Incredible aggregation of information! I was in Greece in 04 when they extorted the Greeks with the Euro, showcasing it in Athens for the Olympics. 10 years later, Greek ports were extorted to let Africans through as part of bailout to a debt crisis. Moral of the story? Kill banksters before they kill us!

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Aw thanks. I'd be interested to hear more of your story -- with links if possible. I was just watching FOX this morning where they said that terrorists, coming over the southern border are not actually held and deported . . . but allowed to disappear into the country. A crazy person might surmise our own leaders are trying to destroy the republic. But that would be crazy, right? LOL

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I believe most Americans have always favored catch and deport.

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Sadly California's efforts to "legalize" marijuana simply turned it into a legal corporate product; while smoking it is legal, growing your own is strictly limited. It can be sold to the public in shops - which the community has the right to regulate, and especially limit - my town, for example, thinks there should only be one such shop - has anyone done any research on price fixing? So the illegal "grows" continue in the woods, inviting the accumulation of undisposed trash and gun violence, even redirecting limited water sources. The good old days are looking attractive.

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