Canadian Wildfires and the Globalist Great Reset
The Globalist Plan to push the population into 15 minute cities
Please share widely. The purpose of my essays is to provide a wider perspective on the globalist agenda. To get the most out of the essay it is important to view all the videos and articles. In the case of the Canadian Wildfires I explain the many globalist initiatives to push people out of rural areas into central "stack and pack" 15 minute cities. I also include the first three episodes of Tucker (on Twitter) and the Trump indictment. But at the end of the day there is only one thing required. We must rise up against the Biden regime and the globalist agenda he is pushing. Biden has literally committed treason against the American People as have most world leaders. I updated the essay (06/14/2023) and encourage mini-teachins where you discuss the essay and watch some of the better videos with friends, neighbors and your larger community. The vast majority do not understand the existential threat globalism poses to their liberties and their futures. They need to know.
As far as the Canadian Fires goes lets start with the satellite real time images. Well worth a watch.
Not control burns, not natural (from lightning), and not from "climate change". This looks like an attack of some kind at this point, but I can't rule out the plate shifting / heat releases along the craton edge yet. If an attack, it could be 1 of 2 ways... either a huge group of people doing it coordinated, or a DEW from above (space or air based directed energy weapon). Those are the options. Natural plate shifting releasing heat, coordinated attack orchestrated by hundreds of people working in unison somehow secretly, or a DEW from above. This is getting insane, but there it is. Add in most of Mexico, also South New Jersey, Arizona, New Mexico, and California to the burning list now..... the whole plate with fires along the craton edges and perimeters. This is why I still can't rule out natural sources for these heat bursts causing widespread fires along the plate edges.
6/02/2023 -- ALL of S. Quebec Canada just erupted into fires - Canada under attack? DEW or people?!
Biden got 81 million votes my ass! (06/11/2023)
As I write President Trump is being indicted under the espionage act for the secret documents he had stored at Mara Lago in Florida. According to the indictment Trump could face literally decades in prison if convicted. Meanwhile President Biden is not being indicted for the same damn thing. This is being extensively covered on Globalist Corporate Media (MSNBC, CNN, FOX). Meanwhile very little is being discussed about the 10 million in bribes that Joe and Hunter Biden received from Burisma in the Ukraine. If this is true Biden should be immediately impeached. The globalist deep state -- FBI, CIA, DOJ, Corporate media etc. -- is obviously involved in election interference and mass censorship in order to push forward the Globalist "Great Reset."
Fox News host Jesse Watters discusses Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, exposing that a Burisma executive secretly recorded conversations with Joe Biden
Jesse Watters: Release the Burisma tapes on the Bidens (06/12/2023)
Meanwhile Tucker Carlson has released his first two Twitter videos which have had over 100 million views. When he was on FOX his show was viewed only about 3 million per episode: still making his show the most popular show of FOX. There is no doubt he was fired because he was challenging the globalist agenda and to pave the way for a Biden Presidency in 2024.
Tucker Carlson Ep 1
Tucker Carlson Ep 2 "Cling to your taboos!"
Tucker Carlson 6/13/23 America's principles are at stake | Episode 3
And virtually nothing is being said about the transition to a digital currency -- which is the Mark of the Beast -- or the WHO Plandemic agreement which would give the World Health Organization authority to censor free speech and mandate lockdowns and mRNA injections globally. Nothing is being said about the fact Biden, and most world leaders, support both initiatives. This globalist censorship must be stopped immediately. The public must begin to understand the treachery that these globalists are perpetrating upon every human on planet Earth. But you are never going to understand this by merely watching the globalist corporate media every night.
In a earlier essay I summarized the means by which the Globalist "Great Reset" would be implemented and the four most important initiatives that would be employed to bring it about.
In 1958 the founder of the John Birch Society predicted that the end of US Sovereignty would be accelerated by the Federal Government spending money as wastefully as possible. Is that not exactly what the Biden Administration and other world leaders have done over the past 3 years since the Plandemic began?
"A part of that plan of course is to induce the gradual surrender of American sovereignty piece by piece and step by step to various international organizations of which the United Nations is the outstanding but far from the only example. Here are the aims for the United States. Step One: Greatly expanded government spending for every conceivable means of getting rid of ever larger sums of American money as wastefully as possible."
