How to order a yard sign to protest the Globalist Agenda for just over $20
Just say No to Biden's Globalist Agenda
This will be my shortest post ever. LOL
What you are looking at (above) is a lawn sign I just designed and ordered for our lawn.
Many of my readers have asked me what can we do to stop the globalist agenda. Over the years I have run for US Congress, lectured before classes at universities, written hundreds of essays and have spoken before my city council. I'm retired and most of you may not feel comfortable speaking in public or may simply not have the time for such things. But I certainly encourage all of you that do feel comfortable speaking out at your City Council etc. I'll get to that in a minute.
But if you are residing in a home you can put up a lawn sign in order to raise awareness. And it won't cost much over $20 to have the sign, that I designed, sent right to your home. And here is how you can order one.
1) Go to Staples website
2) Click on the person icon [upper right]
3) Sign into my account
Password: Yardsign1234
4) Click on "Account Overview"
5) Click on "Services"
6) Click on "Yard signs"
7) Click on "Orders"
8) Click on "Edit and Reorder"
9) Click on "Continue" [Upper Right]
This will take you to the checkout where you will put your name, shipping address and credit card information. And your sign should arrive in about 1 week from the time you order it.
Please don't alter the sign design. But if you want to alter the design just design your own in your own account. The process of designing a sign, through Staples, is really quite simple. Perhaps you would rather include a link to a local activist group rather than my Substack blog. Perhaps you are from another country. Do whatever you think is going to be most effective. If you live in Canada you would want to cite Trudeau. If you live in France you would want to cite Macron.
Here’s another group putting up lawn signs:
For you brave one's: Speaking before your City Council about Chemtrails
I have spoken before my City Council many times over the years. Most City Councils only allow the public 2-3 minutes to speak, so you should make sure you can make your point, or demand, in that timeframe.
Why am I encouraging you to speak about Chemtrails?
Unless the topic you are going to speak about has relevance to the City Council they will shut you down and not allow you to speak at all. This has happened to me on a few occasions. But every city throughout the planet is getting chemtrailed. So speaking out against chemtrails is relevant to every city throughout the planet. Trying to discuss the implementation of a digital currency or adoption of the WHO Plandemic Treaty -- both being pushed by Biden and most world leaders -- will get you shut down in a New York second. LOL
I may write a script that activists can use at their City Councils. But the main points I would make is as follows.
* Every city in the US is being sprayed by chemtrails which are ussually miles in length, unlike the much shorter vapor trails that can sometimes naturally occur.
* Some of these chemtrails contain nanoparticles of Aluminum, Barium and a host of other substances.
* We, as citizens of {city} have the right to know exactly what is being sprayed on us.
* We demand that the city provide us with complete information on every plane that sprays chemtrails and what the contents are composed of.
* The subject of Chemtrails is not something that can be adequately covered in 3 minutes so I encourage everyone to watch the documentary that covers this in great detail. The film is called "The Dimming." Additional information can be found throughout the internet and at
And here is the link to “The Dimming.”
===== is pleased to announce the release of our groundbreaking documentary that conclusively exposes the existence of global weather intervention operations.
Global weather engineering operations are a reality. Who is responsible for carrying out these programs? What will the consequences be if geoengineering / solar radiation management operations are allowed? THE DIMMING documentary will provide answers to these questions and many more. This is the most complete documentary regarding climate engineering operations.
The Dimming, Full Length Climate Engineering Documentary (March 10, 2021)
Bruce, thank you for the clarity in the sign. Great idea.
I am a skeptic however in terms of geoengineering. Your explanation that jet trails normally dissipate quickly is true in cold, dry air. But often in advance of warm fronts, normal jet contrails form and can last for hundreds of miles because the moisture at that altitude is excessive and contained by the warm air and causes the hot jet exhaust to condense into cloud-like trails.
can you provide hard evidence that things are sprayed from planes? I have seen some of geowatch site. But is there actual physical proof?
Proof would be:
• sworn whistleblower testimony of pilots of ground handlers with photos
• stratospheric samples of chemicals captured from behind jets
• governmental documentation and receipts
• spectroscopic analysis of jet plumes when the sun is seen through them (this would reveal what is in the plume)
• documented on the ground water and chemical samples and high correlation to photo analysis of sky regions