Diana and Simone , go do your virtue signalling somewhere else . My guess is you find that part of the article as worthy of your attention but you missed the information that might awaken you to what the globalist have in mind for you .

Only you assumed the spit roast had a gender of your imagination . Go protest porn hub . Take your emotional baggage with u

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Dec 17, 2022
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Why in the world would you call me that? That is insane.

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Dec 17, 2022
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I will not continue talking with you if you keep deleting your comments. Why do you do that? Anyway you wrote:


I'm watching the vid. This is paranoid in overdrive really. I know this narrative very well. It's all over FB in many circles. You're focusing on ‘bad actors’ who are responsible for society’s ills, when it's the capitalist system that allows the wealth to be consolidated in a few hands. You'll not get rid of our problems by getting rid of the Rothschilds and Rockefellers. Read Marx's Capital. The Rothschilds are indeed a very wealthy family, but by no means the richest in the world or even close to it. By 2019 just one member of the family, Benjamin de Rothschild, was on the Forbes List of the world’s billionaires – and he was ranked at number 1,349. And although in 2015 the Rothschild Group had an annual revenue of $500 million, that figure was dwarfed by the $500 billion revenue of the supermarket chain Walmart, which is owned by a Christian family. It is ludicrous to suggest that a single family has the power to dictate world events or control the world’s banking institutions. But the facts do not matter to the paranoid parrots. Regardless of their actual material wealth or power, the Rothschilds are presented in the role as leaders of a ‘global cabal’ because they are Jewish. Also, Nathan Rothschild was not at Waterloo. There was no storm in the English channel. This is just scapegoating. The real new world order is climate change; capitalism is destroying the planet and its inhabitants by simply its drive for profits. Many people who did great things for the world happened to be interested in eugenics. Christians were even interested in eugenics. The Illuminati were founded by Adam Weishaupt, a university professor, in bavaria, germany. Have you ever read anything he wrote? The illuminati were advocates of free thought, secularism, liberalism, republicanism and gender equality. they wanted women to be treated as intellectual equals to men. they wanted to eliminate illiteracy, superstition, prejudice, and inequality among the people. they were against the roman catholic church’s domination over government, philosophy, and science, and the oppressive state abuses of power. there were a lot of corrupt churches then, and a corrupt society. they were burning women they thought were witches. the illuminati were really the communists of their time; misunderstood, feared and hated. they were atheists, agnostics, deists, so they rebelled against the church. because secularism was rarely heard of, the rationale was that if you weren’t with God, then you were with satan. hence, the Illuminati’s reputation of being satan worshippers. But they didn’t believe in satan. so, how does that work? the illuminati tried to do good in the world. But they were banned out of fear that the government would be overthrown. The spirit of the Illuminati is alive, though, wherever there is a fight against injustice, inequality, and oppression.


You (Simone) make many good points and there is some truth in what you say. But the point of the video is not that the Rothschild's/Rockerfeller's are the most powerful etc. The point is they are essentially the architects of the current globalist system. You should rewatch the video with that in mind.


I'm of Scottish heritage on my mother's side. My grandfather was a Mason, his brother a 33 degree Mason (as was George Washington). I never knew either as they both died shortly before I was born into this world. But I have long suspected some epigenetic influence. My father's mother's lineage goes back to the Mayflower.

The Illuminati was influenced by the mystic traditions and I am familiar with them all. I would have to say that Raja Yoga (Patanjali's Yoga Sutras) is possibly the purest mystical tradition. I have studied both the left and right hand path of these traditions over many decades. I have also studied so many other things: Jung, Evolutionary Psychology, Bernays . . . on and on.

I believe there to be a pure form of mysticism that transcends all of these traditions, which is accessible to all and is probably embedded within our DNA. I suppose you could think of it in terms of the Akashic Record which is a good metaphor for what I'm talking about. One way this knowledge can be accessed is through entheogens which I have explored in my early years, beginning around the age of 14. All knowledge resides in this Akashic Record. Crick and Watson attribute their discovery of the Double Helix to their use of LSD. That was the catalyst that allowed them to make that synaptic jump allowing them to understand it's structure.