Certainly the four major issues threatening our sovereignty and inalienable rights are Fake Climate Change (Net Zero Carbon emissions), the WHO Pandemic Agreement, a US Digital Currency and the War in Ukraine. Now with the bankruptcy of the Silicon Valley Bank we can add -- a Depression level bank run. Unfortunately Biden supports all five which, in my mind, means he is committing treason against the American People. The overarching goal is to impoverish the world’s population and force them to accept a Digital Currency (CBDC) which will usher in a system of Global Slavery. And sadly most world leaders support Digital Currency and are also committing treason against their citizens, as they collectively push for a Global New World Order. Nomi Prins discussion of the coming digital currency is well worth watching or reading.
The way I look at the world is that there is a globalist agenda at the apex of the power hierarchy. They -- the EU, WHO, UN, WEF, Blackrock, Vanguard etc. -- call the tune for China, the US, Israel and all other nations. And they are the real enemy of humanity.
Net Zero: How the Globalists intend to impose Digital Slavery through Vaccine Passports, Digital Currency and Fake Climate Change (03/11/2023)
The unprecedented (June 2023) Canadian Forest Fires and the Globalist initiative to push populations from rural areas to central cities
Over the past several months we have witnessed the toxic train derailment in East Palestine (Ohio) where the release of dioxins could make the surrounding farmland unusable. Since then a number of additional train derailments have also involved toxic substances. Then just the other day a tanker truck caused the collapse of I-95 which will take months to repair.
A part of I-95, a critical US highway, collapsed in Philadelphia on Sunday. Officials said it buckled after a tanker truck carrying gasoline caught fire below a northbound overpass of I-95. No deaths or injuries have been reported so far. I-95 is the main north-south interstate for the East Coast, running from Miami to the Canadian border with roughly 160,000 vehicles passing over the roadway every day. The authorities say rebuilding the highway will take months.
Critical US Highway Collapses in Philadelphia, Repair "May Take Months" (06/12/2023)
It does make you wonder if these are mere coincidences or are they being done purposely to turn small cities and farmland into toxic waste dumps — otherwise known as brownfield sites — in order to force rural communities to relocate to smart cities.
The claim has been disputed by the globalist Associated Press (AP) but it is obvious they are just cherry picking their “facts.”
CLAIM: Governments can “forcibly remove” people living on polluted land or water and require them to live in “smart cities” under a plan from the World Economic Forum and United Nations called Agenda 2030.
AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. The U.N.’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which the World Economic Forum is helping to implement through a partnership, outlines broad goals related to issues such as economic growth, equality and the environment. It does not discuss removing people from their homes, nor does it refer to the term “smart cities.” Regardless, the U.N. does not have the power to allow, or prohibit, countries to take such an action.
THE FACTS: Social media users are falsely claiming that the U.N. plan will give governments the power to uproot people and force them to live in specific cities, with some baselessly tying this supposed scheme to the recent burning of toxic chemicals at the site of a train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio.
UN, WEF agenda won’t force people to live in ‘smart cities’
By MELISSA GOLDIN February 22, 2023
The US Department of Justice can, in fact, force people off of toxic land.
9-111.400 - Contaminated Real Property Policy
It is the policy of the Department of Justice that real property that is contaminated or potentially contaminated with hazardous substances may in the exercise of discretion be subject to forfeiture only upon determination by the U.S. Attorney, in the district where the property is located, in consultation with the seizing agency and the USMS, that such action is fiscally sound or necessary to advance a law enforcement purpose. If the U.S. Attorney chooses to delegate this authority to an AUSA, provision must be made for review by a supervisor. As part of the consultation with the seizing agency and the USMS, due consideration must be given to the disposal alternatives that may be available after forfeiture, and the impact of any cleanup costs to the AFF. Furthermore, such real property that is forfeited will only be transferred or sold with notice of the potential or actual contamination. Notice must be based on information that is available on the basis of a complete search of agency files. This notice will be included in the contract of sale and the deed.
Department of Justice: FORFEITURE/SEIZURE,located%2C%20in%20consultation%20with%20the
And as part of the deep state the US DOJ is clearly in lockstep with the globalist agenda as well as categorizing parents, activists, conservatives and anti-globalists as terrorists.
