The Global Quickening: The Escalating Clusterfuck of humanity by the Globalists
Why our primary goal must be a worldwide movement against Digital Currency
Digital IDs Are HERE!! Why You Should Be WORRIED!!
168,279 views Dec 11, 2022
As Layah Heilpern explains digital currencies will be used to push forward the WEF’s Great Reset at the expense of every right you ever had.
‘If you are not a good citizen your money will be programmed to be used against you.’ Bitcoin expert, Layah Heilpern, explains the motive behind Central Bank Digital Currency.
Central Bank Digital Currency | Can it actually control you?
4,093 views Oct 29, 2022
As I reviewed this essay I thought I should make something clear. We should be opposing many things: vaccine passports, forced vaccination, digital idea schemes etc. What I am really saying is that, for those that want to preserve our inalienable rights, a digital currency — which is being pushed forward in the US and many other countries — will be the final nail in the coffin. Mercola does a great job, as always, in exposing the larger globalist agenda. This is a “must read.”
Digital identity, digital twins, programmable central bank digital currency (CBDC), a social credit system, human augmentation and the Internet of Bodies (IoB). These are all part of the dystopian future being rolled out by the globalist cabal as the “solutions” to the world’s problems.
Manufactured Dystopia — Globalists Won’t Stop Hacking Humans
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola (12/02/2022)
I also highly recommend you watch the following video. Whitney Webb is one of the best internet journalists out there.
Journalist Whitney Webb has worked to uncover some of the most dangerous stories of our lifetime, and she joins Glenn to reveal just how eye-opening it’s been. Her new two-volume book, “One Nation Under Blackmail: The Sordid Union Between Intelligence and Crime that Gave Rise to Jeffrey Epstein,” examines Epstein’s elaborate network of corruption and power, from Bill Clinton to Ghislaine Maxwell and many more. Her research into transhumanism has given her a terrifying perspective on the World Economic Forum and tech elites, including Elon Musk. And she tells Glenn the dark truth about Biden’s push for electric vehicles that she noticed while living in Chile.
How Elites Will Create a New Class of Slaves: Whitney Webb & Glenn Beck Podcast (11/05/2022)
Even before HW Bush talked about a "New World Order" (1990) the UN was pushing for a global government. Back then is was mainly talk, though things were proceeding behind the scenes. But with the synchronous global rollout of Smart Meters (2009), 5G (2019), Plandemic lockdowns (2020), forced vaccinations (2021), vaccine passports etc., it should now be clear powerful forces are globally orchestrating policy to implement a One World Government: one which will eventually enslave every human on the planet.
The globalists reasoning for a One World Government is based on a foundation of lies. One of those lies is that of Climate Change. There is no Anthropogenic Climate change — man made — so the ESG's, SDG's and other globalist initiatives are all based on a lie. The Carbon they really want to reduce is us. And the "force vaccination agenda," they have pushed since 2020 is taking away our freedom while the mRNA injection has proved to kill and injure more people than the virus itself.
Fake “Man Made” Climate Change, Real Cosmic Climate Change, 5G and the Globalist UN Agenda
By now it should be evident that the push toward a One World Government is accelerating as countries around the world are openly discussing implementing a digital currency. A digital currency is the ultimate end goal for the globalists as it will give them complete control over the citizenry. We got a taste of that in Canada when Trudeau froze the accounts of the Freedom Truckers who were calling for an end to the Plandemic Lockdown. A digital currency is essentially the "Mark of the Beast" in the sense that you must have it in order to buy or sell anything. And for that reason we must fight to insure it is never implemented.
The Global Quickening: The Escalating Clusterfuck of humanity by the Globalists
In pregnancy terms, the quickening is the moment in pregnancy when the pregnant woman starts to feel the fetus' moving in the uterus. It usually occurs between the 18 and 20th week of pregnancy.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In terms of the Global Quickening I'm referring to the fact that it is now obvious the globalist agenda is now, "alive and kicking." We are being now being actively pushed toward the WEF's Great Reset where "you will own nothing but be happy." For decades the United Nations was talking about Agenda21/Agenda2030, Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's) and a push for world government.
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) or Global Goals are a collection of 17 interlinked global goals designed to be a "shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future".[1][2] The SDGs were set up in 2015 by the United Nations General Assembly (UN-GA) and are intended to be achieved by 2030. They are included in a UN-GA Resolution called the 2030 Agenda or what is colloquially known as Agenda 2030.