The lifeforce (Evolutionary Psychology) has but two primary objectives: to reproduce the genome through the continuum of time and to improve the genome to survive whatever may come. The lifeforce is amoral in the sense it doesn't care if its objectives are achieve through tyranny, utopia, or the dystopian hell we seem to be headed. But us humans -- now about 300,00 years old -- can shift the future in favor of something a bit more utopian. That is what I aspire toward in what little way I can contribute.

And like I said before, directly manipulating DNA through CRISPR technology, GMO seeds etc. is already proving to be a disaster. I warned about the mRNA injections for that very reason and it turns out I was correct: millions have either been injured or died from these genetic weapons. And the worst could be yet to come. They are not vaccines and frankly I haven't even had a conventional vaccine in over 50 years. I don't recommend them. And WHO has been pushing vaccines? The UN, Bill Gates, WHO, WEF. They are all nuts and I am more knowledgeable than most humans. My record of prediction reflect that reality.

Anyway it has been fun talking with you Simone, even though we don't agree on everything. My thinking is actually stimulated when I interact with people that don't agree with everything I say. Through the decades I have debated Congressmen (John Dingell, John Conyers), DEA agents and other that I disagree with. And I always try to end things on a positive note. Still do.

I just with you would stop deleting your comments as others would probably be interested in reading through the full discussion. And we can continue this discussion as time allows. But if you continue to delete your comments I'm not sure if I will continue. Perhaps you could tell me why you feel you must delete your comments. Just seems odd to me. I think I've said enough for the moment.

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Thanks for the clarification. But again Keith just pointed out that it was an analogy and frankly men can be raped as well. And that happens every day in our prison system to both males and females. To be clear -- that is wrong.

I do wish you would not delete your comments. While we don't agree on everything your comments are thoughtful and when you delete them my replies have no context.

I think you deleted this one yesterday:


Wishful thinking. The ruling class will never hand over its power, and expecting them to play nice and let us have our freedom is part of the illusion. Capitalism leads to monopoly. When the wealth is concentrated into fewer and fewer hands who own the means of production, that small group will make life decisions for the rest of us, and those life decisions are based on their profit motive. There aren't enough of the masses who are class conscious or who understand collectivism leads to freedom of individualism for all, so if there were a revolution, it would be a bourgeois revolution which would involve agreeing on some terms or reforms within the existing framework. It wouldn't be a true workers emancipation. And as history has shown, any reforms granted would be eventually dialed back by them as long as they are in control. Under Stalin's constitution, women in the USSR always collected a pension at 55, men at 60. Capitalism hasn't been long restored in Russia and they are already going to raise the retirement age, just as they have raised it here. The greatest fear of the ruling class is for the masses of people to come to the conclusion that there is a better way. Hence, the 15 billion dollars a year spent on anti communist propaganda. The truthers who claim solidarity with each other and that we can do this or that together, are ironic, as deep down they don't care about anyone but themselves and their illusory freedom.


While I don't subscribe to Marxism or Collectivism I do share your concern. Humans have been around for 300,000 years and the tyrants always seem to prevail. And as I write, in the essay, a digital currency will be the end of humanity -- a fate that can probably not be reversed. As we just witness, with the release of the Twitter emails (Musk) we are not on an even playing field. And most humans are increasingly distracted at a time we all need to be eternally vigilant. Couple that with the mass illegal alien invasion -- part of the UN's globalist plans -- and it is clear our republic is in peril. Bottom line: somehow WE THE PEOPLE must wake up from our slumber. The fate of humanity hangs in the balance. Digital ID's and Currencies are now actively being pursued in real time. The clock is ticking.

As for the Illegal Alien Invasion we can put the toothpaste back in the tube by deporting all 5.5 million of them -- brought in by Biden in just the last two years. How do we do that? Universal EVerify for all jobs will deprive them of work. Vetting school children as to legal status will keep them out of the schools. And finally depriving them of any benefit will given them no choice but to leave. To be clear I don't hate any human -- legal or not. But our own legal citizens are suffering and that must be our priority.

