Indeed, it's just hard to even believe that EMF can not influence our bodies, while majority seems not getting it. While there are hundrends of thousands people who feel the influence directly and being ignored by majority of health professionals. These people have to wear expensive EMF clothing (https://emfclothing.com/electromagnetic-protective-clothing) and it is insane when they considered as just crazy..

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Viruses do not exist

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"There is a theory that the nationwide emergency alert test (10/04/2023) could activate the Marburg virus in those that got the Covid-19 mRNA injection: 81 percent of the US population. According to this theory the emergency alert will pulse frequencies that will activate the Marburg virus that was previously introduced into the body through the mRNA injection which was never, really, a vaccine."


That would have been really bad. There's no Marburg or Ebola "virus". There's no viruses period. It's all an illusion to keep us afraid of each other.

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Well thanks for reading that essay. I would probably disagree with you on viruses but that's fine and it has never been a primary focus of mine. You probably missed this part of the essay where I shed doubt on the theory. My essays are far too long, frankly. You might have missed it so here is the excerpt:

So let's get back to the "Marburg/5G" theory. My initial concern with 5G is the increasing densification of EMF (Electro Magnetic Frequency) radiation. Since the installation of streetlights (c. 1890) our exposure to EMF radiation has literally increased by over a million fold. But I am also quite aware that electromagnetic frequencies can, in fact, activate dormant viruses within the human body. I am skeptical that the emergency broadcast (10/04/2023) is going to unleash the Marburg virus or start the "Zombie Apocalypse" though I wouldn't put it completely off the table.

AAANNNNND it turned out I was correct. We are all still alive, for now. LOL

Again, thanks for writing.

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I also don't like to push vaccinations as I think they are dangerous. And that is why I haven't had one in over 60 years. But that is just me. Regardless I do believe in inalienable rights and bodily autonomy when it comes to both vaccines, mRNA injections, GMO Farming, Glyphosate and abortion etc. I don't want the state violating anyone's inalienable rights.

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You got me. I had to go back and read your whole article, I don't think it's too long BTW, and the ending is really good.

BC: "I also don't like to push vaccinations as I think they are dangerous."

I'm totally with you on this one brother. Despite our strong disagreement about the existence of "viruses", it's really uplifting to see this stated so directly. "Virus deniers" and traditional antivaxxers share this extremely important goal, but I often find that many of the gatekeepers posing as antivaxxers will never state this so directly as you have. Stopping the needles is paramount. At the very least, we should stop the "push" of them by governemnts and corporations...although it makes me really upset to understand that many parents will still "push" them into their children anyway. Exposing the fraud of germ theory is the ultimate way to stop the push.

I'm in pretty much total agreement with your proposed solutions, although I think a lot of them will be very difficult to pull off realistically. Ghosting your doctor and your vet are very effective ways that all of us can fight back against the medical establishment.

I'm still having a hard time with the EMF arguement. Not that I would ever say, "Don't look into this! It's a distraction! All 5g debate must be ended!" (That's what others try to do with the no-virus truth).

I like the analogy of sound. It's all about amplitude, distance, frequency/pulse variations of these "energy waves". Sound waves could even kill you if they are "loud" enough. We never heard distant car traffic before cars were invented, but it's not like hearing those faint sound waves are really "bad" for our health, (unless you may happen to live right next to an overpass or expressway, then the sound might be "unhealthy", especially if you can't sleep).

I see EMFs the same way. I don't think they effect us as much as it's made out to be. There's high powered antennas just 5 feet above people's apartments! They seem fine. If they had a loud expressway only 5 feet away, then they'd probably suffer mentally and would move away. We should have a simple experiment with 5G waves that will induce acute "sickness" in a predictable manner. Once that's done, then I could take this 5G issue more seriously....

I've been planning on going full-on 5G bananas for the next Boostershots post. I'm probably going to lose a bunch of subs over it, but I just can't help myself!

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"It's a distraction!" - actually, I probably have said this before. So to be more clear, I don't think that this "distraction" means the "debate should be ended". I think 5G is mistakenly blamed for lots of health conditions that are caused by diet, sleep, stress, exercise, etc...

I also see a lot of people pushing the 5G narrative who are also pushing their snake oil "remedies" to sell to "fix it". (My opinion of course).

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You know when I started writing in 1989 my main focus was legalizing Cannabis because it just made no sense. Ethan Nadleman (DPF) and I talking in a bar in DC. He said you can't legalize Cannabis because of the UN drug treaties. I just told him "fuck that" because I said it makes no sense. Ethan was funded by Soros. That was the first time Soros was on my radar. We did it anyway and we prevailed.

I watched the news tonight. We've go unprecedented fires in Texas. There us no doubt that geoengineering is being used: Camp, Paradise, Hawaii. We are in the midst of a globalist clusterfuck. The BRIC nations are tearing away from the Petrol dollar which could bankrupt the American People. The Ukraine war was completely avoidable. Call me crazy but I think this is all about the globalist Clusterfuck being pushed upon the world.

I don't like Trump but think he must win. He was wrong on the Plandemic and allowed Birx and Fauci to continue. I would not have endorsed Operation Warp Speed (Trump). I would have never allowed Biden to coerce millions to take the mRNA vaccine.

I have both children and grandchildren. My daughter is expecting a 3rd child. If it were not for that I could die tomorrow. We, the human race, are hanging by a thread.

I'm a Perennial Hippie. The last thing I would want is a violent revolution, yet I do understand human history. I've been studying it for decades. But that is where we are headed. If Biden were to win I would be at the forefront of the Global Anti-Globalist Revolution. Home Sapien, us, have been around for nearly 300,000 years. We are approaching a real possibility of global currency and global Digital ID. That would mean the enslavement of all humanity.

You should read my essays in reverse chronological order until you understand my concerns. Most have no idea the peril we face. And due to ballot harvesting, while 8-16 million Illegals come into our country it is quite possible Biden could win. I'll just leave it at that. Bottom line -- I am very concerned. I may release my complete writings (1989 - YTD). Everything that I have predicted has come to fruition. If we don't change course, immediately, I fear the entire planet becomes nothing more that slaves upon a Globalist Plantation.

They talk about AI. Frankly I don't thing anything will replace HI: Human intelligence. But the hour glass is almost empty. It is so sad to me. I have lived a full live in every respect. I don't want to die before this is all resolved. I'm kind of like that activist that no one will ever really know. I don't really care for any credit. I helped legalize Cannabis. I hope to stop this globalist agenda. I feel like I'm in the last chapter, of a novel, and have no idea how it will end.

Again, thanks for writing.

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Canada did not get the Emergency Alert

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