Sustainable Development Goals
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
More recently Blackrock, BIS (Bank of International Settlements) and other large banking institutions, have been subverting the free market with ESG's which purport to steer investments away from fossil fuels and to further environmental, social, and corporate governance.
Even if you don’t own an investment account, ESG is hitting your pocketbook. As we head into the winter, household energy prices are set to hit a ten-year high, costing the average American family $1,200, according to a report from the National Energy Assistance Directors Association. The weaponization of financial regulation coupled with Wall Street’s obsession with ESG has redirected capital away from American energy projects. As a result, investment in oil and gas exploration and production in 2021 was 25% lower than 2019 levels. In less than two years, we have moved from a position of energy dominance to energy depletion precisely because of the radical climate finance agenda.
ESG Jeopardizes Economic Security and Must be Stopped
Andy Barr, Allison Ball | RealClearWire Nov 30, 2022
Vivek Ramaswamy — author of ‘Woke, INC.’ and founder of Roviant Sciences — currently is working hard to TAKE BACK control from the three largest asset managers in the world…including BlackRock, which manages over 10 TRILLION dollars of everyday Americans' finances (that's more than half the U.S. GDP!). ‘They’re using the money from everyday, American citizens…to advance these social and environmental policies that we should instead be debating as citizens,’ Ramaswamy tells Glenn. But rather than face antitrust violations, firms like BlackRock instead are CELEBRATED thanks to ESG. Ramaswamy tells Glenn how his new company will help Americans regain financial control and reestablish our TRUE free market.
How ESG & BlackRock Are ROBBING YOU of Financial Control (05/17/2022)
We have now transitioned from decades of talking about a global government to multifaceted actions to bring about -- to birth -- a global government. And these actions are now moving at a breakneck pace throughout the planet. Our resistance is required.
ESG's (environmental, social, and corporate governance) reflect the externalities (costs to others) an organization is generating with respect to the environment, to society and to corporate governance.
Environmental, social, and corporate governance
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia,_social,_and_corporate_governance
ESG metrics are a kind of social credit scoring system, similar to the model now being used in China. Their purpose is to create a new framework for evaluating businesses, banks, investors, and governments, so that instead of just looking at profits, losses, debt, employee satisfaction, and other traditional economic metrics, an organization is evaluated for its commitment to battling climate change and devotion to social justice causes, including, for example, the racial composition of a company’s workforce.
ESG systems already have awards and punishments tied to them. Companies with “good” ESG scores are often rewarded with lower lending rates, better bond ratings, and other advantages. Some companies with “bad” ESG scores are forced to pay more for loans or denied access to banking services altogether.
Debunking the media's lies about ESG social credit scores and the Great Reset
Since with the Plandemic, beginning in March 2020, vaccine passports, digital ID's and digital currencies are already being implemented in many countries throughout the planet. It is quite possible that Biden will attempt to implement a digital currency as soon as 2023. As I have written numerous times: the implementation of a digital currency is the "Mark of the Beast" and will be the end of free societies throughout the planet. The globalist agenda is now alive and kicking.
The Clusterfuck of humanity
When I refer to the "Clusterfuck of humanity" I'm referring to all of the concurrent things that are being done to subvert virtually every nation throughout the planet in order to implement a One World Government. And "clusterfuck" is an actual word. Here is the definition.
vulgar slang: a complex and utterly disordered and mismanaged situation : a muddled mess
earlier, "simultaneous copulation between multiple partners, orgy,"
So what I'm getting at -- employing the term clusterfuck -- is the multifaceted strategy to bring about transition to a One World Government: mass illegal immigration, defunding law enforcement, censorship of Anti-Globalists, unequal persecution of Anti-Globalists etc. Alternatively you can think of it as the globalist gang rape of all free societies. By pushing the multifaceted strategy it becomes nearly impossible to implement any defensive strategy, much less to even keep track of everything being done to the general populous. The following essay lists some of the things being done, in the United States, to push forward this globalist agenda, though it is not comprehensive.
