recognizing and resisting this trajectory is critical to preserving a livable world.
Added to my online library with credit to you. Well done!