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Dec 18, 2022
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Nope. Won't do that. If you don't want to discuss these things openly don't write or at least explain why you would want me to do that. I left you two new posts in the past hour. You should read them. It has been an interesting discussion and has allowed me to put a few things in better order. We don't have to agree on anything actually. But there are concepts that we do agree on. Frankly I can't think of anyone I completely agree with including myself. My thinking always seems to evolve though it seems to be reaching a final stage as I have not evolved my views in quite awhile now. Oh, also, are your writing available somewhere? I'd like to read through some of them. And as I said Substack is a great platform for you to post your views and writings. You should consider that.

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Dec 17, 2022Edited
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I don't know Keith. But the purpose of my analogy was to simply say that the globalists are shutting down free speech by censoring us and that they are also raping us with their globalist agenda. Nothing more and it was just an analogy. And yes I have a dark sense of humor that I largely suppress. I really thing that was all Keith was trying to point out.

The article you cite relies on many quotes from the UN -- one of the "pushers" of the globalist agenda. Ironically the UN "peace keepers" have been accused of rape on multiple occasions. I have both children and grandchildren. The last thing I would ever want is to see anyone -- male or female -- subjected to rape. And, of course, the main point of the essay was that a global digital currency is essentially the "Mark of the Beast" and the end of human civilization. I think we should just leave it at that. Personally I don't subscribe to any one ideology. I am not a Christian for example but see the parallels between Revelations (Mark of the Beast) and digital currency. Certainly we all have an ideology. The main tenants of my ideology are the Golden Rule and the Golden Mean. I also believe we all have inalienable rights and so long as our interactions with others is consensual I have no further concerns. I suppose my first "commandment" might be "don't' be an asshole." And the second would be "try to leave this world better than you found it."

I think we agree on a lot, including mass migration. One thing we could do to stop it would be to get away from GMO farming which is toxic ( to both individuals and the soil) and has replaced millions of jobs in Central/South America. That would be a great start but we can't even stop GMO farming in the US which is causing the degradation of our arable land as well as degradation of our gut biome. As I've said many times, I sometimes wonder if the globalists are terraforming the planet for extraterrestrial aliens. I doubt it but don't totally discount that possibility. More likely is that most people tend to go along to get along. Few will really risk their careers, as I have, to hold to my principles. And I totally get that.

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Another concept that steers my thinking/inquiry is "NetI Neti" of the Upanishads: some of the earliest Vedic writings. Personally I think the origins of this concept go back many thousands of years, perhaps even before the present Holocene era which is where we are now. If that is true the concept may go back before the great floods, some 12,000 years ago. But most think 800 - 200 BC. It doesn't really matter.

Basically it means "not this, not that." For me it means that every ideology/philosophy is incomplete and never gets to the origin of things. And while we may not ever "know it all" we learn more and more as we transcend various concepts. You can imagine how it probably influence the Greek philosophers idea of the dialectic which led to thing like the scientific method. I am quite content not knowing everything. But applying this method does allow me to know more than most. Just saying. That is why I reject Marxism and so many other things actually.

Neti Neti (Sanskrit : नेति नेति) is a Sanskrit expression which means "not this, not that", or "neither this, nor that" (neti is sandhi from na iti "not so"). It is found in the Upanishads and the Avadhuta Gita and constitutes an analytical meditation helping a person to understand the nature of the Brahman by negating everything that is not Brahman. One of the key elements of Jnana Yoga practice is often a "neti neti search." The purpose of the exercise is to negate all objects of consciousness, including thoughts and the mind, and to realize the non-dual awareness of reality.