It's time to admit we're all part of a massive experiment in fraud, theft, brainwashing and gaslighting to a degree never seen in world history. Think of all the times in just the past few years you've been gaslighted. I believe they lied to you about open borders...they lied about Hillary's 30,000 deleted emails... they lied about spying on former President Donald Trump... they lied about Russian collusion... they lied about a perfectly fine Ukrainian phone call... they lied about massive Biden corruption in Ukraine and China... they lied about the Hunter Biden laptop... they lied about the origins of COVID-19... they lied about the need for lockdowns and masks... they lied about the need for COVID-19 vaccines... they lied about the vaccines being "safe and effective"... they lied and covered up all the deaths and injuries from the vaccine... they lied about the success of miracle drugs hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin... they lied about the 2020 election... You've been the victims of nonstop, severe gaslighting for a decade now. You're all part of a human psychology experiment in the limits that government and media can go in propaganda and brainwashing... while you can see they're lying right in front of your eyes. And these are the exact same people now telling you Democrats just overperformed, and stopped a GOP red landslide, against all odds, without cheating and stealing the midterm election. Historically, every president in history facing his first midterm experiences a tough day with automatically 20 to 30 House seats lost... and 4 or more Senate seats lost... and this terribly unpopular President Joe Biden appears brain-dead and with severe dementia and can't put three coherent sentences together. Yet Biden defied history? While also facing the worst economy in modern history... and the worst inflation in America's history... and out-of-control crime... and open borders... and failing schools... and polls showing 75% of Americans believe the country is going in the wrong direction...Yet Biden beat all of that? If you believe Democrats made a miracle happen, without cheating, rigging and stealing... I have a bridge to sell you.
You've Been Gaslighted: It's Clear Democrats Just Stole Another Election
By Wayne Allyn Root November 13, 2022
I suppose a good way to envision the globalist clusterfuck is to think of a 3-way in a PornHub video: also known as "spit roasting."
At one end a globalist oligarch is shoving his member down your throat to shut you up. At the other end another globalist oligarch is shoving his globalist policies up your ass without your consent. When this happens to a non-consenting human this is known as rape. When it is being perpetuated on the entire global population it is known as the globalist agenda. And that is exactly what Biden and most other national leaders are doing to all of us. Global rape.
The beginning and end of human civilization: Fire and Digital Currency
Even before the first homo sapiens (c. 300,000 BC) earlier humans learned to use fire. That goes back 500,000 to 1 million years ago. That was certainly important in the evolution of early civilization. In a sense fire was instrumental to establishment of these early civilizations. Similarly I believe that the implementation of a Digital Currency will be the end of human civilization. It will mark the beginning of Global Slavery of every human on planet Earth. It’s been a nice 300,000 years. LOL
The ability to control fire was a dramatic change in the habits of early humans. Making fire to generate heat and light made it possible for people to cook food, simultaneously increasing the variety and availability of nutrients and reducing disease by killing organisms in the food.[20] The heat produced would also help people stay warm in cold weather, enabling them to live in cooler climates. Fire also kept nocturnal predators at bay. Evidence of cooked food is found from 1 million years ago,[21] Although there is some evidence that fire may have been used in a controlled fashion about 1 million years ago,[22][23] other sources put the date at 400,000 years ago.[24] Evidence becomes widespread around 50 to 100 thousand years ago, suggesting regular use from this time; interestingly, resistance to air pollution started to evolve in human populations at a similar point in time.[24] The use of fire became progressively more sophisticated, as it was used to create charcoal and to control wildlife from 'tens of thousands' of years ago.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Human civilization evolved at a snails pace until after the Great Floods (c. 9700 BC) which then began the Holocene era.
The Holocene is the current geological epoch. It began approximately 11,650 cal years before present (c. 9700 BCE), after the Last Glacial Period, which concluded with the Holocene glacial retreat.[4] The Holocene and the preceding Pleistocene[5] together form the Quaternary period. The Holocene has been identified with the current warm period, known as MIS 1. It is considered by some to be an interglacial period within the Pleistocene Epoch, called the Flandrian interglacial. The Holocene corresponds with the rapid proliferation, growth and impacts of the human species worldwide, including all of its written history, technological revolutions, development of major civilizations, and overall significant transition towards urban living in the present. The human impact on modern-era Earth and its ecosystems may be considered of global significance for the future evolution of living species, including approximately synchronous lithospheric evidence, or more recently hydrospheric and atmospheric evidence of the human impact.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
During the last 12,000 years human civilization became more complex and hierarchical due to the advent of agriculture and the various industrial revolutions. I've covered that in previous essays. Also during this evolution wealth has become polarized to the extent that we have individuals that control more wealth than some nation states. Think of Bill Gates, George Soros, Bezos, Larry Fink (Blackrock). And virtually all of these global oligarchs (e.g., flexians) are using their wealth to push forward what HW Bush called "The New World Order (c. 1990). This "One World Government" -- pushed by the UN, WEF and other globalist institutions -- is all possible because of the Fourth Industrial Revolution which began around 2000 AD: just 22 years ago.
