Kerry Kiefer

Bruce Cain The slogan, "Build Back Better," is a UN agenda going back to 2015: "BBB was first officially described in the United Nations' Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction document, which was agreed on at the Third UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction held on March 14–18, 2015, in Sendai, Japan. It was adopted by UN member states as one of four priorities in the Sendai Framework for disaster recovery, risk reduction and sustainable development.[3] The UN General Assembly adopted this document on June 3, 2015." In other words, we are not YET to the "disaster recovery" stage until the vaxxed start dying in huge numbers. Then, it would seem, we are ready for their "risk reduction" plan of herding whoever is left into camps after which comes the clean-up "sustainable development" phase of Smart Cities for the hybrids who will be working closely with AI.

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Thanks for sharing. THAT is quite a list.

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This is awesome, filling in some gaps for me, wow. am going to be including this in my newsletter next week, fyi, https://alexberenson.substack.com/p/bidens-disapproval-rating-now-above

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Thanks! We are all in this together.

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