One of my readers wrote (via email) about the LGBTQ issue as I addressed that in the current essay.

Bruce Cain: "I have nothing against gays, lesbians etc. But this is really part of the Marxist agenda to destroy the fabric of society: the family." [Quote from essay]

Reader: Some more wisdom...The trans community wants people to accept them for who they are, but being trans, by definition, is not accepting yourself as you were born. A trans person is born a man or a woman. They grow older and decide they do not accept that they are that gender and change themselves. If you can’t accept yourself for who you are when you were born, why should you expect other people to accept you as you are after a sex change?

I'm of the opinion that an intelligent comedian like George Carlin/Bill Hicks etc. is the best person to chat about the news with. They're capable of recognizing the unreasonable and making it funny. Others recognize the unreasonable and make it a ball and chain.

Bruce Cain: Again the strategy of Marxism explicitly wanted to destroy the family. We saw this with the Frankfurt School in Berlin during the 1920's. Those people, such as Marcuse, then migrated to America and wound up at major universities. I recall reading Marcuse at Michigan State University in the 70's when attending James Madison College (a college within MSU) which catered to people wanting to be diplomats, union leaders etc. I can hardly believe how bad this is today as that was like 50 years ago.

An adult can do who or whatever they want consensually. But I find it insane that we have allowed this rot to infect our K-12 curriculum. Giving kids hormone blockers, Target promoting "tuck shorts" etc., top/bottom surgery for teens . . . is insane. No child (under 18) has a foggy clue about their sexuality as it intersects with the reality of working a job, raising a family. I have some familiarity with this having been married 47 years: two children, two grandchildren. In terms of Evolutionary Psychology the vast majority of humans eventually elect a committed relationship by which couples can support the nurturing of their children. The same holds true of other animals such as Morning Doves that bond for life.

And as we have already seen some of these "trans kids" are suing for what was allowed to be done to them, as they should. There is no place for LGBTQ/CRT curriculums in our primary schools. And many schools have turn in information on anti-LGBTQ protesters to the FBI. My mother taught fourth grade (b. 1927). She must be turning in her grave seeing what is happening today in our primary schools.

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This happens so much - people do not realize the source of the problem but continue to strike at the symptoms - poverty, inequality, habitat degradation that sort of thing. They are just symptoms. The source comes from the belief in authority which is materialized in the law and the money system. The antidote to it all is free speech because all wealth comes from information, knowledge. And when information and knowledge is cut off, it gives power to the ones who cut off the information and leaves the uninformed bereft and helpless. If we had free speech we would know how to make free energy for example. The belief in law is a silly belief and is underscored by the belief in authority. Money is the vehicle that infects the human psyche because only one authority issues money. The UN by the way is a nefarious organization/corporation and and thrives off its patina of impressiveness. What has the UN done to provide water to Africans? With all their billions over the decades, pretty much nothing.

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Yepper. And I have always been a free speech absolutist. As I say in the essay: those infringing on free speech are NEVER the good guys. The UN "Blue Helmets" -- peacekeepers -- have been implicated in rape and prostitution throughout the planet. Their Agenda21/2030 is pushed through SDG's that seem reasonable on the surface. But they are tyrants in fact. When I think of the UN, WEF, WHO etc. what I see is an iron fist hidden by a velvet glove. Thanks for writing Denise.

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"As I said in the essay there has been almost no coverage of the movement to CBDC's or the pending WHO Plandemic Agreement."

Thank you for your very thoughtful reply. Regards the quote, above; you know darn well that'd only be because they (media) are nothing more than an arm for the leftist filth in this country. As a God fearing individual I am well aware that Providence uses humanity in it's plans and has throughout history so I am of the belief that this effort will need help from that end but as to how the human element would look; I have no idea. Unless, it just be a matter of the end times at which if that were the case I cannot argue against it.

I am sometimes hesitant to speak to people (co-workers, for instance) lest I be accused of spreading a panic which would land me in some likely hot water.

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It's sad but you probably should be hesitant at work. But as I thought about "how do you produce a mass movement" I had a few thoughts. But it would take getting Rogan, Tucker and other to support the movement. And perhaps we set a date "first Saturday in September" for mass protests: at city halls, at parks, teachins etc. I don't currently have a website but you would encourage people to stage events: big or small. You would database all the events and perhaps make them searchable by city, zip code etc. so an attendee could see all the events sorted by miles from their home. There are probably millions that would want to get involved or attend. Sadly I currently have no idea as to how to engineer that. But is is really just a similar strategy I used for global protest to legalize Cannabis. The difference is that unfolded over a few decades. I don't think we have much more that a year. What you might call Divine Providence doesn't happen, in reality, without a lot of planning. We were so lucky to have had people like Franklin during the 1st American Revolution. He was sort of the elder Gandalf of that era. He knew how to get things done. And it frustrates me because I know what needs to be done but currently have no idea how to actually execute the plan. And while I'm not like Alex Jones, saying the sky is falling every show, it does seem clear that they are pushing for a digital currency and WHO Pandemic Treaty in the next year. There is not that much time.

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Mr. Cain, sir: the question being is how we can get a mass number of people on board with what you say (and I agree on all points) when the means to do so are limited?

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Well there have certainly been many Anti-Globalist demonstrations since the Plandemic Lockdown. But Big Tech and Globalist Corporate Media certainly have the means to pacify and limit our reach. As I said in the essay there has been almost no coverage of the movement to CBDC's or the pending WHO Plandemic Agreement. They also provide little coverage of the demonstrations. So, yes, it is difficult to develop momentum when 50% of the population hasn't a clue about what is going on or the long term implications. I do think developing unity, by pushing very specific demands, is crucial. But I only have about 1,500 subscribers which is relatively miniscule.

One thing that might help is pushing this unified approach to all Anti-Globalist groups: getting them on board. Getting exposure on shows like Rogan, Tucker would also be helpful. And finally setting a date for an Anti-Globalist Protest -- say first Saturday in September -- might also be helpful. I wish I had a better answer, quite frankly. If you have any suggestions I'd love to hear them. Meanwhile we have no alternative than to keep pushing forward. The hour glass will soon be empty.

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