Biden, Aesop and the Fable about the Wolf and the Lamb
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The Plandemic reminds me of the Aesop Fable: the Wolf and the Lamb. Except in this case the wolf (Biden) doesn't want to kill you for dinner, just yet. For the time being he just wants to jab you with the mRNA injection, which is not really a vaccine at all.
Here is the original version of Aesop’s “The Wolf and the Lamb.” My version is a bit different.
The Wolf and the Lamb
At first the wolf plays with your reason: "it is safe and effective" says the wolf. But you (the Lamb) say "But 12,000 people have already died from the injection (VAERs Database).
And a whistle blower just said it is probably over 45,000 that have died from the injection. And since the Covid deaths have been inflated (e.g., if you die with Covid, we count that as a Covid death regardless) it is possible the injection has actually already killed more US Citizens than the virus (e.g., bio-weapon) itself."
The wolf replies. "That has all been shown to be disinformation by the Communist Chinese "Fact Checkers" at Facebook.
Meet The REAL Disinformation Dozen
by Corbett, 07/25/2021
You are just listening to quacks like Malone who invented the mRNA technology and those other doctors that are loosing their jobs to push this malarkey. I just can't understand why so many of you dumbass lambs even listen to those lies."
Next the wolf says "I'll tell you what. I will give you a free doughnut, a lottery ticket or even a free scholarship if you just take the injection." But the lamb responds: "what good is a scholarship if I am injured by the injection? And if I die then I won't be able to take advantage of the scholarship. Besides I simply don't want your fucking injection, Mr. Wolf."
The wolf is now visibly angry at this point. So next the wolf says "you won't be able to go to restaurants, bars, without proof you took the injection. And I will just let private businesses do the dirty work so you won't even be able to blame it on me."
The lamb quickly responds by saying, "You do understand that the union of corporate and state power -- is one of the classic hallmarks of fascism, don't you Mr. Wolf. I mean we all know you suffer from dementia, but you must still understand that makes you a fascist."
So the lamb find the courage to reply once again, to the Wolf (Biden). "Fuck 'em. If they make me show proof of injection I'll boycott their concerts, their restaurants and put them all out of business. I'll won't go to concerts (Foo Fighters, Bruce Springsteen) where the artists demand proof of vaccines. I will only go to concerts (Eric Clapton, Van Morrison) where I don't have to show proof of vaccination."
So next the wolf says "If you don't get the injection you will no longer be able to work and will not be able provide for your family. You will probably become homeless and your family will simply starve to death. And without a job your wife will probably divorce you. What do you think of that my little lamb."
The lamb responds: "THAT is really fucked up Mr. Wolf. You would really throw my entire family into poverty if I don't get your injection? It also makes me wonder why you are so intent that I take the damn thing. It makes me wonder if there is a larger agenda: perhaps a depopulation agenda."
The little lamb was dumbstruck which is what Biden is 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. He stood there for what seems to be minutes, pondering his predicament. It became clear that this wolf was a tyrant who really had no care about what the lamb thought about getting the injection. And if he stood around much longer the Wolf was probably going to force vaccinate him, which is basically medical rape. So the lamb pulled out his pocket dictionary to see if the wolf really fit the definition of a tyrant. So he looked up Tyrant:
“A tyrant is an absolute ruler who is unrestrained by law, or one who has usurped a legitimate ruler's sovereignty. Often portrayed as cruel, tyrants may defend their positions by resorting to repressive means to get their way.”
So next that lamb reviewed all the things the wolf did to try to get him to take the injection.
First he tried reason. Then he offered gifts. But finally it became clear that the wolf was going to inject him no matter what the real science was and no matter what the little lamb's opinion was of the injection. The wolf never really intended to give the lamb a choice. It was now crystal clear that the wolf’s intention, all along, was to force vaccinate him. The wolf’s initial tactics were just an illusion which made the lamb think of a quote from Frank Zappa. The lamb really liked Frank Zappa.
“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
So the lamb then said to the wolf. "Well if it is inevitable, that you are going to inject all of us lambs, I might as well tell the whole flock what you just told me. That way we can just get it over with. And that way you can just give us all the shot, at the same time, and be done with it."
The wolf really liked the idea since that would mean he wouldn't have to hunt down each lamb individually.
So he allowed the lamb to tell the others. The next day the lamb came back with the entire flock which numbered at least 500,000 -- just like the recent protests in London, France, Italy and really throughout the world. Sadly most Americans don't know this because even Tucker Carlson is not allowed to cover these protests as it might give the lambs some ideas.
Massive anti lockdown protest underway in London (06/26/2021)
But instead of allowing the wolf to inject them they all united: trampling the wolf and destroying all of his syringes and mRNA vaccine containers. The wolf was incredibly dumbstruck: just as Biden is incredibly dumb.
He couldn't believe that these little petulant lambs could unite against him. He was afraid what they might do next. So he ran away, like a scared rabbit, never to be heard from again.
So what is the moral of this story? Nope it is not that "sometimes it takes a village idiot," as we now have one in the Whitehouse. No the moral of the story is sometimes you have to unite against tyranny: especially when it tramples on your inalienable rights: to speak freely, to own a gun, to determine what you allow into your body etc. And in the case of the tyranny of forced vaccinations we need to unite globally to stop this entire globalist agenda. And lets face it: Smart Meters, 5G, Lockdowns, Forced Vaccinations, Vaccine Passports . . . and eventually a digital currency, are all part of that globalist agenda.
The moral is that none of us can individually stop Biden's forced vaccination agenda. But if we all simply unite we may very well be able to stop this insanity, once and for all. But this will require that you attend protests, go before your City Councils and involve yourself in other actions.
Bruce Cain to Dearborn Heights City Council Do Not Require Forced mRNA Vaccinations (06/11/2021)
It won't succeed by just writing Facebook posts. And there is no one individual that can do this for you. As I've been saying for years now: All of Us is All we need.
It is time for a Peaceful Global Revolution. And the time to rise up is NOW.
THAT is the real moral of this story.
Bruce W. Cain
For those that want to understand how we got to this point in our history I recommend watching the following video:
I've written many essays and have produced many videos. So to learn more please go to each source and take the time to read/watch what I have done in reverse chronological order. And also subscribe to my essays and videos. Links to both my writings and videos are available in the essay below.
Please share and definitely watch the first video within the essay. It is time for everyone to stand against "the agenda."
A Chronology of the writings and videos of Bruce William Cain from 1989 to 2021