The Fourth Industrial Revolution, 4IR, or Industry 4.0,[1] conceptualizes rapid change to technology, industries, and societal patterns and processes in the 21st century due to increasing interconnectivity and smart automation. The term has been used widely in scientific literature,[2][failed verification] and in 2015 was popularized by Klaus Schwab, the World Economic Forum Founder and Executive chairman. Schwab asserts that the changes seen are more than just improvements to efficiency, but express a significant shift in industrial capitalism.[3]
A part of this phase of industrial change is the joining of technologies like artificial intelligence, gene editing, to advanced robotics that blur the lines between the physical, digital, and biological worlds.[3][4]
Throughout this, fundamental shifts are taking place in how the global production and supply network operates through ongoing automation of traditional manufacturing and industrial practices, using modern smart technology, large-scale machine-to-machine communication (M2M), and the internet of things (IoT). This integration results in increasing automation, improving communication and self-monitoring, and the use of smart machines that can analyze and diagnose issues without the need for human intervention.[5]
It also represents a social, political, and economic shift from the digital age of the late 1990s and early 2000s to an era of embedded connectivity distinguished by the omni-use and commonness of technological use throughout society (e.g. a metaverse) that changes the ways humans experience and know the world around them.[6] It posits that we have created and are entering an augmented social reality compared to just the natural senses and industrial ability of humans alone.
Fourth Industrial Revolution
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
If you have the time I highly recommend reading through the timeline of historic inventions. It is quite fascinating.
The timeline of historic inventions is a chronological list of particularly important or significant technological inventions and their inventors, where known
Timeline of historic inventions
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The greatest threat to humanity: Digital Currency
On November 16th, 2022 the Biden administration announced support for the G20 Declaration to implement a digital currency. You can read through the entire Whitehouse statement in the link below.
24. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the transformation of the digital ecosystem and digital economy. We recognize the importance of digital transformation in reaching the SDGs. We acknowledge that affordable and high-quality digital connectivity is essential for digital inclusion and digital transformation, while a resilient, safe and secure online environment is necessary to enhance confidence and trust in the digital economy.
G20 Bali Leaders’ Declaration [Whitehouse 11/16/2022]
And here we have Great Britain's new Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, pushing for a Digital Currency back in October 2021.
What are Central Bank Digital Currencies - Rishi Sunak - Chancellor of the Exchequer at HM Treasury
40,384 views Oct 15, 2021
Of all the various globalist agendas -- mass immigration, forced vaccination, Smart Meters, 5G, etc. -- there is no greater threat to humanity than a global digital currency. I would go so are as saying it heralds in the end of human civilization and the beginning of a dystopian global slave plantation -- completely controlled by a very small number of global oligarchs. It must be stopped. And while I am a secularist it actually fits the description of the "Mark of the Beast" discussed in Revelations: a mark you must have in order to buy or sell ANYTHING. While I have discussed this in previous essays this video summarizes the progress and dangers of these Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC's).
Every central bank in the world is rushing to launch a digital currency...but why? And who is pulling the strings behind the scenes? As it turns out, we don't need a 'social credit score' when money itself is used to control our behavior. Christian breaks down the reality behind this global, synchronous push for digital currencies and the elimination of cash in this Ice Age Farmer broadcast.
Central Banks launch Digital Currencies - Perfect Technocratic Control
Ice Age Farmer 89,523 views Premiered Nov 30, 2021
In previous essays I have discussed how the Biden administration is actively pushing for a digital currency in the US. The following links and videos discuss how close the United States is to implement them.
The Fed launched a DIGITAL CURRENCY while YOU weren’t watching
By Staff, Glenn Beck November 29, 2022
The essay below contains a alternative link to the video in case YouTube censors their version . . . which it probably will.
'The Fedcoin is HERE': Glenn Beck reveals what the Fed was up to while YOU weren’t watching
'The mark of the beast?'