GOP Challenges DOJ After They Label Parent Protesters Domestic Terrorists (03/31/2022)
'Are These Parents Domestic Terrorist?' AG Garland Grilled Response to School Board Meetings (10/23/2021)
US House Judiciary Republicans: DOJ labeled dozens of parents as terrorist threats
May 20, 2022
Furthermore, by their own admission, the World Economic Forum is pushing Smart Cities involving digital ID’s and mass surveillance. So my judgement is the AP are lying globalist bags of shit. [LOL]
G20 Global Smart Cities Alliance (11/18/2020)
Led by the World Economic Forum, the G20 Global Smart Cities Alliance on Technology Governance is the largest global initiative aiming at ensuring responsible and ethical use of smart city technologies. It is developing, testing, and implementing global standards and policies to ensure that data collected in public places is used safely and ethically, mitigate potential risks and foster public trust. Representing more than 200,000 cities and local governments, companies, start-ups, research institutions and non-profit organizations, the Alliance is leading numerous initiatives in more than 36 pioneer cities around the world focusing on smart city governance through mobility, administration, infrastructure, energy, as well as cultural and creative industries.
Our Alliance is creating smart city governance (06/22/2022)
Biden’s inflation policies are making it more difficult to buy a house or car
Meanwhile Blackrock continues to buy up entire neighborhoods making it more expensive to own a home. Also making it harder to buy a home or car is the Federal Reserves increase in interest rates to barrow money. And globalist corporate media fails to name the culprit: Joe Biden. Had Biden not choked off our access to fossil fuels (in the name of Climate Change) or not spent 6 Trillion, during the Plandemic, we would not have lost 10% of the value of our money in just the past two years. And despite all the crap, about inflation coming down, that 10 percent, loss in the value of your money, is “baked into the cake now:” it can’t be reversed. Call the “Cain’s theory of money:” what goes up NEVER comes back down.
It is hard to believe this is not being done on purpose to bring about the WEF's "Great Reset" where you will soon own nothing and will not be happy. Unless we rise up soon the entire planet's population will be reduced to the status of slaves on a Global Plantation. The fact this is happening should now be obvious to everyone.
Disaster Capitalism is just another tool in the Globalist toolbox to push us toward global enslavement.
The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism is a 2007 book by the Canadian author and social activist Naomi Klein. In the book, Klein argues that neoliberal free market policies (as advocated by the economist Milton Friedman) have risen to prominence in some developed countries because of a deliberate strategy of "shock therapy". This centers on the exploitation of national crises (disasters or upheavals) to establish controversial and questionable policies, while citizens are too distracted (emotionally and physically) to engage and develop an adequate response, and resist effectively. The book advances the idea that some man-made events, such as the Iraq War, were undertaken with the intention of pushing through such unpopular policies in their wake.
The Shock Doctrine, Wikipedia
The Shock Doctrine (ENGLISH) - FULL DOCUMENTARY (2009)
The forest fires in Canada are unprecedented and most likely part of the UN's plan to push everyone into "Stack and Pack" cities that will soon be "15 minute cities." These 15 minute cities are being pushed around the world now and will make the Plandemic lockdowns look like child play. And the World Economic Forum is pushing 15-Minute Cities as you can watch in the links below:
WEF: 15-Minutes Cites (2023)
This video on the WEF pushing 15-Minute Cities (below) is well worth a watch.
The WEF's New Plan For The Future: 15 Minute Cities!! (01/15/2023)
What Are 15 Minute Cities? (02/21/2023)
Another tactic to push farmers off their land is now being implemented in the Netherlands. This is being implemented under the Green Agenda. Yet, as I have written in previous essays, there is no Anthropogenic Climate Change (e.g., man made climate change) and even if you spent 50 trillion dollars it would make to difference in terms of CO2 levels or global temperature. The Green Agenda is just another tactic to impose global control over the world’s population.
Dutch gov’t forcing 600 farmers to sell land to state, GBNews reports
on: October 11, 2022
Dutch gov’t to buy out farmers to reduce livestock emissions (05/20/2023)
The Dutch government is unrelenting in shutting down “pollution-emitting” farmers and forcing them to sell to the government. The lever is a severe cutback in nitrogen-based fertilizers that are essential to profitable food production. This is the epitome of the WEF’s Great Reset where “By 2030 you will own nothing and be happy.” The farmers are about to own nothing and they are far from happy
Great Reset: Dutch Government To Buy Farms As Thousands Face Shut Down (06/12/2023)
Biden's John Kerry wants to implement a similar policy in the United States.
