A reader asked this question. Here is my tentative answer.

We need solutions. Please can you provide a solution as to how we don't end up in a digital cage???

I have been encouraging protests against the Great Reset uniting behind a specific set of planks to derail there agenda.  That is already occurring but is ignored by corporate media.  The videos are not easy to find because I believe YouTube etc. is hiding or deleting them.  On a local level I encourage challenging chemtrails that are occurring worldwide and are part of the globalist agenda.  I am suspicious that the spread of Covid may actually have been assisted by chemtrails.  Regardless they should not be spraying crap like Lithium, Barium, whatever on local communities. That is covered in the essay. 

This actually weighs heavily on me because it is an uphill battle and it is hard to reach "critical mass" given the censorship of the Anti-Globalist by corporate media and censorship by Big Tech.  Either way we have no choice but to keep pushing.  I you have ideas I'd sure like to hear them.  

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We need to know our rights. We need to know how to say NO.

I refused to get the clot shot. Many walked away from pathetic employers mandating shots. It’s a question of priorities. Health vs. some employment.

I refused to wear a mask. When cited by police, I went to court and told them I wasn’t pleading guilty to a lesser crime and fine. I was willing to face a year behind bars, a $3000 fine and criminal charge., the prosecutor and judge dismissed the unConstitutional charge.

I knew my rights and I said no.

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I'm with you but the sad truth is: if you have a family to support, and refusing it will cost your job, chances are you will get it. That is what happened to my son in law and now he is having lethargy etc. Pisses me off. I'm thankfully retired so I can't be forced. I also update the essay just now -- adding a section explaining how "Kabuki Media" is lying to us. What is odd is I tried to replace the thumbnail image that accompanies the post -- with an image of "The Five" which is in the essay. But no matter what I do it will not change the image. Not a huge deal. It could be SubStack takes time to refresh the image. Not going to loose any sleep over it. Thanks for you posts.

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I had a Christian friend and prior co-worker get the vaccine to support his large family and he is now dead. He thought this same way (just get it to keep the job.) https://www.legacy.com/us/obituaries/name/whitney-mayer-obituary?id=34909114 We both worked for Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. His death scared another friend and co-worker that also took it; he just died shortly after Christmas. https://www.dignitymemorial.com/obituaries/monroe-wa/jeffrey-welsh-11080474 I refused it and lost my job so I committed another kind of suicide - "financial suicide"; I have had to sell most of what I worked for in my life but I am still alive. Vaccinated family and friends looked down on me for refusing; they had no apathy or offered help for my situation. In fact, I had inheritance withheld from me by siblings because I refused to follow and get vaccinated. We can see where this will go in the future when these family and friends want us marched off to the "death camps."

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It saddens me the hear your story and that of your friends. No one should ever be forced or coerced to get ANY medicine. Period. I wish you the best. This should have never happened.

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Folks need to repent. I

recommend praying. Ask for God’s help. Do your best. Leave the rest to God.

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You mentioned gain of function. It is a psyop. Like the Wuhan lab leak, it’s fear pornography.

Virology and viruses are Rockefeller tricks. Compare death rates year to year. 2020, the year of the virus was flat. Only in 2021, the year of injections, did the rate rise and it rose significantly.

I dunno. Maybe you know this. I’m just trying to be careful and not let the globalists con us any further. Once we abandon germ theory, things will improve dramatically. The house of cards will fall.

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First off I like Mercola. I don't understand why he only allows his essays to remain available for like 3 days and then disappear. That makes no sense to me. He has done some great work. But if you can't find a past link what is the point of writing?

I'm not quite sure why you say "gain of function" -- really bioweapon production -- is a psyop. As a Perennial Hippie (an old one) I have always felt that, using CRISPR and other technologies, to alter the genetics of plants, animals, humans was above the human pay grade, so to speak. I think artificial modification of plants (e.g., the terminator and roundup resistant gene in Monsanto seeds) and humans (e.g., dicing and splicing our genome for the mRNA injection) are extremely dangerous. That was why I warned my readers against getting the mRNA injection at the moment Trump began Operations Warp Speed in 2020. I'm also a fervent advocate on inalienable rights and bodily autonomy. I haven't had a vaccination in over 50 years and it pisses me off that Biden pushed forced vaccination. The government should NEVER have the right to force vaccines on the population. It may sound paranoid but I don't discount that the intent of the mRNA injections, or the developing WHO agreement, are not really about depopulation.