BLAZETV STAFFNovember 29, 2022
Even if it takes an Global Anti-Globalist Revolution, Digital Currencies must not be allowed
I have been an advocate of using cash as it deprives the credit card companies from diverting 3 percent of your purchases to their coffers. But it won't stop the implementation of a digital currency. Let me briefly explain.
This is how a digital currency will most probably be implemented.
One day in the "not so distant future it will be announced that you have a few weeks to convert all cash to digital currency. When that end date arrives all fungible currency will no longer have any value. You will have no choice but to convert your paper currency for digital currency. Again we must not allow this to happen. Because once that happens they will control your money and will control you. Don't want to get the next vaccine? The government will cut off your access to your digital savings.
TUCKER CARLSON-we must fight a Central Bank digital currency!
85 views Nov 26, 2022
If YouTube censors the video, which they probably will, here it is on BitChute:
Biden's Insane "Forced Vaccination Agenda"
In December 2020 Biden insisted that he would not "force vaccinate" the American People. By June 2021 he reversed his position forcing nurses, doctors, soldiers etc. to get "jabbed" on loose their jobs. By early 2022 many studies began showing that the mRNA injection was causing a huge rise in deaths and injuries. And then in November 2022, just weeks ago, a study showed that a majority of Americans dying of Covid-19 were vaccinated. Despite the real science Biden, the King Midas of Crap, doubled down on his "Forced Vaccination Agenda." How much more of his globalist crap are we going to take?
Let us not loose focus of the forest for the trees. The goal is bodily autonomy: no one should be forced to get the EUA mRNA injection. No one should lose their job for not complying and right now hundreds of thousands of nurses, doctors, military have not be reinstated for refusing the "jab." The scary thing is, despite the growing evidence of mRNA injury, Biden is now pushing forward with global vaccine passports. Hate to say it but it may literally take a revolution to reverse the course we are on.
The majority of Americans dying from Covid are vaccinated according to a new study, prompting a leading health policy nonprofit to concede that "we can no longer say this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated."
According to an analysis conducted for The Washington Post by Cynthia Cox, vice president at the Kaiser Family Foundation, 58 percent of August 2022 Covid deaths were people who were vaccinated or boosted.
Majority of Americans dying of Covid are vaccinated: study (11/23/2022)
The rate is part of the trend of vaccinated people dying at increasingly higher rates, going from 23 percent of Covid fatalities in September 2021 to more than doubling the percentage in just a year.
At the same G20 meeting Biden also supported implementation of a digital vaccine passport. To be clear both vaccine passports and digital currencies are instruments of control.
G20 Pushes Vaccine Passports For All Future International Travel (11/18/2022)
Globalists want new "digital health certificate" which shows whether a person has been "vaccinated or tested properly" so that only then "you can move around."
The need for a Global Anti-Globalist Revolution
In previous essays I have explained how I organized the first annual global protests to allow all adults -- throughout the planet -- to grow their own Cannabis (e.g., Marijuana) without any taxation, regulation or government control. That began in 1990 and by 2018 there were over 1800 protests around the planet. I think a similar strategy could be effective in stopping Digital Currencies and other globalist agendas.
It appears the first demonstration, against digital currency occurred on November 23rd, 2022 in the Netherlands and in England. When will we see similar protests in the United States?
The Hague Netherlands Rally against Digital Euro (CBDC) which will monitor every transaction over €100..."Every transaction will be traceable, they can and will control everything."

NO DIGITAL EURO: Huge protests in the Netherlands & England(11/24/2022)
The Daily Hot (YouTube) is worth looking at periodically
Every human, on planet Earth, cherishes their freedom. A Globalist Anti-Globalist Revolution should be centered upon those things that all humans agree upon. Basically a war is coming. And that war will be between the People of planet Earth and the Globalists that seek to enslave us. Think of the American Revolution on a Global Scale. The fact is there are far more of us than the globalists that seek to enslave us.
We should be supporting protesters in China, Iran and everywhere around the world. Our futures depend on it. Whether it be the US, Canada, England etc. what is clear is WE THE PEOPLE are at war with Global Flexians: unelected scum pushing globalist policy to enslave all of us. If we actually had global leaders that pushed policies for a better world I would support them. Instead we have global leaders, corporations, NGO's that seem to be terraforming the planet for an alien race. We see this unfold with increased EMF radiation, GM farming, forced vaccination and other globalist policies that ignore the fact we evolved in the natural world. Just about everything these globalist are behind has diminished our health and our wealth. That doesn't work for me. We need a global Anti-Globalist Revolution. We need goals and metrics that support the average human and track whether we are moving in the right direction.