John Kerry at AIM for Climate Summit - May 10, 2023
Climate change fatalist John Kerry is once again prattling on about how the earth is doomed, and he has a new target for destruction in his never-ending blame game. Kerry is saying that the world cannot recover from climate change unless we crack down on agriculture. He’s seemingly eyeing the thousands of small family farms that feed this nation and urging more of the sort of restrictions that have already brought farmers to the streets in protest. Kerry recently claimed that agriculture creates one-third of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions and that reducing those emissions must be “front and center” in the world’s plans to change the climate.
Small Farmers Now 'Front and Center' in John Kerry's Plan to Save the Earth (05/19/2023)
Technocrats intend to control all food production in order to control populations. Why would governments confiscate farms? Just ask Netherlands. Since farms use nitrogen fertilizers to grow crops, and since nitrogen has been declared a harmful pollutant, confiscating farms is seen as a way to combat global warming. I can guarantee that Bill Gates’ farming empire will not be one to be confiscated.
Now, Climate Czar and Skull & Bones member John Kerry has predictably jumped on the bandwagon of this idiotic agenda. The United Nations is pushing this agenda to the entire world: farmers and ranchers are under unprecedented attack.
John Kerry: Farm Confiscations ‘Not Off The Table’ (05/26/2023)
I was suspicious of this in 2017 and today it seems obvious. The globalists are waging a silent war against us. Here is an excerpt from my essay, on the California forest fires, which I wrote in 2018.
At around 9:45 p.m. on Sunday October 8th of 2017 the Tubbs fire began in Northern California and by the time the Sun came up over a thousand homes were destroyed. Videos and photographs show how this so-called forest fire seemed to spare the wild and somehow jump from house to house. CNN reported that the so called forest fire jumped to the freeway. Hundreds of photographs show cars with melted trails of aluminum alloys from what must have been an unprecedented amount of power. The average forest fire burns at 1,100 degrees Fahrenheit aluminum alloys will melt at temperatures between 1,200 and 2,000 degrees. But many of these cars were nowhere near a forest fire. Some cars were flipped over. The heat must have been intense. Not only was it able to melt aluminum alloy but consistently every home that caught fire was leveled white powdery ash in less than 12 hours. By October 31st the Tubbs fire had destroyed 5643 buildings.
PG&E (Pacific Gas and Electric PG&E) was found responsible for 16 of the fires over ten billion dollars in damages. All of this while producing 1 billion a year in profits for the Rothschild investment group. PG&E warned the public that the fires will not just continue but will grow larger every season. They warn their investors that future liability will force PG&E; into bankruptcy. In June utility officials told state lawmakers that they needed protection to survive the coming fire season and on August 31st California State Legislature passed a utility bailout bill to protect PG&E, its shareholders and Rothschild investment. At sunrise on Thursday November 8th the campfire wildfire began in California it has all the same anomalies as the Tubbs fire and is already twice as devastating.
Many people are asking the same question: is this an attack? In 2003 Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, and General Richard Myers, admit to the development of directed energy weapons and microwave technology. In 2017 Lockheed Martin shoots drones out of the sky with an invisible laser beam that burns them from the inside out. The technology exists. The evidence is there but what about the motives? Perhaps it could be found in the United Nations Agenda21, where certain areas of the country are proposed to be off-limits to human use. It just so happens that these strange California fires seem to all be within the proposed no human use areas. New regulations and insurance policies are preventing homeowners from rebuilding. And meanwhile they claim it as the new normal and are now claiming it is a phenomenon of global warming. One thing is for certain: the Governor of California has already assured that the people will pay for all of the damages.
California Wild fires by Greg Reese
When the Tubbs fire occurred, in October 2017, I wrote an article speculating on the possibility that Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs) may have been involved. Of the 250 essays I have written this was one of a dozen that were banned by Facebook. Yes it is possible that DEWs played a part. But there are many other contributing factors.
* Environmentalists and state governments have severely cut back on forest management over the last 10 years.
* Chemtrails have been spraying the forests, and most of the nation, with fire accellerants such as aluminum and barium for years.
* The UN and their local agencies (ICLIE) are trying to push our human populations into centralized Smart Cities while looking to depopulate rural areas into unoccupied "wild lands."
* In many of the effect areas recent zoning ordinances make it impossible or much more expensive to rebuild their homes and many did not have fire insurance.
