Bruce, thank you for the clarity in the sign. Great idea.

I am a skeptic however in terms of geoengineering. Your explanation that jet trails normally dissipate quickly is true in cold, dry air. But often in advance of warm fronts, normal jet contrails form and can last for hundreds of miles because the moisture at that altitude is excessive and contained by the warm air and causes the hot jet exhaust to condense into cloud-like trails.

can you provide hard evidence that things are sprayed from planes? I have seen some of geowatch site. But is there actual physical proof?

Proof would be:

• sworn whistleblower testimony of pilots of ground handlers with photos

• stratospheric samples of chemicals captured from behind jets

• governmental documentation and receipts

• spectroscopic analysis of jet plumes when the sun is seen through them (this would reveal what is in the plume)

• documented on the ground water and chemical samples and high correlation to photo analysis of sky regions

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