As for viruses. Over my 68 years I've had many bouts with the flu and with colds -- which are attributed to viruses and bacteria. Recently my wife got the flu. I got it days later. Throughout my life I've seen the spread of flu-like symptoms. I don't focus on this, in my writings, but what is the mechanism if not a virus. The idea that colds and flu are just the bodies way of cleansing itself has always seemed specious to me. It seems very unlikely that two individuals are in need of "cleansing" just a few days apart. And there is even more diversity of health at a family gathering with people of various ages and states of health. And yet days later a significant proportion get sick. I have no formed opinion but I would be interested in your alternative theory to viral infection and spread. If the culprit is not the virus then what is the mechanism?

Thanks for writing.

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Poisons can be consumed in many ways. Food, water, air and emf. And of course there are injections. Our air and water supplies are compromised.

The whole idea of viruses and virology is a hoax.

Suzanne Humphries, MD wrote Dissolving Illusions. It explains how vaccines did not bring an end to contagious diseases like measles, polio, diphtheria, whooping cough, etc. (Ironically, Dr. Humphries still believes in viruses. The brainwashing is deep.)

Virology doesn’t use controls. They are not scientific. The virologists won’t debate. It’s all funded by Rockefeller and friends.

They’ve never really isolated a virus.

We’ve been programmed to believe in germs. Bacteria aren’t harmful. They’re janitors cleaning up the dead cells from poison.

For independent doctors, I suggest:

Dr. Sam Bailey

Dr. Tom Cowan

Dr. Andrew Kauffman

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Yes I don't write about this but have explored it. All I'm asking is what mechanism causes transmission of a cold/virus/whateveryouwanttocallit to spread so effectively. Why did I get sick just two days after my wife? What is the mechanism.

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It’s not contagion. There were extensive barbaric studies done trying to infect test subjects will all kinds of so called “diseases.” For instance, they withdrew snot from a group of people infected with a disease and exhibiting symptoms. They squirted the snot, had them drink the snot… you name it. They’ve done this with numerous “diseases.” It never worked. Yawning is contagious. Women living together can synchronize their menstrual cycle.

I suspect poisoning. You consumed many things in common.

As I mentioned, poisons can be consumed in many ways. Food, water, air and emf.

Glyphosate is ubiquitous. An example: Bread is loaded. Almost all wheat was drenched with glyphosate before harvest. Another example: products with beet sugar or soy are compromised with glyphosate.

Our air and water supplies are compromised. Local water supplies show high levels of toxins. The government admits it.

Heavy metals are showing up in urine tests.

The government admits to geo-engineering. Tests of the air we breath shows heavy metals.

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I do agree with all you say here but I'm not buying into the idea my wife and I were poisoned. There is obviously a mechanism by which cold/flu symptoms spread. I've witnessed this for 68 years now. It is quite likely the Spanish Flu was spread through the Rockefeller vaccine (c. 1918). At any rate I don't focus on this subject much. On the other hand I did work in Medical Research so am interested in understanding the mechanism.

Look at the essay and video on Moth in the Iron Lung. You will find them toward the bottom of my past essay. I think you will find it very interesting.


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Yes! The Spanish Flu was the same method they used with Covid. The death rate for 2020 -- the year of the fake virus -- show no increase. The death rat in 2021 -- the first year of injections -- it rose significantly. And the leading cause of death for 2022 is Sudden Death.

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Yesssss. Bingo!!!!!

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Mike Adams said Mercola was threatened by an unknown (to Adams) entity and was forced to remove the permanent display of his articles. I think they’re visible on Mercola’s substack page, however.

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Adam’s is another puzzle. He’s had Cowan & Kauffman on his show. He agreed. He praised. A couple of weeks later he had a “lab leak and gain of function” fear pornographer on and Adams failed to ask the questions.

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It’s so hard to know who to trust. I’ve heard some allege Adams is controlled opposition. If that’s true, he nonetheless warned us off the jabs well before they were released, saving innocent human life in the process.

Talk about a long game.

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Good point. Adam’s had Cowan and Kaufman on and the Health Ranger was gung ho on terrain theory and virology as a hoax. Then, not too many weeks later, he’s hobnobbing with gain of function and Wuhan lab leaking propagandists.

I dunno. Maybe he was threatened.