* HAARP technologies may have played a part by diverting rain from areas that have be designated for depopulation through forest fires. HAARP technologies can also be used to create and exacerbate earthquakes, hurricanes, floods etc.
* In the most recent Camp Fires (e.g., including Paradise) electricity company PG&G did not turn off the grid during the high winds. Because the Smart Meters were still working they could have been used by the DEWs to specifically target the homes.
This of course is sheer speculation. But after watching hours of footage it is clear to me that neither the Tubbs fire (2017) or the Camp fire (2018) seem in any way "normal" forest fires. In fact most of the trees around the homes did not burn. Most of the homes that burned . . . were burned to dust. And many of the trees, close by to burning cars, do not show much damage.
It's all connected: CA Fires, Legal and Illegal Immigration, Smart Meters, 5G, Cannabis Monopolies, Censorship (2018)
PG&E Admits Starting California Wildfires! Important Info for Opting Out. (6/28/2018)
As you can see, in the video (below), many of these same anomalies are occurring with the recent Canadian Forest Fires.
As you can see from the graph -- of Canadian Wildfires (2016 - 2023) -- the fires in June 2023 are unprecedented. The amount of toxic smoke generated, from these fires, was so extensive that it dimmed the skies from Detroit to Washington DC. I live outside of Detroit, Michigan, and have suffered from headaches for days, due to the smoke from the fires. A friend, who is already on oxygen, reported that the smoke seemed to make breathing even more difficult. I can't recall anything like this happening before. And globalist corporate media is underplaying the toxicity of the smoke.
Wild fires blazing in and around Quebec are creating hazardous health conditions throughout North America. Over 100 million people were under alerts for unhealthy air quality as of Wednesday, and people in the Northeast and Midwest — areas that typically don’t deal with the effects of wildfires — are confronting orange-tinged, hazy skies and newly urgent questions about the harmful effects of air pollution.
Fine particulate matter, the tiny bits that make up those clouds of haze, is a major health concern that’s already a part of daily life for people in cities like Beijing, New Delhi, and Santiago, Chile. Canadian authorities and state officials in the U.S. have advised people in affected areas to avoid unnecessary outdoor activities, and to shut windows and doors.
For those dealing with air quality concerns, here’s what you need to know.
How does air pollution from wildfires impact our health?
Fine particles can be liquid or solid residue from dusty manufacturing sites, car exhaust, or sooty environments, as well as byproducts from fires, among other things. Aside from causing eye irritation, smoke from fires can also carry harmful particulate matter far and wide.
Particles with a diameter of less than 10 microns are dangerous — they can be inhaled deep into the lungs or even get into the bloodstream due to their small size. From there, they trigger inflammation of the airways and other organs, including the heart, kidney and liver. Inflammation sets off the body’s defense system, which can injure cells, alter gene expression, and lead to scarring and disease.
Even brief exposure to fine particulates can be harmful. They’ve been associated with higher rates of hospital admission for cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and kidney failure.
Particles with a diameter of 2.5 microns or less, or PM2.5, are considered even more dangerous when breathed in at high enough levels. PM2.5 have been linked to increased risk of heart attack, stroke, and lung cancer. This kind of air pollution is especially risky for pregnant people, babies and children, older adults, and people with lung or heart disease.
Poor air quality can spur or worsen respiratory conditions, such as emphysema, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease — a leading cause of death in the U.S. — and asthma. Children with asthma might have exacerbations, or flare-ups, during periods of hazardous air quality.
Related: Wildfire smoke is particularly harmful to kids’ respiratory health, study finds
Recent studies have also found evidence that exposure to PM2.5 could make the body more susceptible to infections and neurodegenerative diseases.
Wildfire smoke has been found to be among the most toxic to people when compared to fine particles from other sources, such as dust or soil carried by the wind. That’s in part because of the chemical composition of the particles, which is altered by combustion, and can trigger a more severe inflammatory response. . .
The Canada wildfires are exposing the harmful effects — and health inequities — of air pollution
By Isabella Cueto June 7, 2023
Canada wildfires: North America air quality alerts in maps and images (06/10/2023)
Are Forest fires being used to push Americans into cities?
In April (2023) JP Morgan CEO Dimon suggested using Eminent Domain to build more wind and solar farms.