The Upanishads (/ʊˈpənɪˌʃədz/;[1] Sanskrit: उपनिषद् Upaniṣad pronounced [ˈʊpɐnɪʂɐd̪]) are late Vedic Sanskrit texts that supplied the basis of later Hindu philosophy.[2][3][note 1][note 2] They are the most recent part of the Vedas, the oldest scriptures of Hinduism, and deal with meditation, philosophy, consciousness, and ontological knowledge; earlier parts of the Vedas deal with mantras, benedictions, rituals, ceremonies, and sacrifices.[6][7][8] While among the most important literature in the history of Indian religions and culture, the Upanishads document a wide variety of "rites, incarnations, and esoteric knowledge"[9] departing from Vedic ritualism and interpreted in various ways in the later commentarial traditions. Of all Vedic literature, the Upanishads alone are widely known, and their diverse ideas, interpreted in various ways, informed the later traditions of Hinduism.[2][10]

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Dec 1, 2022Edited
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I'm not sure whey we are talking about Marxism as that was not the subject of the essay. But since you bring it up the primary strategy of Marxism was to destroy the family which is why the Frankfurt School (Berlin 1920's) pushed all the LGBTQ crap. Frankly "whatever gets you through the night." But the intent of Marxism is fucked up. The family is what fortifies the social fabric. And I think the family is very important. Perhaps my essays are not for you. I can't answer that question. Wishing you the best.

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Dec 2, 2022Edited
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Not into Marx but I do agree that the working class has taken a beating -- especially over the last two years. I obviously don't support globalism or a One World Government or the Great Reset of the WEF. Thanks.

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Dec 3, 2022
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You seem quite well versed on Marxism. I recall reading Michele Harrington's "Socialism: Past and Future" way back in 1989. I was attracted to Marxism at one time . . . decades ago. But at the top of the hierarchy you have Collectivism Vs Individualism. Today I fervently support individualism: free speech, free press, free markets etc. It is quite clear that Marx was pushing collectivist ideologies and I personally can't subscribe to such thinking. But that's just me. I just really want to tend my own garden and ignore the real world. In fact I do grow my own Cannabis so there is that. But the reason I write (for free) is I think whatever little I can do I must do. And so I carry on. Wishing you the best.


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We already have digital currency. The danger is centralized control of our digital currencies. Trudeau did not have a CBDC when he used the digital currencies implemented by Canadian banks and credit card companies to freeze the assets of the Truckers and their supporters earlier this year. In the US, we must block government's use of private companies to enforce its censorship and other oppressive, authoritarian policies. Ultimately, we need to ban the use of "public-private" partnerships to bypass the Bill of Rights. The BoR must be directly applied to ALL corporate entities, since all are chartered (created) by some level of government. We must start recognizing all corporate entities, whether for profit or not for profit, as part of government. Their violations of the BoR are therefore unconstitutional and prohibited regardless whether they are guided by recognized government structures and individuals, or have simply been dreamed up by officials of the corporation itself.

Smashing corporate violations of the BoR is a necessary but insufficient measure that must be taken. Individual human beings are also capable of mass formation and manipulation. But I can cope with isolation and ostracism from individuals, even when they band together loosely as a group. What I can't cope with is when such a group enjoys massive financial backing chartered by government and uses enforceable group power to isolate me rather than the free choice of individuals. We must recognize that any attempt to control speech or other legal behavior through corporate power is prima facie government interference with those rights.

Regarding illegal immigration, if the US stopped meddling in the internal eco-political affairs of our southern neighbors, there would be no incentive for them to take refuge in the US. It's US foreign and drug policies that generate the chaos immigrants are fleeing. Of course, employers like the low wages and poor working conditions undocumented immigrants are willing to accept to escape the chaos, but the migration is pushed by chaos, not pulled by better conditions in the US.

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I also agree that our Bill of Rights is being eviscerated: the 1st, 2nd, 4th especially. I would also argue that Biden's/Obama's Open Border Policies are an example of high treason. But sadly the truth doesn't seem to matter any longer and far too many are so distracted (which I do understand: working multiple jobs etc.) they don't know what is going on. Also Primary/Secondary schools are all about globalist indoctrination: no focus on Civics, no longer making 1984/Brave New World required reading etc.

Here is a great essay describing the January 6th protests and how "geofencing" is eviscerating the 4th Amendment. This two tiered justice system reminds me of Hitler's Brown Shirts and the manner in which he attacked his detractors.

We are in uncharted waters. If we don't stop the Biden regime now goodness help us all.