I have learned to think like a criminal when presented with contradictory words and behaviors.

Then I play music, swim, cycle, or something healthy to clear my mind, body and spirit.

Another one for the list is Russell Brand. He’s a very good actor.

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May I suggest Dr.Sam Baily? Terrain Theory. You can find on Rumble and Odyssey. Food for thought.

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I agree. Mercola can be insightful and brings some truth to the table.


It ends with his constant conviction to the germ theory and virology with are both bogus as hell.

I’m not even going to begin to explain why, there are many who can explain and prove eloquently as to why.

You don’t catch a cold, flu, etc.

That’s germ theory nonsense.

Contagion is a myth. Nothing spreads.

There’s reasons in nature why you think things spread. They don’t.

Again do your due diligence as to why that is.

The answers are easy to find. But take work to read and learn. Once you do, the curtain is pulled up and the truth is revealed and you can never buy their lies again.

Allopathic medicine is bullshit.

Rockefeller, Carnegie and Flexner made sure the world was taught lies about medicine, disease and science. And that’s what you’ve been taught.


There’s no such thing in nature as a pathogenic virus floating around to infect and kill you.

Viruses ( that which we call viruses) do not and cannot live outside the body. That’s fear porn.

That fear was the mechanism to get you the REAL pathogen. The jab. They wanted the jab in people for years. They just couldn’t come up with something that would get them there.

They tried with the “flu” shot. People said no to that. Didn’t scare them.

Gain of function is more fear porn.

Releasing “viruses” is an insane concept.

How do you release it?

Open a window and go “shoo ”?

And it travels around the world instantly and replicates endlessly?

And it only attacks humans?

Seriously. And people buy that?

Well they do and they did.

They finally got what they wanted.

Sorry for getting on a rant.

Mercola is worth a read. He brings a lot of good things to light. So much so that they probably threatened him. Which is why his daily reports are gone in a few days. Probably an agreement with the enemy.

But know he is still on the side of germ theory which is not in your best interests.

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You referenced Dr. Mercola’s website. Wasn’t he seriously threatened three years ago?

He’s a puzzle. He believes in viruses. It appears to me that he’s been compromised.

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I believe the same about Mercola.

He still shills germ theory nonsense which makes no sense to me

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~ Deceivers ~

Robert Malone

Peter McCullough

Pierre Cole

Miki Willy’s

Del Bigtree

David Martin

Steve Kirsch

Joseph Mercola

Catherine Austin Fitts

~ Avoiders ~

James Corbett

Sheri Tenpenny

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And BTW, McCollough is the smiling face that keeps on bullshitting as he is no doubt two faced.

As they once sang:

Smiling faces...sometimes...they don’t tell the truth

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Your deceivers list is spot on.

All germ theory propagandists.

Just shameful.

Your avoiders I’ve felt the same also.

There’s something about Corbett that just comes off pompous and sleazy.

And Dr T as she’s called, I feel the same about as Mercola.

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What if there’s a deep state operation to bribe, and threaten (or both) doctors and personalities to keep the focus away from the debate about disproven germ theory?

This way the tyranny of germs continues, even after the Covid injections are brought to an end.

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That’s what I feel happened to Mercola.

Not so much on his seemingly unwavering belief in germ theory, but his many other postings about health related items that go against the narrative.

With all that’s been proven to show germ theory and virology to be a sham, what is the reason he holds on dearly to it?

Has he been bribed? If so, that immediately discredits his worth. Regardless of what seeds of truth he sprinkles around.

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A key here is "driven by edicts from the CMS." It almost sounds like Biden was sincerely against mandates, but was not as powerful as CMS. This is reminiscent of Trump's inability to control the neo-cons in his administration. There is no question that CMS has been central to the worst affects of the Covid agenda. It was CMS that pressured Sentara to remove Dr Paul Marik's hospital privileges.

I was once a supporter of Medicare for All. No longer. I support no single payer scheme unless its protocols are firmly under the control of states at a minimum and preferably the counties.

Regarding EUAs, it should be remembered that the EUA for hydroxychloroquine limited its use to already hospitalized patients when its most avid supporters said it was too late. This EUA was the nefarious action of Rick Bright, head of BARDA at the time. It was insubordinate, as Trump had instructed his administration to clear the way for HCQ use. It gave an excuse for drug store chains to refuse prescriptions for HCQ and for medical boards to punish prescribing doctors.

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