JP Morgan CEO Dimon described the need to employ “practical policy changes.” And said that could include utilizing eminent Domain to take private property in order to fight climate control, “At the same time, permitting reforms are desperately needed to allow investment to be done in any kind of timely way. We may even need to evoke Eminent Domain.” West Virginia State Treasurer Riley Moore pointed out the devastation that could be caused by the U.S. government simply seizing personal property. He tweeted, “JP Morgan’s CEO wants to use Eminent Domain to build more wind and solar farms. If you think food and energy prices are bad now, just wait until the government starts seizing farmland to build solar panels. This kind of thinking poses an existential threat to the middle class.
JP Morgan CEO Recommends Taking Private Land From Americans To Accelerate Green Energy Policies
By Patty McMurray Apr. 8, 2023
Of course the United Nations has been discussing pushing human populations into central cities since United Nations Conference on Human Settlements back in 1976. This initiative is better known as the Wildlands project.
Wildlands Project - Where You Can't Live in America After Agenda 21 NWO Takeover (03/22/2013)
Under the Wildlands Project, the United States would be transformed from a land where people can live where they choose and travel freely, to a Wildlands dominated landscape where people live in designated population centers with limited travel allowed through highly restricted corridors. The Wildlands Project is the master plan for both the United Nations’ Agenda 21 and Biodiversity Treaty. In classic socialist utopian idealism, Agenda 21 defines how every human being must live in order to save mother earth. The Wildlands Project represents a grandiose design to transform at least half the land area of the continental United States into an immense “eco-park” cleansed of modern industry and private property.
How Private Property In America Is Being Abolished - The Wildlands Project (04/18/2018)
By Michael S. Coffman, Ph.D.
“Land, because of its unique nature and the crucial role it plays in human settlement, cannot be treated as an ordinary asset, controlled by individuals and subject to the pressures and inefficiencies of the market. Private land ownership is also a principal instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth and therefore contributes to social injustice; if unchecked, it may become a major obstacle in the planning and implementation of development schemes. Social justice, urban renewal and development, the provision of decent dwellings-and healthy conditions for people can only be achieved if land is used in the interest of society as a whole.” The preamble to The Vancouver Action Plan approved at Habitat: United Nations Conference on Human Settlements (31 May to 11 June 1976).
Agenda 21 Course: LESSON 3: Wildlands Project
And the use of Wildfires, as a weapon of war, has been discussed as early as 1970.
Wildfires As A Weapon, US Military Exposed (08/11/2022)
Here is the document cited in the video.
Forest Fires as a military weapon (1970)
Concluding remarks
There is a globalist cabal at the apex of the power hierarchy that now control every nation on the planet. Their hegemony began with the establishment of US Federal Reserve (1913) and other Central Banks throughout the planet. I explain the history of the Rockefellers and Rothschild’s in the following video.
The Rothschild's, Rockefeller's and Secret Globalist History you aren't supposed to understand (10/15/2020)
Their hegemony expanded with the establishment of the UN and other Non Government Organizations (NGOs) after the Second World War. They -- the EU, WHO, UN, WEF, Blackrock, Vanguard etc. -- now call the tune for China, the US, Israel and all other nations. And they are the real enemy of humanity. The globalist agenda they are persuing can be found in the UN's Agenda21, Agenda2030, Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's) as well as in the World Economic Forums "Great Reset" agenda. The goals of all these globalist NGO's are essentially the same as is the ultimate end goal: the establishment of a Global New World Order.
I could write thousands of essays. But it would do little good beyond alerting the public to the obvious globalist coup now being waged against every human on planet Earth. What is required is a mass uprising against this entire globalist agenda. Your involvement will be mandatory and we have little time left.
I updated the essay (06/14/2023)
Please share widely. The purpose of my essays is to provide a wider perspective on the globalist agenda. To get the most out of the essay it is important to view all the videos and articles. In the case of the Canadian Wildfires I explain the many globalist initiatives to push people out of rural areas into central "stack and pack" 15 minute cities. I also include the first three episodes of Tucker (on Twitter) and the Trump indictment. But at the end of the day there is only one thing required. We must rise up against the Biden regime and the globalist agenda he is pushing. Biden has literally committed treason against the American People as have most world leaders. I updated the essay (06/14/2023) and encourage mini-teachins where you discuss the essay and watch some of the better videos with friends, neighbors and your larger community. The vast majority do not understand the existential threat globalism poses to their liberties and their futures. They need to know.
Canadian Wildfires and the Globalist Great Reset
The Globalist Plan to push the population into 15 minute cities