Why wouldn't they do it again?

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They are doing it again. But this time we won't accept a fraudulent election. Let us hope Trump wins by a landslide.

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How will we not accept a Harris win? Like last time nothing will change the results..

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I think part of the difference is last time (2020) we didn't suspect foul play until 3AM the next day when an avalanche of votes came in for Biden. This time (2024) we are seeing evidence of fraud well before the election (see my last essay) as well as resistance (Dems would not pass the SAVE Act) to remove ineligible voters. As I said, in this current version of the essay, I don't think a Harris win will be accepted. The stakes are too high and many will not accept another 4 years of the Democrat's globalist policies. For instance -- as I will soon add to the essay -- Biden/Harris are in favor of the UN Resolution as well as the push for a Digital Currency. Again I simply hope Trump wins by a margin that cannot be challenged. I really don't want to see a revolution.

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I feel that it is even more insidious than this. Trump is supposed to win, and will. The democrats are purposely running their ludicrous campaign into the ground, while also managing to maintaining an illusion of a two party system. And the media is maintaining that delusion by reporting false numbers to create the illusion of a close race. The citizens of the USA and even around the world feel vindicated and have huge hopes wrapped around the Trump Presidency and RFKs involvement. Watch that already start to come apart at the seams as Trump surrounds himself with carbon and and big pharma cronies and lobbyists. The globalist psychopaths agenda plays both sides remember? Same game same players.

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As I recently wrote on another blog . . . I share your concerns. But at the end of the day I am relieved that Biden-Harris lost "bigly." LOL

I think we should all be relieved that Trump won in a landslide: the popular vote, the electoral vote and hopefully control of both the House and Senate. His support of free speech will send ripples throughout the planet as those that want to censor free speech are NEVER the good guys. But we should not suspend our eternal vigilance as Musk and many potential cabinet picks still hold globalist goals: carbon taxes, support for Net Zero Policies etc. I've yet to write about Trump's win because I first want to know that we have a majority in the house. And I remain a happy cynic because Trump really screwed up with pushing mRNA injections (e.g. Operation Warp Speed) and locking down the country . . . as did the rest of the world. He has a mere 4 years to turn this ship around. I do wish I could advise him. We cannot afford another fuck up.

The revolution is officially called off. LOL

Share widely and make sure you watch the embedded video: "Here's How Illegals Are Voting in America."

It is now abundantly clear that the 2024 Presidential Election is not a fair and free election. What we are now witnessing is a globalist Democrat Party coup against the American People fueled by a massive attempt to register Illegal Aliens to vote while keeping other ineligible voters (including dead voters) on the voting rolls. This, in turn, allows massive ballot harvesting, of ineligible voters, in order to flip the election toward a Harris win.

Why a Harris win will rightfully foment a 2nd American Revolution

The Globalist Democrats have illegally gamed the system for a fraudulent Harris win


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Yes, I read that and concur. Though, there is a much deeper satanic agenda at play here, and we cannot all be so naive as to believe that this is all playing out strictly on a political level. It is so much deeper, and older than that.

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MAGA, by the way, is the highest degree in the church of satan. It is the 5th degree.

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