If we are going to stop this globalist agenda it is important that all of us get involved. As I have said for years now: All of us is all we need. We need to attend protests, speak out at City Council Meetings and much more. I also recommend becoming members of various Anti-Globalist groups including this one.
Reignite World Freedom
I think this group has the right idea but it seems a bit disorganized to me. For instance they should provide a comprehensive lists of the actions they have proposed. I don't see that anywhere on their website. Still I encourage you to join the group.
I think I will leave it there for today. But I want to end with a note on Biden's Open Border invasion.
An update on Biden's Globalist Open Border invasion
Since Biden became president an unprecedented 5.5 million illegal aliens have been allowed to invade the United States. I believe that EVerify and other mechanisms should be employed to deport every one of them. 5.5 million Illegal Aliens is more than half the population of the state of Michigan (10 million).
So just a few weeks after the mid-term elections Senator Schumer announced that they should all get amnesty. I hope that makes you angry. I hope we can send them all back. Schumer is yet another globalist "toe sucker" and even I am surprised he would have the audacity to say this. Obviously Schumer looks at Americans a chumps.
Senator Schumer: “We need Amnesty for all 11 million or however many” Illegal Aliens are in the US
Federation for American Immigration Reform (11/22/2022)
The cost of Illegal Immigration after Obama's Amnesty is over 200 BILLION dollars per year and is costing each taxpayer over $2000/year each. Now just think to the cost after they get Social Security cards. Mad yet? Both parties want the Amnesty as it yields cheap labor for the Republicans and Voters for the Democrats. Stopping this is up to WE THE PEOPLE even if we have to take to the streets.
This report estimates the annual costs of illegal immigration at the federal, state and local level to be about $113 billion; nearly $29 billion at the federal level and $84 billion at the state and local level. The study also estimates tax collections from illegal alien workers, both those in the above-ground economy and those in the underground economy. Those receipts do not come close to the level of expenditures and, in any case, are misleading as an offset because over time unemployed and underemployed U.S. workers would replace illegal alien workers.
The Fiscal Burden of Illegal Immigration on United States Taxpayers
Report by Matt O’Brien and Spencer Raley | September 27, 2017 | View the Full Report (PDF)
And if Biden's Open Borders policy doesn't anger you yet consider that Project Veritas just found the Biden administration involved with child sex trafficking.
Project Veritas: HHS Complicit in Child Sex Trafficking
Diana and Simone , go do your virtue signalling somewhere else . My guess is you find that part of the article as worthy of your attention but you missed the information that might awaken you to what the globalist have in mind for you .
Only you assumed the spit roast had a gender of your imagination . Go protest porn hub . Take your emotional baggage with u
We already have digital currency. The danger is centralized control of our digital currencies. Trudeau did not have a CBDC when he used the digital currencies implemented by Canadian banks and credit card companies to freeze the assets of the Truckers and their supporters earlier this year. In the US, we must block government's use of private companies to enforce its censorship and other oppressive, authoritarian policies. Ultimately, we need to ban the use of "public-private" partnerships to bypass the Bill of Rights. The BoR must be directly applied to ALL corporate entities, since all are chartered (created) by some level of government. We must start recognizing all corporate entities, whether for profit or not for profit, as part of government. Their violations of the BoR are therefore unconstitutional and prohibited regardless whether they are guided by recognized government structures and individuals, or have simply been dreamed up by officials of the corporation itself.
Smashing corporate violations of the BoR is a necessary but insufficient measure that must be taken. Individual human beings are also capable of mass formation and manipulation. But I can cope with isolation and ostracism from individuals, even when they band together loosely as a group. What I can't cope with is when such a group enjoys massive financial backing chartered by government and uses enforceable group power to isolate me rather than the free choice of individuals. We must recognize that any attempt to control speech or other legal behavior through corporate power is prima facie government interference with those rights.
Regarding illegal immigration, if the US stopped meddling in the internal eco-political affairs of our southern neighbors, there would be no incentive for them to take refuge in the US. It's US foreign and drug policies that generate the chaos immigrants are fleeing. Of course, employers like the low wages and poor working conditions undocumented immigrants are willing to accept to escape the chaos, but the migration is pushed by chaos, not pulled by better conditions in the US.