If Big Brother And Big Tech Can Team Up To Violate Political Opponents’ Privacy Over J6, They Can Do The Same To You



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Yes, such violations of privacy were "witch hunts" in the absence of probable cause. However, what bothers me most is the failure to provide bail or a speedy trial or even arraignment. Two years and no trial? Most of those people have already served more time than the maximum sentence for whatever charges they will face.

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Thanks and well said. I suppose you could look at credit cards etc. as digital currency. But at the moment we can still elect to used cash which is both fungible but also anonymous. The problem rears its head when there is no more cash currency and everything you do is monitored. As I illustrate in the essay:

This is how a digital currency will most probably be implemented.

One day in the "not so distant future it will be announced that you have a few weeks to convert all cash to digital currency. When that end date arrives all fungible currency will no longer have any value. You will have no choice but to convert your paper currency for digital currency. Again we must not allow this to happen. Because once that happens they will control your money and will control you. Don't want to get the next vaccine? The government will cut off your access to your digital savings.

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Though I agree we should be using cash as much as possible, I'm reluctant to carry $200 in my wallet for the occasional trip to a grocery store or restaurant, even though I haven't been robbed since 1970. Perhaps we should recognize the crime rate as enforcement for the "cashless society." OTOH, won't the abolition of cash crimp such criminal activity? Thus, I don't think government will ban it altogether, but corporations will make the use of cash more and more difficult through automated checkout lines etc. If you use a checking account for much of your economic activity, you're already vulnerable to "authorities" freezing your account as Trudeau did. CBDC just makes it a little easier to identify the accounts to be frozen. We are already limited as to the amount we can withdraw without the bank reporting it to the government. Been that way for decades I believe.

Any sort of freeze or seizure of an account must be adjudicated illegal in the absence of a conviction, even during a state of emergency.

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Gee, you use PornHub as a resource? [The roasted pig pic, and text to explain his way-cool woman-abuse knowledge.] This is why we say there's no difference between the men of the right and the men of the left: Y'all glory in your hatred of women, except as useful-to-you orifices. Unsubscribing. I had expected better.

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Satire Diana. I'm just illustrating what is happening to the human population at the hands of the world's global oligarchs. Sorry but I do have a dark sense of humor. No harm meant. And by the way I don't condone the rape of anyone -- man or woman. So there's that.

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Nov 30, 2022Edited
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OK. Not sure why you would bring that up. But I'm quite sure there are Marxists the view pornography just are there are Catholic Priests that assault young boys. I don't recall mentioning Marxism in the essay. Thanks!

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Dec 1, 2022
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I think the majority of people are good people -- Jews, Christians, Muslims etc. But there are always a few bad apples in every group. I, like MLK, try to judge people by what they do . . . not by their color, race of creed. Buy, hey, that's just me. Love you.

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So true. CBDC, particularly when it completely replaces cash as we know it, is the gateway to digital ID, social credit scoring, and rest of the totalitarian parade of horribles that China has already had the "free trial" of. We must NEVER let them get rid of cash!

Some theorists put UBI (Universal Basic Income) in this category too, which I think is an erroneous category error. A genuine UBI is truly unconditional with no strings attached, and need not be done with CBDC at all. Just look at Alaska, for example. I believe the best way to prevent the oligarchs from implementing a CBDC based one WITH strings attached is to beat them to it with a non-CBDC one with NO strings attached. (The oligarchs' nefarious (per)version of that idea should NOT be called UBI.)

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Good stuff, Bruce. I'm wondering what you and readers think we can DO to resist CBDC's. I saw your note on Children's Health Defense, where other commenters were saying loud "No's" to no cash. But how do you say no, or where, if the switch to digital currency happens. It's really a rhetorical question.

My own answer is to use my voice and share my process of working this out, as clearly as I can. Risky truth-telling by choice is the best I know. What's happening is "emergent" . . . in systems the outcomes can't be predicted. And we individuals are part of the system, actors and players.

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Nov 30, 2022
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No. Just making an analogy. LOL.

All's I'm really saying is they are shutting down our free speech while forcing their agenda on all of humanity. You are over thinking this. Thanks for writing.

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